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Everything posted by James123

  1. You are already. Just let go to the thoughts, which gives you so called identification.
  2. Unfortunately, after awakening you have realize that whatever you birth was just a process of thoughts, which comes from knowing and learning as entire universe. I am not trying to be an asshole dont get me wrong lol ? but there is no curiosities, awakening ends all the questions because, nothing is here.
  3. There is no mind to raise up any questions for anything including reality. Mind, duality, universe, awakening, me, reality is just a thought.
  4. @Max1993 nothing has never happened. But it is almost impossible for you to understand it. Existence has never began, it just did begin within the process of thoughts (naming, labeling and putting meaning on the so called words). Big bang has never happened, it did so called happened because of your process of thoughts. If you dont think, nothing never happens. And thats nirvana.
  5. Anytime. Thanks a lot for the great conversation. ? Peace!
  6. Probably i agree, if this is the case. For instance there is no chatting appears in so called mind, but for instance the sensation of love arises and mind identify the feeling as “love”. So, so called mind named and labeled the sensation. But there is no thought or sensation is there. So called mind just identifies, names and labels it. So it is just the process of naming and labeling (sensation, feeling, visuals, thoughts, knowledge). But nothing is there, so whatever appears and if so called mind doesn’t name and label it, after that there will be no more so called mind. Because mind comes from same source to (thought).Just the moment. Nothing will ever happen. Because identification, naming and labeling is ended. Definitely.
  7. Definitely. All the thoughts are identical, because they are nothing. I did describe psychedelic experience differently that's the reason why i dont think awakening can come with psychedelics. As i said, there is no thoughts different than me, therefore no thoughts. Because it is nothing therefore identical. As i said, i am god or hahajsjoa, these sentences are identical. Therefore there is no right or wrong, it is all identical. But in order to provide this information to other people, i have to say the way that with considering duality in order to connect with people. Meanwhile from this point there is no differences. You, me or anyone is already awake. Because already nothing. But it is not the case from point of view other person. Meanwhile me and him/her identical. As osho said, it might be a game for me, but it can be death between life for other person. Because, there is no differences, only naming and labeling creates the differences Definitely. If there is no thoughts as that person is guitar player and other is trumpet player, if you dont name and label as “trumpet” and “guitar”, they will still be just a player, and will be no differences. Therefore, if you remove entire thought process that you have learned even if sun falls down, there will be no differences. Because, what is sun, me, falling, death?
  8. Mind has no differences than a chair. Because it’s just a thought, therefore no mind. Thoughts represents duality. There is no mind. This is not the case for me, thoughts doesn’t tell me what to do, feelings express themselves. Such as, feeling of wanting of listen music appears than i listen music. If there’s a problem in the moment, i think and talk, but as soon as if there’s no need to think, mind becomes quite. There is no imagination, future expectations or unwanted thoughts occurs if i dont want to. Thats why I usually stay in moment. Effortlessly. Of course this happens to me too. So much fun. Past and experienced is just a thought as world . I dont pay attention on them. There is no difference of any word for me because there is mo person to take personally. I am the thoughts and every thought is available in the moment and identical. Imo,it is the truth, it is the way it is. But being free or freedom of truth can be mesmerizing. But this is what you get from Truth or become truth. Because psychedelics are you. If there is no naming and labeling the thoughts, can it make any differences on your state of consciousness ? If you can not to think, there will be no differences. Because if your view changes , you still naming and labeling the “view”, “conscious state”, “being transformed”. If there is no thoughts, can it be any difference? Or if you dont name and label any thoughts, can it be any difference?
  9. Where is it? What is mind? So simple and not so simple. Claiming “this is how it is” creates a category of “this, which is” and “that, which is not”. That can be great in one context and not-so-great in another context. You are right. Imo, direct way is the easiest way. But maybe not. Sorry about that. English is my 2. Language. So i might not be able to perfectly explain the situation. There was no returning. Did your questioning has been stopped permanently? Did you merged with moment permanently? Did monkey mind become just a fragment or thought permanently? If answer is yes, so you are right you can be awaken with psychedelics. I have lost my everything that connects me to life. Only God was left. These comes from my observations of people, who are in the form, just trying to help them. I” or “you” dont matter, identical. I dont pay attention so much whatever i write as long as message has been sent. There is no universal me, just the moment. There is no desire, monkey mind doesn’t work as separate than me. I am already what i am. I say you because i point out to “you”. I will check Ram Dass experience. Do you mean by this sentence, whatever i wrote in my topic has no environmental value?
  10. I am very sorry but, you don’t know what the awakening is brother. You are close to who you are when you are in deep sleep. “Ramana Maharshi “. Nothing has never happened. And that’s nirvana. “Papaji”. Thought is so cunning, so clever, that it distorts everything for its own convenience. Meditation is freedom from thought and a movement in the ecstasy of truth. Meditation is explosion of intelligence. ” Jiddu Krishnamurti”. Awakening is genuinely not knowing. “Peter Raltson “. “All wrong-doing arises because of mind. If mind is transformed can wrong-doing remain?” “Buddha”. Let go everything, everything will come up to you. Peace!
