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Everything posted by Equanimitize

  1. No problem, good luck with everything.
  2. Some things to think about: Gap Analysis (where you are-->where you need to go) Skills & Strengths Development: (which strengths do you need to focus on that is your highest ROI) Mindsets/Beliefs/Values of Company/business Customer Avatar Analysis (who are you targeting: demographics, psychographics, etc.) Lead Generation/Marketing/Advertising/Branding Plan Set up Monthly Goals (Biggest things to complete that are non-negotiable) Mission Statement, Core Values, Culture Assets, Tools, Resources, and Logistics Heres a little list, hope this helps.
  3. Phil Jackson is a systemic thinker, was able to lead several difficult to manage egos and used basketball as his leadership vehicle, practiced Zen Buddhism.
  4. https://www.amazon.com/Reinventing-Organizations-Frederic-Laloux/dp/2960133501/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1548863001&sr=8-1&keywords=Reinventing+Organizations
  5. I know you know these things, just sending some positive energy your way. I go through the same stuff myself.
  6. Human contact and human intimacy without connection is about as worthless as trying to build the empire state building on quick sand. The whole problem is not that they are lacking human contact but rather human connection. I would say that the majority of relationships are a facade built on a weak foundation-therefore there is a lot of window dressing not giving each other in the relationship the capacity to be open and issue genuine love and compassion. (this could very well be a projection, however this is the way I see it especially here in stage Orange America) For human connection to take place there has to be a willingness to be vulnerable, most people are too afraid due to social conditioning and several other factors. They fear being judged, labeled, categorized, and compartmentalized so telling someone to pursue friendships and socialize when they are depressed and feeling like dog shit to me doesn't align with my experience. A lot of their friends are probably dealing with the same exact issues, but until someone is able to be vulnerable the connection between two human beings cannot take place. The way I see it for someone to be vulnerable it takes some healing and understanding. For healing and understanding to take place one has to heal on their own unless... Of course each individual had their personal highly developed human being that can hold space for them and show someone how to be vulnerable, etc. then I guess it would make sense to go out and find relationships. From my own experience my days of loneliness and extreme suffering (my own self perpetuated illusion) was for me where the coal became the diamond. With so much pressure something had to give, and what gave was a crazy mystical experience of pure ecstasy.
  7. Anything worth its weight, is going to cost something. Would you want it any other way? For the trees to grow high, the roots have to be deep. Get used to being in the mud, that's where you fortify yourself and get all the nutrients to confront the beautiful hazards of life that will inevitably show up. Stay on your path, you'll be fine.
  8. You have to be careful with putting labels on people-as you know human beings are very complex. With that being said this is something I studied for a little while especially after having the discussion about it earlier. I also think it is important for human beings to understand these people-more understanding leads to less suffering on both sides of the coin. The spectrum I use is Narcissistic Personality Disorder -> Sociopath -> Psychopath. Every human being has at minimum a little bit of narcism in them unless they have completely obliterated the ego. The way I see it is that sociopaths become sociopaths due to environmental pressure, something in their environment usually along the lines of nurturing is not present during a specific time in their life to where it re-wires how they show up and see the world. As you said they don't have the capacity to feel remorse or empathy for someone that they just hurt in some form or fashion. So, while their genetics are prepped and primed to get a response when something or someone activates that aspect of their genes-they are born with a pre-disposition to sociopathy-and it takes the proper concoction over a specific period of time for someone to show up as a Sociopath. (I could be completely off base here, this is how I grasp & understand it, please do your own research) There's ton to learn about all human beings and the ego. We are just getting started, as we become more conscious we will understand many of these aspects of the human condition. Sort of like how ice pick lobotomies were at one point and time the norm in society. What is the icepick lobotomy in this day and age in which we live in? Indeed they are master manipulators, they are incredibly tricky. They usually prey on people who have good hearts. They are the ultimate chameleons, able to reflect back to you exactly what you want to see and hear. They will inevitably dig their own grave, because that is what happens when you manipulate too much all the turds you drop end up stinking up your own apartment therefore causing them to constantly move and never able to build something solid in their life. It is important to realize that the life of a Sociopath is not good at all, they will inevitably burn out into flames simply because we are no longer fighting sabertooth tigers they operate out of scarcity and flight or fight mentality-I would not wish this upon anyone. Sociopaths have a distinct framework by which they use to manipulate. I'd suggest you study up on a little bit of it just so that you can be aware of certain people. A good rule of the thumb is they are energy vampires, they are like vacuums and will suck all the energy out of where they are-even if it seem its "positive" they love to take the energy and repurpose for their own consumption-which unfortunately shows how much they are in deficit. A psychopath on the other hand can have incredible nurturing and love and an environment which is abundant but yet is born with this consciousness defect-to where they prey on fellow human beings. (again due your own research to confirm this) Some books I thought were pretty good are: "Rethinking Narcissism" as well as "The Sociopath next Door" You can also check out Robert Hare Psychopath checklist Hope this helps you and others!
