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Everything posted by James123

  1. Happy new year everyone ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
  2. You are reading too much book man. Same thing over and over you saying. Face with reality go split a one gang member face, you will see the difference. let's see how your ego will try to protect itself.
  3. You need to get a hard slap to your face. Then You will see the difference.
  4. You = I = Being = Truth. you = i = self = illusion = temporary reflection.
  5. Any guess of the self is an illusion itself. Moreover, the Truth is You, the character is just a temporary reflection no big or small deal. İt is just what it is.
  6. Definitely. İmam Ali and İmam Ghazali are the king of quotes. But prophet Muhammad is on another level. One of his quotes, All is one, one is all. Magic, unbelievable.
  7. The biggest harm to you is yourself.
  8. Soul is nothingness, or god. You can not understand it. You can only Be.
  9. @LookingForTruth what is even the I?
  10. Hahahaha. Definitely brother 😁 definitely 🙏 😁
  11. Surrender, surrender till nothing left. Love is God is, Nothingness is waiting for You.
  12. You are right. But when I get in punch in the face. There is still survival for me.
  13. How can letting go become a barrier? Or surrendering? I mean surrender anything and everything.
  14. @Someone here existence there for you to love it. Existence has no purpose, but you do. Otherwise, you will be just so called body, nothing else.
  15. Of course. Correct. But death of i is the key. Selflessness opens the door.
  16. Of course. But love is the most profound gift of consciousness, purpose of existence.
  17. Of course, love appears when you suffer till nothing left. When you lost everything you are free.
  18. Mind is the prison. Why do you think this way,? Have you ever completely surrendered?