  11. Surrendering and letting go is the key brother ? good luck??
  12. @electroBeam there is no reality. If there is no thoughts, what is left? You think you are in world right now? There is no why, because why comes from so called monkey mind. Lastly, when you realize there is no monkey mind, you realize you have never born, if you never born what is left? Where is the reincarnation? Additionally, these are not personal, because person is constructed by the monkey mind. You must have direct experience of what is left after there is no monkey mind, which is experiencing before birth. Because your so called monkey mind (thought process) started your birth. Thats why you don’t remember before birth. How do you know that this is a body? What is god? If there is no monkey mind, what is left to ask? You must have direct experience of what is left after there is no monkey mind, which is experiencing before birth. Because your so called monkey mind (thought process) started your birth. Thats why you dont remember before birth. Because there is no mind. Process of thoughts is what creates distinctions, duality and birth. If there is no monkey mind, what is left? Whatever left is what you are. So simple. Additionally, this is the main problem with psychedelics, because so called mind or a person can never get this no observer, nothing to observe or pure presence. Because still a thought process is going on. And after the trip mind will think that it will reach at higher consciousness and still questions rise, why, how vs? So thought process still goes on, whatever the trip you have experienced and can never be able to comprehend it that it is now. Imo, Mind can never comprehend this while thought process goes on, therefore psychedelics are ineffective for awakening. However, in regular awakening, you can directly become conscious of it with no thoughts. Because at that moment you realize that everything was just a process of thoughts (entire duality). Such as the person, who consumed 5meo and experience a trip was a just a thought process, never happened. Therefore, not knowing take place as before birth, mind become silent, question doesn’t rises and become one with moment as before birth, after death and now. As always been. This is the another main problem, psychedelics gives mesmerizing affects, or something fantastic during the trip till you become nothing (which is end of the road). And you can %90 lost your track during the awakening process because when you return the regular mind you are mesmerized by it, and you will try to get back that perspective again. Because whatever you explain of the above it is just a word, drinking water has no differences than consuming 5meo. However when you are awaken without psychedelics and you forget everything that you have learned, and there is just no one to think, talk and conceptualize. (What is thinking, conceptualizing, talking, seeing, awakening, me, god, learning What is what?, are they words, or visuals? Where do they come from? How can we take the knowledge as grounded, truth or real? What is grounded, truth or real? How can you even know that understanding is possible, what is understanding?) So you realize that you have never born, birth was just a thought of monkey mind, and if there is no monkey mind, what is left? Just you. But you cant even say me, because there is no monkey mind, and “me” is just a word. Therefore, Monkey mind becomes quite and you are before birth, pure and empty. (but pure and empty is still a word, therefore you can say as genuinely not knowing, because mind is created by something that you have learned or know, it keeps wonder think and learn). Genuinely now knowing. Surrendering the mind is must. Definitely ?
  13. “Die before you die”. After that you can realize that which hadits are written for ego and real you. Quran can never be comprehend by regular mind. You can just read it , but not understand it. Peace!
  14. Thanks brother you are good person too. I am just trying to help, you know. I just want to ask you, how do you even know you are experiencing now? What is experiencing? Such as where is your monkey mind?
  15. It has no name brother, it is you, forget everything you know thats what is it. Nothing, singularity, emptiness still just a word. Just look at the wall and dont think anything, thats what is it.
  16. Of course, you are right. But these are my observations from the people, who are in the form. And most of them stuck in this process. Just trying to help. Definitely, I support psychedelics, however but mostly people depend on psychedelics and think that realized awakening with psychedelics in the form. Otherwise psychedelics are great tools to improve spiritual work. Encouraging %80 of the time psychedelics will mislead many people. Imo, Because thoughts never let you comprehend before the birth, singularity, pure and empty, therefore awakening. Can you please explain?
  17. Wait to become that infinite and after that you will become singularity, just nothing. Before big bang. You wont even remember what is infinite, any of these sentences. Deepest sleep. No thoughts whatsoever. Thats why you are dreaming now.
  18. Yea? Maybe i have lost everything and I accept what i am? Because nothing is absolute and pure.
  19. Not true. Awakening is what you were before your so called birth, which is now. Brother these stuff you have learned, sensed, felt or experienced . Please, realize why you dont remember before birth, and talk.
  20. @Javfly33 @Adamq8 If you never learn nothing never happens. Thats why your thoughts process shape your so called world. Named, labeled and out meaning on everything. Where is your monkey mind? Can you see when you think?
  21. How do you know something is created in the first place? Where is it arising? Can you see? Or does eyes see anything? Is there any eye? What is an eye?
  22. If i show you the color blue, and you dont know it how can you thats blue? If no one tell you that you are alive, and this is a world. Can you be alive in the world? Because of thoughts, you name and label it. Shape is shape from the way you have learned it. If you dont know what is shape, how can you recognize it? If you never know and learn anything, what can you be?
  23. Why do you need to be scare of the horror? Just love it. Because you learned that you must be scared of it?