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About Azza

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  • Birthday 03/03/1991

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  1. @RabbitHole This is really good. this is how i'm trying to be as well but then I, again, get stuck on the idea that, if i help others and becoming more loving, it's not gonna change anything because like you said, evil is still part of this life. wait, i just had a thought.! unless, by helping others, i shouldn't try to change things, i would just do it because this is who i am..... wait i'm getting ideas while writing this atm lol. my brain honestly keeps going back and forth on this matter for a while now.
  2. I'm going to make this very short and i'm sure many will understand me. Do we need to help humanity or is everything perfect the way it is? Do we fight evil or accept evil, or accept evil while fighting it? and at the end, if we are supposed to accept everything, including evil, why should we aim for selflessness? why should you be selfless when things are exactly what they should be? I. am. very. confused..
  3. I like this understanding actually. but this could actually lead us to religions and their idea of god. So much that one can't grasp logically
  4. The questions is not why it would be hard. The question is why create it at all for what reason. Why would two separate souls decide to create a new soul and help it create that soul's brain? (Referring to birth btw only an example) It would only make sense if these souls are connected
  5. I did. But then i was stuck because that doesn't answer tons of other questions. Plus now that i read what i just said, it looks like a fucking mess No, the soul is always there, nothing lies outside the soul. The brains are just the eyes of the soul metaphorically tho. And again im not saying thats the truth AT ALL. that's just what i came to realize from a personal brain storming since all i know about the soul and consciousness is what others tell me.
  6. @Faceless those are just feelings that happen as a reaction to our senses of the thought. So I can't say they are consciousness, they are reactions of what consciousness creates. Let me get my scribbles i have to say that last time i updated my own brain map was two weeks ago and i already have soooo many fixing to do but I'll show you how i started. So when i say i started with creation i mean i started with the senses. My question was what's perceiving everything and if i assume my brain is just translating signals (which it basically is), who is it translating to? So i assumed again that the perceiver of everything is the soul. And came to the realization that the soul isn't IN the body because tue body is another thing that is also being perceived. (i know im making so many assumptions but hey, i have no other way lol). Ok so now i know that the brain connects to the soul, it's like a translation point. Notice that so far i didn't say if each person has a separate soul or its just one soul for all of us. So if we say each soul is connected to one brain, meaning we are not connected and those brains die.but how come new brains are being created? Why would two different souls decide to create another brain? And if that so, who created the very first soul? From that i realized that souls can not be created. That means theres only one soul thats always been there. And this one soul is perceiving the materialistic world through different brains. What do you think of this BS? Lmao What made me think the universe is intelligent though is, when you see pictures of the universe, they resembe brains so much. What if they are actually brains perceiving us as signals like we are perceiving our reality as signals? What if the brains are like a net inside a net and it all leads back to THE soul?
  7. No, it can't be. I can actually get my scribbles and try make sense out of them and might post some here but i doubt anyone would wanna read that. Haha But if i wanna make it short: Since I personally have no idea what consciousness is, i started from creation and went up cause that's what i can currently understand. and realized we're created in levels. Its like a net inside a net. But our purpose is to translate our experience to consciousness througj these levels Im not saying it in a duality way. It's just as if we are the eyes of consciousness.
  8. @Faceless no ): I've tried to solve all the questions logically so far. I have those random scribbles all over my room. I had very weird understandings from looking with my brain but when i compare them to what leo says or what sadhguru says or any of those who got the chance of being aware, i think I'm not too far off. Like for example today leo talked about how the universe is intelligent. Although he was talking about it from a different level of experience, i already came to that conclusion when i was doing a personal brain storming lol. I know many say you can't grasp consciousness with the brain, but until i grasp consciousness at all, I'll keep doing those brain storming sessions.
  9. Ok i think i understand what you're trying to say now. Correct me if I'm wrong You're saying that consciousness is absolute. Infinite so it doesn't need to have any attributes or hmm property because it already is infinity of literally everything? If that so, you are already thinking of intelligence as human intelligence. Leo isn't referring to that according to my understanding. That's why i said leo is speaking about something different not intelligence as we know it.
  10. Well again, even if leo is trying to teach and give instructions, you can just consider it a point of view. You can choose to be free from the idea that the truth will come to you on a golden plate and just try to personally grasp it from difference sources. Actually i think you're trying to do that right now by refusing the idea of teaching (: And about intelligence, honestly in my own opinion i think leo was basically trying to change our understanding of the word intelligence the entire video. So when you say he didn't try to do that, i think you might have lost the point of the whole video. But again that's what i personally see. I really wanna ask leo about this example of the mosquito though. Out of all the examples there could he in this world you chose the example of a mosquito. I think it was a very interesting coincidence since in the quran it says "(2:26) Indeed, Allah is not timid to present an example – that of a mosquito or what is smaller than it. And those who have believed know that it is the truth from their Lord. But as for those who disbelieve, they say, “What did Allah intend by this as an example?” He misleads many thereby and guides many thereby. And He misleads not except the defiantly disobedient". Were you try trying to channel prophet Mohammed by any chance? C: jk I just find it an interesting coincidence. @Leo Gura
  11. I don't think leo is teaching as much as just sharing what he experiences. If he is giving instructions he wont keep mentioning the fact that it's hard for most people to understand what he means unless they experience it themselves. Do you think a teacher would say "you won't understand this and the chances are one in a million"? And let's assume he's trying to teach, it's up to you to consider this teaching or consider it a point of view
  12. I can also quote "you are not doing intelligence, intelligence is doing you". but I'll stop at that cause if I keep going I'll quote the whole video lol