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Everything posted by Equanimitize

  1. King, Warrior, Magician, Lover is a great book for Masculine Archetypes, it will give you a framework to understand the shadow aspects of masculinity-for when the boy in you rears its ugly head.
  2. @Emanyalpsid @Beeflamb I'd also like to add that, anytime someone is doing and changing things in a big way. Or, comes at it from a different angle and provides something that hasn't been done before there tends to be what looks like a cult following-from the surface may in fact look like a cult. This is definitely tricky and nuanced territory, when you are making a big impact these things happen. Did Mahatma Gandhi create a cult? How about Nelson Mandela? Any other leader that you respect? something to contemplate. Have you studied the intricacies of cults? With great power comes great responsibility
  3. Just remember you are giving someone else or thing power over you when you become a victim. You become the puppet (victim) and the puppet master ("perpetrator") can pull the strings when he/she/it wants to, not because they can but because you gave them that power by becoming a victim.
  4. This is spot on, Shadow work is crucial. Your growth will be tainted if it is one dimensional.
  5. Try and build some compassion for yourself, treat yourself like you would if you had children or an animal that you were trying to nurture. Shame is not bad, only thinking it’s bad makes it so. Be gentle with yourself, everything is going to be okay.
  6. Your motivation is self actualization, everything is related to everything. Put all your resources on what drives you, put least amount of energy on what doesn't drive you. Best jobs means best skills sets, you need the best skill sets to get the best jobs, to get the best skill sets you need to work hard to obtain skill sets and grind hard on whatever it is that drives you. Best jobs don't grow on trees. Every single opportunity you have to study, read, learn, implement, take action, etc. you do it. You start realizing that you in fact have a lot more time than you thought. Often times the problem is we do bull shit tasks, or waste time talking, or some other nonsense instead of doing whats important. Be ruthless with your time, of course with love for yourself and others.
  7. Most people stuck in wage slavery are doing evil deeds especially here in America, consider yourself blessed to be one of the few to actually realize this and working on changing the trajectory of your life. This of course is just a limiting belief, money is psychological. Like an Air Conditioning unit the thermometer will always revert back to what temperature you set it at. What you think you rate is what the Universe will give you. It's an energy exchange disguised as material items.
  8. Don't allow yourself to give yourself excuses. Nothing is stopping you from getting where you need to go, you put an artificial barrier in front of you-realize this and continue on. Why desperation, give yourself room to flow and grow. "Choosing" and "desperate" are two words you have to be careful with, you don't want to put yourself in some compartmentalized box where you have to work twice as hard to get out of just because of societal expectations.
  9. I don't think either is more/less helpful than the other, I don't think they insult anyone more so than the other. They're both just maps to grasp human evolution. Besides, the likelihood of someone who is into integral theory and spiral dynamics to go around a demean another Human Being for being at a different level is pretty slim. Just my opinion of course, and you know what they say about opinions.
  10. Also, remember that you are planting seeds for the future-not necessarly for right now. (Not to say that you can’t learn something immediately) It takes a while for you to actually embody and implement. Always think about the long game-if not there is a tendency to get down on yourself. An option is doing a mind map and make it your bookmark.
  11. This has been possible for thousands of years. Culture has a long way to go is all. I love your intentional foresight into this, as it is very positive. I just don’t know if it is the case for a Psychopath to realize the Truth, I remember Sadghuru saying that basically the majority can reach enlightenment while only 5% (I don’t know if this number is accurate) cannot. This is awesome and makes sense to me, obviously our society is no where close to this as I see it. But, the question remains if the psychopath doesn’t even realize he is the Lion eating other cubs, how would you convince him that he is. How would we get these people so that they can even begin to see their destroying themselves and others. A lot of times, these people are such at a low consciousness level that they can’t even get a glimpse of truth. The only answer is to raise ones own consciousness so that it can ripple into humanity and change the trajectory of human evolution.
  12. @Wyze Makes sense to me, thank you. Do you think psychopaths have the capability to become pro-social? Or do we not have the technology to do this yet?
  13. Just realize that everyone is on a different path. Everyone wasn't blessed to have the perfect concoction that led you to be self actualizing for 2 years. The road is lonely because it is difficult, but yet so worth it-get used to it and come from a place of compassion and realizing that you were at their level of development at one point too.
