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Everything posted by Equanimitize
The way I see it is that Meditation is the meta habit that will help all other habits. So, if you're not meditating you should start yesterday in my opinion. It will give you the awareness to focus on all other habits. The second thing I'll say is its important to build a solid foundation so that all others aspects of your life become easier and have more stability. Diet, Exercise, and Rest for me is foundational. Lastly, once you actually OWN the habits you can always tinker and optimize each set of habits. There will always be backlashing, the idea is to recognize it for what it is and keep moving forward. Also, sometimes certain things will not get as much attention as others depending on your current situation, for example if you are trying to start your entrepreneurial journey then other things may take a back seat because all your resources may be going into this specific aspect of your life-again once this becomes optimized go ahead and optimize your other habits and/or install other habits. This is a life long journey of evolution, enjoy the process!
@rNOW Right on, seems like you know where you are going. Just maybe have to work out the kinks. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to answer your question, and just wanted to say what you're doing is awesome, and to keep charging forward!
This is a beautiful realization some Women/Men go their whole lives not being congruent with their deeper nature and due to social conditioning never get out of their own perpetual slavery. I would reframe this as just an opportunity for growth to take you to the next level of evolution so that you can show up in the World congruently and powerfully and become your best version with the vehicle you were issued by God. I don't know of any books specifically, although David Deida has several books with a spiritual undertone that talk about the masculine/feminine polarity. You can also check out Teal Swans videos on youtube, as she talks about feminine nature. Maybe the best option is try and hang out or get in social circles where there may be feminine Women, you can think of it as sort of like an exposure therapy.
@saint_charming7 How much of the 9 months do you have left to finish it out? Is it already paid for or are you on some sort of payment plan with the University?
An option is keep working on your consciousness muscle, by meditating for instance. Hard Work x Time = Next Level.
Can you give specific examples or an example of where you have to make a choice between one or the other? When it comes to habits, theres whats called habit gravity everything is trying to keep you on planet earth and to not go to outer space. Theres going to be resistance, but if you do the habit long enough there will no longer be resistance-it will be automatic to the point where you no loner need will power (rocket fuel) to get to outer space. So then you can use your rocket fuel for other habits you build. Of course you cant implement everything and so you have to figure out what is your best bang for the buck, what is your largest ROI right now at this point in your life?
That’s just the thing the subconscious mind isn’t able to parse that which is fed into it. So it’s constantly operating at a level that you are not aware of, if there is an option to proactively prime your subconscious so that you’re conscious action is able to run smoothly-maybe less ego backlashes then why not? Of course if you’re an enlightened master then this is all probably hogwash, but maybe it can be an effective tool. It definitely has me intrigued, I’d have to study a little bit more to find out exactly what it is. I’d also say that your subconscious mind is taking in the bullshit whether or not you want it to.
@Roch @111111 Indeed, this was my experience as well. I suppose it can at least show you were it is that you are going, what worlviews you will inevitably embody. @lmfao right on, it’s definitely not perfect.
@111111 The Daily Evolver is a solid yellow news source. There is a podcast as well. https://www.dailyevolver.com/ It is not like the typical CNN, Fox, etc. but they touch on the going ons of U.S. politics.
Do you think that he can be manifesting this reality into his own life because he has poor self-esteem, trauma, insecurities, poor conditioning, etc.? In other words the whole reason the wife is nagging him, eroding his self esteem, and making him feel like less of a Man is because deep down inside he may not be grounded as a Man, can it be that the Woman in the relationship is simply showing the Man a mirror of himself of how he feels about himself? I agree with this, however if you speak from the standpoint of Masculine/Feminine polarity, it is the job of the Masculine in the relationship to be the ground so to speak of the relationship. If a Man is conscious and grounded I would say that its difficult for these sort of things (cheating) to happen, and someone who is in their healthy masculine wont put up with unhealthy feminine and vice versa. I remember a time in my life where I was not grounded, I was a cluster, feeling sorry for myself, etc. and I distinctly remember my Wife snapping at me and "nagging" at me everyday when I would come home. Of course at the time my mindset was "why is she always doing this, or why is she always saying this, and just leave me alone" but what I didn't realize was that it was something that I created through my own limiting beliefs, insecurities, and not doing what needed to be done as a Man.
Definitely, sometimes there are deep insecurities stemming from trauma or some other experience in ones life that will contribute to going out and cheating. Sometimes the Man can be extremely grounded and congruent and for no fault of his own his partner cheats on him. However, the term extreme ownership comes to mind whenever I think of a woman cheating in the relationship. The Masculine energy being the one who takes full responsibility. The way I see it, it’s the job of the Man to ensure that his relationship is strong and congruent-if not he either needs to water the grass or find some new grass.
@Annoynymous I think it can be boiled down to the Man in the relationship or at least the Masculine energy-He is not being in his element, he is out of whack, he is not watering the grass, he is unconscious and not aware, he is probably a victim in some form or fashion. Of course this is not always the case, but the way I see it-Masculine energy is the foundation, if the foundation is shaky chances are the tower will tip over.
@zambize No problem Brother, my pleasure.
This is amazing too, transcending and including everything including fitness, body, athleticism, etc. Using this vehicle that was given to you and putting it to good use. Learning about Polymaths really peaks my interest. Thank you for the nice list.
