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Everything posted by SelfHelpGuy

  1. When you're in a negative environment and you don't have much choice the best thing to do is increase you positive influences. Leo has a video on 'How to deal with difficulty and toxic people' which I've watched many times and it has literally changed my life. Also, can't you get Tinder? You can set it to just 'Women' and meet people that way.
  2. Awesome, thanks for you help Paulus.
  3. Well yeah, I do have more on average. She said that she isn't too interested in doing it with other guys but she'll just talk and text other guys. The love thing is still evolving because we've known each other for 1 month. I do honestly tell her about my insecurity and she respects and understands it. Yeah we are both really busy so we talk about once a week and we really aren't needy at all tbh. I do just feel that resistance when thinking about her flirting/fucking other guys but I also feel like this is a great way for me to face my demons head on and feel the burn as it were! Well she was in one previously and kinda brought it up and I was over the moon because it's something I've always wanted to try! Thanks for your input btw.