  9. I think so, diversifying your portfolio is a great idea. Joe Rogan already does all the leg work for you and gives you many different perspectives along both sides of the spectrum. He will also introduce you to other sources of knowledge to which you were not aware of, follow the bread crumb trail.
  10. Actualization.org always handing out reframes and truth bombs like candy. Adyashanti is great. Thank you
  11. It's just another organism on this vast Universe trying to survive just like you and me-you have over 500 different bacteria living in your mouth right now. Take care of the vehicle (body) that was issued to you as best you can and you shouldn't have problems. ie: Diet, Rest, Movement, etc.
  12. I'd say instead of trying to mentally masturbate around it-just feel it fully without resistance. You may not see it but depression is when you can garner the most meaning out of life-this is where your gains come from. It is trying to show you something deeper that's going on, this is how you change the trajectory of your life by feeling deeply and seeing what the "depression" is trying to tell you-usually something along the lines of "stop hitting your head against that wall."
  13. Indeed, something that sweet is definitely better than crack.
  14. Here is a pretty good diagram that I found on Instagram of what life purpose is:
  15. A low key book that I thought was really good is Eben Pagans book called Opportunity.
  16. The question is not whether it is possible but rather realizing you cant go through life without dealing with some sort of trauma-it is part of the human experience. You had trauma when you left your Mothers womb and came into this Universe. You may have had a traumatic experience before you started breathing oxygen out of your mouth. Maybe, your past ancestors passed on traumatic experiences into your psyche before you were conceived-check out epigenetics and morphic resonance. It happens because to be a human is to have some sort of trauma, to be a human is to suffer on some level-recognize this and realize how intelligent your operating system is to give you the gift of pain in order for you to correct the trajectory in which you are going-and maybe if your lucky transcend your suffering and be a beacon of love to humanity. You can typically classify trauma as little "t" trauma and big "T" Trauma, big T Trauma has a more lasting impact and can be the cause of many of human beings neuroses, fears, mental illness, etc. Big T Trauma happens when you don't have the capability to cope, control, and deal with a situation that has been brought to your reality. Your mind gets re-wired based off the stimuli and how you are perceiving the environment in which you are in. You already have taken the first step by being curious as to what trauma is, what you can do about it, etc. just by asking questions in regards to trauma is a great first step, keep diving deep, learning, and overall being more aware of yourself-Meditation is great for this as you already know. In order to move past something you must first accept it-that includes trauma. A great book to get you started on learning about trauma is called "The Body Keeps The Score" It incapsulates what trauma is, best modalities to treat trauma, and gives you a very good overall understanding of what trauma is. https://www.amazon.com/Body-Keeps-Score-Healing-Trauma/dp/0143127748/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1546215293&sr=8-2&keywords=the+body+keeps+the+score
  17. Well the easy answer is there would be less Wars. However, I don't think this will ever happen because countries, people, individuals move at different stages at different times. By the time stage yellow is the default stage on the planet there would be much higher stages online in the planet-levels of development/consciousness we can't even fathom I'd imagine. Yes. I believe a yellow military would be focused on defense more generally and not on just defense within their own nation as nationalism is based in an illusion. I love the idea of this, I just don't know if it is realistic. Kinda like if someone knows they have a tumor and theres a 50/50 chance that it is in fact cancer. Should one avoid doing the simple yet precise procedure to remove the tumor or should one wait and hope that the tumor does not spread through the whole body then requiring a way more complex and difficult procedure to remove. In other words there may be times where offensive makes far more sense than being defensive. A stage yellow country would probably have the ability to diagnose a lot more precisely as well, therefore increasing the odds of knowing whether or not someone or something is a threat to other human beings.
  18. It would be really precise, AI would probably do most of the dirty work-I don’t think there would be mass invasions by the infantry. The way wars are fought now are extremely inefficient, slow, and just not sustainable or effective. Of course America stage Orange Country loves wars because they are a racket-which then keeps the War machine going and pockets lined. If there was a stage yellow military that would intail having stage yellow diplomatic relations so I think stage yellow diplomatic relations will have the capability to get other Countries to do their own bidding as they would understand how each Country sees the World and work together with other Countries while not getting triggered or using strong arming-but coming at it from an angle which is way more strategic, nuanced, and intelligent. This is a pretty simple synopsis, to a very a complex organization which is the military.
