Buddha Jackson

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Everything posted by Buddha Jackson

  1. @isabel heres a question is it better to eat an animal that is already dead or a plant that is still alive
  2. @DMM710 My friend owns a float tank shop, I used to go for several floats a week, it has a lot of health benefits would definitely recommend
  3. @MarkusSweden It depends on what you mean by attained "Enlightenment" Someone who has attained a "Full Enlightenment" like the Buddha is a very rare occurence, more than 2500 years have passed since Gautama Buddha attained full Enlightenment. Since then no human being has accomplished such a feat. The buddha himself was said to spend at least 3 eons reincarnating until he attained "Full Enlightenment"
  4. @Ether thoughts will always be present. You just have to take the view that most thoughts are bullshit with no substance to them. Seen that way you become dispassionate about them when they arise and they will not bother you the way the bothered you in the past
  5. @Gabriel Antonio What has happened in the past has already happened. The best thing you can do is to think compassionately whenever you think of that past experience. Next time if you are mindful you can let the other person know that you dont like what they are doing and walk away
  6. @theozzcause The best person you can rely on for help is yourself. Take a moment and take a few DEEP BREATHS. When you do that you show your body that you love it. Only when you truly love yourself can you begin to love others. World peace starts with inner peace
  7. @Quanty I'm not sure what you mean by "putting a profile picture to not misjudge" could you explain what that means? Frank
  8. Hi guys, I attained Enlightenment last Easter Monday, was wondering has anyone else here woken up from their lifelong dream?
  9. @Marinador When disturbing thoughts come to you just Observe them, do not fight them, do not suppress them, just watch them like you would watch a movie at the cinema, then you will see that thoughts come and go and eventually they all end just like movies end. Learn to be dispassionate about your thoughts. You are not your thoughts! Frank
  10. @brugluiz I hear you brother, I have personal experiencing aripiprazole, it took me 2 years to shake off the side effects and function healthily afterwards. Maybe try practising mindfulness vipassana meditation then you might not need to take the meds anymore once you have controlled your mind sufficiently
  11. @lmfao Your only 17 stop being so hard on yourself, The Buddha strived for countless eons and Attained Enlightenment when he was 35. Yes it is possible to attain Enlightenment, I awoke from myself last Easter Monday, I am 29 now but I received a lot of help from family and wise teachers. The fact that you are striving for Enlightenment is a good thing though if you keep thinking about it one day you will become it. As the Buddha says " What we think we become" Keep thinking about Enlightenment!
  12. @Charlotte Yes! Essentially we are all just one big family there is nothing to be anxious of when we see other people that way!
  13. @Artimus What has happened in the past has already happened, just like in the lion king "You gotta leave your past behind you". It would be best if you could take a break from the toxic relationship with your ex. Maybe try attending a meditation retreat somewhere close by with a good community!
  14. @zoey101 You have come to the right place to look for help, You need to stay strong and make the Right decisions for the sake of yourself, your daughter and your family which includes us ♥
  15. @Sirius The most important thing for you to do RIGHT NOW is to work on getting at least 8 hours of good sleep every day. Alot of the symptoms you are describing are due to LACK OF SLEEP. Try play some peaceful music and work on getting some SLEEP and you will FEEL BETTER Frank
  16. @OhCaleo In order to attain Enlightenment one must cut off all attachments to thoughts, notions, sensory data, people dear to you, you have to let go of everything including ideas of being an anarchist or belonging to some political party. The hardest attachment I had to let go of was my Buddhist teacher who I loved dearly because of his pure spirit and dedication in teaching the Dharma
  17. that is the law of karma, just like Newton's law of motion: every action has an equal and opposite reaction, every thought you have affects the world around you, "what we think we become" it is the law of attraction described to us by Lord Buddha 2500 years ago
  18. That is something you will only be able to find out through trial and error, remember to mindful throughout the different techniques!
  19. I'm here for you too Sirius, I used to have suicidal thoughts as well. One important thing to keep in mind is thoughts are just thoughts they come and go like the wind. feel free to message me if you want any advice, I'm going to sleep soon but I will get back to you
  20. In Buddhism all views are wrong views, if you breathe mindfully and observe your thoughts eventually they will exhaust themselves of their own accord. I recommend this video:
  21. @tsuki Not really the excessive consumption (new phones, more meat, consumerism) by humans is creating more problems and that is seen through climate change
  22. @Prabhaker Not necessarily man, because that person who has strong concentration powers would also be able to concentrate on relaxing their bodies and mindful, or concentrate on blissful feelings Someone who has strong concentration powers would feel greater compassion when they choose to concentrate on it compared to someone with ordinary concentration
  23. @Martin123 Hahaha I wish Humanity would stop being so ignorant, then we could work on the biggest problems facing the planet like climate change, feeding the poor, inequality etc. If it takes telling a Lie like I am Jesus Resurected to get people to change their ways then I'm down with that
  24. @Andre Quinonez according to Buddhist philosophy we continue to "reincarnate" because of the attachments we have developed in this life, that is the idea of samsara. The only way to stop reincarnating is to have no attachments at the moment of death, such a person enters "Nirvana". Therefore the reason we are on this planet is either because of some attachment we have had in a previous incarnation or we were a Bodhisattva meaning that we choose to continue reincarnating until all other living beings have entered Nirvana, most likely the former
  25. @zunnyman In my opinion Sadhguru has not attained Enlightenment yet, as to modifying meditative practises, only YOU know what is best for yourself not some guru not some person on the internet YOU need to trust your own intuition if something doesn't feel right your Intuition will communicate that message to you. YOU just need to be mindful to receive it and adjust accordingly