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Everything posted by James123

  1. Welcome to game, have fun .? but, when “I” completely drops there will be no more “people”, because people comes from knowledge of so called “I”. ? all will be good?
  2. Great ? You are already what you are, just empty your cup. ? Awareness is nothing. No need want anything. It is already is. Great. You should drop that belief of “I” too. ?
  3. These are expectations, and still comes from the mind. Just let go everything. Whatever will happen, it will happen. Surrender.
  4. @Adodd silent and darkness meditation peactices and living in silence and darkness can be very helpful. At the final level of samadhi is realization of your “birth” is just a process of thoughts, which mean is realization of “you” or “i” have never born. Birth was just naming, labeling and putting meaning on the thoughts, including as saying “thought” to thoughts.
  5. There is no “body” neither “you”. Your thought process creates so called your identity, including “leaving the body”. God head is not knowing, which is just being.
  6. V for Vendetta Fight Club Revolver Dark City Matrix Waking Life Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring
  7. Happy new years to everyone. Wishing everyone no matter what the case and situation is, be the moment, being in love with the moment and spreading the love. Much love! Peace!
  8. @Natasha @Bazooka Jesus @VeganAwake @Danioover9000 @Breakingthewall @Eph75 @Someone here @SirVladimir @Moksha @abrakamowse @Inliytened1 ❤️??
  9. @abrakamowse @ertopolice @Adamq8 @allislove @Javfly33 @Scholar @Jonty ❤️?✊?
  10. everyone asks the same question. And stuck with trips of pychedelics. That’s why sober awakening is must. You can never get awaken with psychedelics ? When you realize your birth is just a thought, “you” get it. Because, do you think you have a body now? Or in universe? There is no one here. “You have long way to go brother. Peace !
  11. @Seraphim just read the link. Thats the last stage of Samādhi.
  12. Not assumptions, direct realization. When “you” remove thought process, will remove entire so called self universe including “you” .
  13. Infinite is something that you have learned. limitless or endless in space, extent, or size; impossible to measure or calculate. This is the vocabulary explanation of infinite. It is very identical with what you say. But truth never comes from learning. Not knowing is nothingness. If “you” can name and label the experience thats an illusion. Do you remember anything before your birth? Was there any infinite before your birth? No it wasn’t, because before birth was genuinely not knowing. Thats why your so called birth happened with learning and knowing. Awakening is genuinely not knowing, which is before birth. Read the page before Samādhi stages, when universe and space conceptualization collapses before the last stage. Cant be more clear than this. You should listen the men of intelligence.
  14. I clearly explained brother, differences between nothingness and infinite. What is not clear about?
  15. @SpiritualAwakening Because when you say “infinity” you identify or form it with “something “, and naming or labeling the so called “experience “. Nothingness has no identification nor form. As an example, deep sleep, what was before so called birth. If you dont think during the day, there will be no “during the day”. When you “think” as even saying infinite, you are right in duality. (Even nothing is a word, which is something , but cant explain without that word). If you never learn what infinity is how can you know the experience that you having is “infinity”? You can realize at that moment, “not thinking” gives you sleeping quality and realize that only thinking create so called universe. Therefore if you dont think, you are before birth. Thats why it is called “awakening “. You are already nothing, if you forget everything you have learned you are already yourself. You dont need to name and label to become yourself. You are already. Just empty your cup. Peace!
  16. Welcome to Fantasyland. “Experienced” with an “I”. Read the Samādhi stages above.
  17. @gettoefl i know brother. This is what osho talk about in that video. There is no such a thing as infinity, time or space. They are Just thought. You can read the below. Nirvichara Samadhi For the first time, true one-pointed concentration becomes possible. Even subtle thoughts do not occur. The perceptual limitations of time and space are transcended; this state is called Nirvichara Samadhi. Kaivalya Samadhi The final stage is to reach Kaivalya Samadhi: complete, final, and eternal union with the real, eternal form. Which is nothingness. Osho is talking about final stage as this. Thats why he is saying that he has been nothing for 30 years. https://vedicfeed.com/stages-of-samadhi/
  18. There is no coming or going, or creating. Your Missing point is , You still naming and labeling the thoughts. Nothing has ever happened. So called thought process makes it. If you dont name and label the thoughts (even saying thought as “thought “ naming and labeling again), you are before so called birth.
  19. “Thinker” is a thought itself . Your entire identity and life is just a process of thoughts.
  20. There is no such a thing as duality, universe, infinite consciousness, time or space. There are Just a thought. As saying infinite consciousness, it is clear to see that you are stuck in duality. Because it is something that you have learned. But you can never learn nothing, because you are already. Which never comes from knowledge or learning. Truth can never be told, can just be. You can Read the below. There is no such a thing as infinity, time or space. They are Just thought. You can read the below. Nirvichara Samadhi For the first time, true one-pointed concentration becomes possible. Even subtle thoughts do not occur. The perceptual limitations of time and space are transcended; this state is called Nirvichara Samadhi. Kaivalya Samadhi The final stage is to reach Kaivalya Samadhi: complete, final, and eternal union with the real, eternal form. Which is nothingness. Osho is talking about final stage as this. Thats why he is saying that he has been nothing for 30 years. https://vedicfeed.com/stages-of-samadhi/ Peace!
  21. @dflores321 At last stage he talks about Samadhi, which is nothingness brother. Same thing. ? as the video i shared for you. Thats why he says that he has living for 30 years as nothing. Peace!
  22. Unfortunately no. Where do you learn that stuff? Listen the osho carefully.
  23. This question has been answered multiple times. Nothing to negate for ‘me’. But for you something is still happening. I already know what i am, but you are me too. So just trying to help you. Just read the sentences carefully without any personal opinion. Awakening is not being selfish, it is been selfless. Being no one, therefore everyone. You need awakening, instead of judging, just learn. My guru? Guru is just a thought ? mind loves to conceptualized? Peace!
  24. i am already what i am. But you are deluded brother. Just trying to help. You ‘did’ help ‘me’ a lot. Much thanks and appreciate. Just trying to help you and love you. You cant even answer the question. Again. Can you Answer the question?