  14. Yes I 100% agree with this. I'd also like to add that the more meta you go, the more you realize that they are in a lot of ways a "victim" themselves. The more we can realize that, and if we understood everything that brought them to that point it would all make sense. Understanding leads to less resistance, which leads to less suffering. You can have compassion, but also set and protect your boundaries fiercely.
  15. No, that would put you in a mental hospital. Although, if you feel you have to say something that is aligned with your higher self then so be it. It’s all about being a proponent for yourself.
  16. The problem is you just don’t have time to Master everything. You have to figure where it is that you will get your best ROI. Once you gain proficiency and integrate in your life I think it’s time to move on. I personally love the idea of being a “polymath” as there’s so much out in the Universe to be explored. Of course you have to be careful with this because the road to Mastery is to focus on a specific Niche-constant process to drive home your passion. I think you just being aware that you are a perfectionist and you use it as a way to procrastinate will inevitably correct itself. I have this problem too. As far as what book you should read-I would say just try and figure out what works for you. Give yourself permission to play, experiment, and implement until you find the right balance. You have to take into account opportunity cost. @Dan Arnautu You’re spot on Man, I agree.
  17. Good question, maybe this is what you originally asked I just didn’t grasp it. I suppose it all depends on how each feminist sees the world. I suppose that you can be a feminist and still be at stage Red, Blue, or Orange. There’s plenty of stage Orange feminist out there. The overall collective drive to give women equality and self-empowerment is defnitely a stage green movement. Whether or not the individual follows strictly stage green worldviews is subjective upon that individual.
  18. You got it @Matt23 I will make an effort to remember. Thank you and good luck to you!
  19. If I had to throw shit on the wall, I'd say that they are made through environmental pressures more so then born with. A childs default position in times of trauma is flight or fight, when the child cannot do neither his brain almost goes into a default operating system. I would say that this is where ADHD, Sociopathy, Multi-personality disorder, etc. come from. Of course theres different levels, and spectrums, and several other factors but this is sort of my personal hypothesis of what goes on. I have had an intimate relationship with a sociopath, and at the time I had no idea that these people exist. I went from having a deep seated hate towards her all the way to complete empathy and everything in between-knowing that while she victimizes people she is also a victim. The sad part is these people a lot of times are not able to see the grave they are digging right next to them-what is blatantly obvious for the average human being is not so much for these people.
  20. An example of being assertive in a conversation would be to bring to fruition whatever is that is on your mind unapologetically for no other reason then you are allowing yourself to be congruent. Which then allows you to have some self respect, and love for yourself. Of course, you always have to keep the ego in check.
  21. A really helpful acronym that I learned from one of Eben Pagans course is HOPE. It stands for Highest Opportunity for Potential Evolution. God issued everyone problems to deal with, but it's on you to figure out which ones are going to be your highest leverage. In your personal life it is the thing you don't really want to do, although the more you do this the easier it gets until you realize that it was all an illusion anyway. So I would put your focus on one domain in which you really want to transcend-you can only change something only after you have accepted it. @Dan Arnautu Is spot on, Action is most important-if left in a conundrum just take action first and the heat seeking missile will autocorrect. And, Thank you for the reminder on the taking action part.
  22. The practice of Self-Assertiveness is one of the Self Esteem pillars of Nathaniel Brandens book (highly recommend). He describes it basically as ones own inner convictions of thought, emotions, and right to be in whatever space you hold at the time. It is to mean what you say and say what you feel, it is to speak your truth even when your voice shakes. Think of it as being your number one fan-knowing, feeling, acknowledging that whatever space you may be in that you have the right to be there. It is to be unapologetically YOU and no one else-of course with anything this can come from a place of insecurity as well as a deep seated groundedness of love for one self. Awareness is the muscle-bring your awareness to practice being self assertive.
  23. Theres huge growth potential here, although probably not sustainable.
  24. Fascinating and complex question. The world would change if we figured out a way to raise the consciousness of sociopaths and psychopaths. Their brain is running on outdated hardware which was probably very useful when there were sabertooth tigers running around. It's like trying to watch a movie with a VHS tape but all you have is a Macbook Pro.
  25. Yes, if you in fact can't see what is going on there (helicopter view) then you would arguably be lower on the Spiral. A lot of feminist, green activist, etc. are stuck in the unhealthy manifestations of stage green-they are shadow boxing. If someone criticizes an irrational feminist and gets triggered by them, then I would say theres a good chance they haven't fully integrated stage green. If you criticize, but yet are detached and a sense of empathy arises from your consciousness then I would say you are at our above stage green.