  19. This may be an option for some it's only $10.00 and at the end you take an exam, I have not purchased or taken the course. https://coursecraft.net/courses/z9Wc8/splash?fbclid=IwAR14bIgNBQZ4JyiPL6JsYfynn7dUf5NDJ1AOPSoFv57TrZX8Czvx-5RWnsQ
  20. Just another tip you can also write down what it is your'e going to do step by step. For example writing the exact steps that you'd want to take in your morning routine and then actually visualizing the day prior to doing all these steps, and then actually doing it. That's pretty powerful right there, if you can nail that down for 30-90 days you'll have amazing results. Meditation is like the meta tool that will give you the capability to use all the other techniques with more awareness and discipline.
  21. I think first and foremost you have to get rid of the negative beliefs, limiting beliefs, fears, etc. when it comes to acquiring money. If you're not congruent than it doesn't really matter how much work you put in trying to attract what it is you want. One "part" of you is saying I want money and the other "part" is saying money is evil, bad, negative, etc. I'd say this is the first step-start questioning your beliefs that have been downloaded from your environment in which you were brought up in. You have to realize that the thermometer was passed down to you through generations, and that's the one you became comfortable with. It's important to realize that at one point in time those beliefs did serve a purpose for you or at minimum the people who generated them, however you can start to realize that those beliefs no longer serve you. So, just building your awareness whenever you have these thoughts is crucial and then just start questioning them. You can start by doing affirmations and visualizations, and then developing your skills, knowledge, and abilities to a point where your skills speak for themselves-where so much value is being provided that money is an after thought. This takes time obviously, but it's a start. The book Think and Grow Rich is a good place to start, as well as the Life Purpose Course.
  22. I don't think so, having clear articulate thoughts is a good thing. Although, you have to be careful with "should" that implies that you want something to be other than what is-which can lead to suffering. Only you know this. Being in the here and now is the true you. It's the only thing that has ever remained since you came into this vehicle (body) that you were issued.
  23. @lisamark1122 Also, be careful with supplements. There's a lot of crap in many supplements that you can potentially put in your vehicle that is your body. Definitely do your research. I'd suggest start looking for supplements that are certified organic and work from there. Here's a popular Protein supplement and what it has in it: INGREDIENTS: Protein Matrix Comprised of (Glutamine Peptides, Whey Protein Concentrate, Whey Protein Isolate, Calcium Caseinate, Micellar Casein, Milk Protein Isolate, Egg Albumen), Protein Matrix Comprised of (Glutamine Peptides, Whey Protein Concentrate, Whey Protein Isolate, Calcium Caseinate, Micellar Casein, Milk Protein Isolate, Egg Albumen), Polydextrose, Polydextrose, BSN Sunflower Powder (Soy Lecithin and Tocopherols, Sunflower Oil, Corn Syrup Solids, Sodium Caseinate, Mono-& Di-Glycerides, Dipotassium Phosphate, Tricalcium Phosphate), BSN Sunflower Powder (Soy Lecithin and Tocopherols, Sunflower Oil, Corn Syrup Solids, Sodium Caseinate, Mono-& Di-Glycerides, Dipotassium Phosphate, Tricalcium Phosphate), Natural and Artificial Flavors, Natural and Artificial Flavors, BSN MCT Powder (Medium Chain Triglycerides, Non-Fat Dry Milk, Disodium Phosphate, and Silicon Dioxide), BSN MCT Powder (Medium Chain Triglycerides, Non-Fat Dry Milk, Disodium Phosphate, and Silicon Dioxide), Lecithin, Lecithin, Cellulose Gum, Cellulose Gum, Vegetable Color, Vegetable Color, Salt, Salt, Sucralose, Sucralose, Acesulfame Potassium, Acesulfame Potassium, Papain and Bromelain, Papain and Bromelain.
  24. Sure, if it comes up again. The key is NO resistance. Just allow it to be there and when it decides to leave let it leave with no judgement just awareness. You can do this, recognize that it is all an illusion and put your focus where ever it needs to go in the present moment. Listen to your body, it will tell you what it wants, where it's weak, where it needs alignment, etc. Visualization is extremely powerful, just have to make sure you align action with the visualization. Practicing your mindfulness muscle is huge, especially in times of pain-that's where a lot of growth happens. It's good to practice one technique and then move on to the next as you don't want to overburden yourself with different things-this is my "problem" as theres so much to do.