I thought I was over this long time ago. This post is inspired by today's dream that got me thinking I've gotta do something.
Context. I've never really been in a relationship, only had a long distance platonic "love" in early high school time, and then few dates with a girl in late high school. I'm 22 as of yesterday. Been thinking of inviting a few girls on dates last few months, but it always feels "forced" from my side, it's not natural attraction, it's very logical.
Now, there were these two girls I really liked back in the days, obviously, I didn't do anything as it usually goes in that age. The one I was closer to (as a friend) I met also few years into highschool and few years later by accident, nothing about the other one. I'm still thinking about the former here and there, not really romantically, just in general (I have her social media, so I'm up to date).
Long story short, in today's dream I went on the date with the latter girl, that I've not remembered for years. Also dreams about the former one are appearing bi-monthly.
I think there is a correlation between me not being able to have genuine attraction and my subconscious being hung up on these girls. Is that possible? What steps do I take to fix that?