I am trying to grasp this as well because it seems like a passive way to get some personal development work in, like @B_Naz said it sounds like a waterfall, ocean, etc. is this the norm? do they all sound like this? or are they actual affirmation audios that you normally hear? What is the difference between binaural beats, affirmations, and subliminals? Just by doing a little research it seems people are getting really solid results.
No matter what you do it'll be a learning experience. I personally Love putting the pedal to the medal. Of course the pedal to the medal is very subjective too. You'll take it really seriously once you start seeing how the trajectory of your life is changing. Yes absolutely, just remember half assness produces half assness results. With that being said I don't see a problem with getting your feet wet and taking your own time with things. Yeah probably, I think you're complicating this whole maze thing. Just go out and do the work, go out and do what needs to be done. Yes getting help from people multiplies results. You still have to embody what your teachers or mentors tell you, and you still have to go out and do the work and get feedback from the Universe. It's like asking should I travel from Brazil to Peru on the Amazon river without a map. Sure, you can do it, sure it may adventurous, sure it would be nice to find out on your own how to do it without a map, but then you have to worry about getting lost and animals eating you since you have never charted that territory. I think a better option is to learn all you can from multiple resources and find out what is working, which routes to take, etc. and then once you get the hang of everything maybe start charting your own territory. This is only my experience, everyone is different, take it for what its worth to you.
@kieranperez Another option is you can start flipping yesterday, check out Gary Vaynerchuck and how he goes to garage sales and then re-sells on Ebay, Amazon, OfferUp, Craigslist, you can also use Government Surplus auctions, Ross, Marshalls, Etc. I use to have a little side hustle of buying and selling gym equipment. It got to the point that I knew what would sell quickly, what was most in demand, etc. I would go to out of business crossfit gyms and buy the whole lot, and then resell as individual items. I was averaging about 2k a month and it wasn't my full time job. Whats cool about it is you can learn how to negotiate, how to sell, marketing, how to keep customers (I started collecting phone numbers and I had people that would contact me to see if I had items they were looking for), it was really great, but in the end for me wasn't sustainable over the long term due to working and having a family. You can do this with any items not just gym equipment. Hope this helps.
This is huge as well, every ounce of "downtime" should be learning, reading, and doing. Whenever you have the opportunity make sure you are grinding away until you get on the freedom bird.
I am not saying go around and try anything or force anything, that implies that you are faking the funk. I am telling you to BE the leader, which means to embody that what you want to see in the workplace. Of course this doesn't happen overnight, this takes time-but each day at your toxic work environment there will be a situation where you can test yourself and rise above-not in an egotistical way but rather out of love and compassion because the people around you unfortunately haven't realized how they are digging their own grave and how they are perpetuating their very problem in which they then project out into the world or in your case upon the work environment. So what usually happens is the Cancer spreads and everyone becomes sick, but you as the Leader recognize what is actually happening, and since you can see the whole organism and how it operates you are able to rise above and be the positive light that everyone around you needs. You become a leader by continually turning the wrench on yourself, all that pain, frustration, and other stuff that arises start turning it on yourself and use that energy to change your life. Heres a perfect example: Lets just say you are around a bunch of your co-workers and they start gossiping about the "ugly receptionist" and how she is this and that-instead of partaking in the round robbin of gossip you simply don't partake in that, you just stay there grounded as fuck and don't partake in that. So one of your missions can be, I will not partake in any gossip of another human being unless it is something positive. So, if you can go to work and you don't gossip about anyone you will automatically be looked at differently, and of course they will test you, they will tease you, and that is fine-you are able to see it for what it really is. Hope this helps my friend, if I can help with anything else or shed some light let me know.
I'd also just like to add how important Sleep is!
Humans are amazing. Like the music too. Thanks @Sahil Pandit
Wow, incredible opportunity at a young age, just want to say good for you! I agree experiences are important, but one can also argue that you have plenty of time to be in relationships. Imagine if you keep diving deep into personal development work and you keep evolving as a human being how attractive you will be to your potential partner down the road. Once you love yourself, accept thyself, and continually grow thyself you will have a much better idea of what you want in a partner. With that being said, you can also argue that the relationship can teach you so much more then any book or "typical" personal development work can. I would say do both, develop yourself and continually do the work while simultaneously learning about relationships. If you see a girl your interested in just go ahead a talk to her-nothing better then getting direct feedback from girls and also communicating what you are into and what your passion is (personal development). It doesn't have to be an either or thing is all I am saying.
I’d say there is such things as low consciousness jobs in this matrix in which we have no choice but to thrive in. I mean there’s a difference between working for the Mexican drug cartel as a hitman and being the founder of actualized.org. The fact of the matter is you manifested this reality into your life so what are you going to do about it now? Wow this is a powerful reframe, but I’d also like to add that you can also use the “disgust” you see in and around the workplace as rocket fuel for growth. Become the leader the place that you work at desires. Become the inspiration people need to see, by leading from the front. Become an alchemist and turn the shit in and around you into gold. You don’t need your life purpose to start changing people’s lives. You are a Leader after all, give the Universe your gifts. Love this, thank you.
No problem, I appreciate you for giving me the opportunity to send out what has worked for me-this helps me learn as well. Thank you
@non_nothing I get what your saying here but sometimes you have to work for the “devil” in order to transcend him/her and become God. High conciousness jobs and ways of earning money don’t grow on trees-at least at our current state of evolution. Life purpose is important I agree, but what would you suggest in the interim? I mean don’t you still need to account for Maslows deficiency needs?