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Everything posted by James123

  1. Enlightenment is simply recognition of there is no İ. But what is this İ? İ=Thinker=Universe. Recognition of this is what enlightenment is. Therefore, one realizes this, enlightenment fades away too.
  2. Me and my wife. Unbelievable Experience. Recommend to everyone.
  3. Don't eat anything for couple days, let's see you are human or not.
  4. When. You completely surrender the human, you are free
  5. @Flowerfaeiry it is actually very easy to recognize from your behavior. İf one truly behaves as everyone is him/her that's love, which brings help to others, selflessness, patient, understanding, etc .... Of others.
  6. @Actualising don't try to be like anyone. Be You.
  7. If you are not in love, keep walking the path. When one meets with love, relaxes, be still and that moment, You are in the moment to moment. You become alive with love, Love opens all the doors, it is the key. No one can tell you that you are in love, but You feel bone to bones from the deepest level. Only meeting the love opens the heart and kill the mind / thought process. Love is not just an emotion. It is the purpose of anything and everything. Stay in Love. Much Love.
  8. Completely surrendering and letting go.
  9. The funny thing is this topic has nothing to do with judgement.
  10. Thank you very much for letting me know
  11. Yo, i loved this quote. We are all fucking crazy. Specially, with imagination of aliveness. İsn't that crazy to have a body meanwhile nothing is inside, and somehow, it seem that we are on control? Unbelievable, unfuckingbelievable. İ fucking love it. İ love it.
  12. @Someone here contemplating without assumptions are the real contemplation is.
  13. No, infinity is an another illusion.
  14. The real question is how one knows himself is not imaginary in first place?
  15. İt is actually so easy, thoughts or knowing is illusion. Thats it escape is this, don't think or don't know anything.