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Everything posted by Amilaer---

  1. Hey, I am trying to get better in laser eye contact with girls. I focus on it so much that I am losing topics we chat about or stop listening to her.. Normally I am very extrovert, talkative etc. but this practice takes away, for example, my witty repartee . I got it that more practice will make me better in it, but looking constantly on my friend's eyes is getting super weird ?. Any tips except more practice? Thanks.
  2. hahaha ❤️made my day
  3. I believe I'm overthinking this. With friends, co-workers, even random people like shop assistants it goes pretty smoothly. The problem starts with newly met nice girls. A little bit of excitement makes my eyes doing pingpong . @Serotoninluv Cool article. Thanks. I like those three points the most: “In order for eye contact to feel good, one person cannot impose his visual will on another; it is a shared experience. Perhaps eyes meet only for a second at first; one partner then tests the waters and tries a few seconds, and when that is met warmly, the pair can begin ramping up the eye contact together until they are locked in a beautiful dance of eyes and gazes.” Focus on one eye at a time and switch between them. (this was problematic for me). When you break your gaze, look to the side, not down. (this I will work on for sure). @Preety_India Doing it right now. After reading about the importance of it, I thought intermittently is not enough. Maybe it is. As Serotoninluv said, too strong could become creepy. Thank you for your tips! <3
  4. Heyyy, Day after having sex or masturbation I am having a very hard time especially with concentration, lack of energy and being extra sleepy. Additionally I am less creative and less chatty. Have you ever experienced it? How you fight it? Any supplements/nootropics/techniques to overcome that? I get so freaked out about this that I am avoiding sex if I have an important meeting next day or I want to be full of energy. Thanks for any tip, A
  5. @Pallero "Post-coital tristesse (PCT) is the feeling of sadness, anxiety, agitation or aggression after sexual intercourse, mostly in males." - none of it was mentioned in our posts. Still thanks for trying.
  7. @HP Lovecraft ❤️Thank you for the reminder. It's very easy to use Leo's videos as a pleasure-making machine. Lately I felt sad after break up and video about chapters helped me to go through it easier. However, this is not the way I should utilize those videos.
  8. IME anger equals fear and ignorance. Today I got angry because the old lady jumped in front of me in the queue in the supermarket (fear of saying "wtf" + not understanding why person can do that). Thanks for sharing your experience.
  9. I got a peak of energy and concentration roughly one week after ejaculation, then it's stable or even a small decline. @electroBeam I thought about placebo as well. However, no matter what I do, always the next day striving for coffee is huge (to get back the same level of concentration). Now I replaced it with some nootropics.
  10. @trancedreamer Thanks for putting in your two cents here. Nice, from me (if you still have this problem) I can suggest checking vitamin D, I found even more posts that it could happen due to D deficiency.
  11. Hope that I classified it correctly. What is your favourite object/item/thing which you use for consciousness work at home? Zafu pillow? Candles? Wallpaper with Zen symbols or maybe plenty of cactuses in your bedroom? I am designing my flat, love to hear your POV ❤️.
  12. @Shiva99 Have you mastered it? What is your experience?
  13. @LaucherJunge Gonna read about it, seems impossible from current POV that's why I want to read about it even more. @Meetjoeblack No one is fapping all day / thanks for suggesting the book, will take a look on it @Leo Gura Gonna go with reviewing my diet, I have read somewhere that it could be caused by deficiency of vitamine D. Love to u guys, thanks for sharing ur thoughts
  14. Try Kriya Yoga which involves some movement and of course as was mentioned - yin yoga. As 30 minutes of normal meditation brings me slight pain in the area you described, Kriya is painless. Work out your back muscles in the gym. I believe more than 50% of back pain is mental, on the last day of my-5-days-serious-meditation-challenge, simple thinking about sitting caused sth like tingling on my back. Hope it helps a bit.
  15. @Leo Gura Why? Doesn't it depend on country/region?
  16. Yes, but only in MMA series 'cause he would kick Joe's ass with his understanding of reality.
  17. Holy moly! I tackled this question recently on the last day of my solo retreat. They arise out of nowhere, what's the worst... they arise when I do not expect them, just lose attention and BANG! They shock like my beloved Poland in front of the European Union. Thank you @Serotoninluv for your answer. It resonates with me a lot - inter-relatedness - emotion...thought...external sound...thought. I will contemplate what you wrote and listen to Pink Floyd. Danke.
  18. Bravo Eddie! Let' play football together. Inspiring post. Congrats mate.
  19. Hair raising description bro ? Some feelings of jealousy emerged, ups. Happy for u, happy that such a relationship can be established. Will post a post in 5 years when I got this as well. ? Cheers/L
  20. You are champ man, that you got so far with having a wife and 3 kids. Hope this is not too personal -> is your wife together with you on this journey? For me, massive amount of meditation and exploring psychedelics is super hard to reconcile with my gf's plans and expectations. Really enjoyed reading your story Thank you.
  21. Weird man, it should clean your guts and the next day use energy from food even better than normal. Try again or change the type of fasting. Cheers, A
  22. All you need to know about sleep:
  23. I got chills, thank you for this song, it really resonates with me! If you have more, please share
  24. Wrocław, Poland City mostly orange (60%), a bit of Blue and Green. However country I would say mainly blue (especially East part, huge influence of Christian tradition) btw, nice topic
  25. Self-help -> meditation -> Leo's video about meditation -> all other, big impact on my life now