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Everything posted by James123

  1. @Intraplanetary yes. Awakening and mental illness is the story of “I”. “Thinker” is a thought itself. Whatever you have learned since your “birth” (including the birth) is an illusion. There is no such a thing as birth, learning vs. You are already what you are (nothingness), only way to be what you are is “not knowing” as before so called birth. Surrender and let go whatever you have learned and know since “your birth”. Whatever left is what you really are. Dont get confuse with story of ego such as;
  2. It is your “personal idea”. “it is for others. Enlightenment is being no one, therefore everyone. So when you speak, you speak as they are you, because they are. No self is love. If you are not in love with “yourself” (which is everything), you have no idea what awakening is. And if you are in love you never disrespect others, which is you again. Whatever you say is from “personal perspective” but when you become no self, you realize everything is you. It is game for me but it can be life and death for someone else. It is clear to see that disrespecting others comes from deep ego. As Nisargadatta Maharaj said ”Wisdom is knowing that i am nothing, love is knowing that i am everything “. As Rumi says, polite and kind words make snake get out of its cave. This is what being really a teacher, and how to lead people on path of awakening. As Jesus says if someone hit your right cheek turn your other cheek. It is different knowing the path, and walking the path. You just know the path as an idea. Surrender.
  3. Forget about awakening, humiliating others comes from root of the ego. That shows high level of suffering.
  4. So what is these sentences for? Additionally, there is no such a thing as “I”, “life” or “death”. Because, “you” still think that you born and in the universe, which is duality. That’s the reason why “i” and “death” is still “exist” for you. Additionally, do you think that these are sentences?
  5. Your answer is “Nothing has ever happened”. Because, therefore there is no such a thing as something, i am nothing, and all there is “me”. No “nothingness “ can not be “experience “, can just “be”. Therefore anything “you” “experience “ is an illusion. Have a direct realization. Additionally, there is no such a thing as “I”, “life” or “death”. It’s clear see that you are stuck in duality, because “you” still think that you born and in the universe. That’s the reason why “i” and “death” is still “exist” for you.
  6. First of all there is no “I”. when you dropped the “I” you realize what you are. I am you, because we are nothing. Secondly, Do you think these are sentences? Or you think you are in the world? No, you are not aware of (Now is before birth, nothing has ever happened) as another person. Therefore, as osho said it might be a game for me, but it can be life between death for another person. Therefore as Nisargadatta Maharaj said ”Wisdom is knowing i am nothing, love is knowing i am everything “. Have a awakening brother. As a moderator, you are giving sessions to people on skype too. So, if there is no love there is no teaching. And for that you have to be wise first, with dropping the “I”.
  7. Of course. Not even close to have enlightenment. No self is love. Enlightenment is not about being selfish, it is being selfless. We are “identical”, because we are “nothing”. Thats why unconditional love.
  8. The person who hears that from leo is not aware of that, including leo too, because the way that he talks to others. No self is love. Additionally, you cant become full conscious, you must drop “you” to become “nothing “. When “I” dropped “everything “ drops. Additionally, nothing has ever happened, “duality” is just a thought, but other person is not aware of that and “he” is “me” too. Enlightenment is selflessness not selfishness. Why Peter Raltson, Ramana maharsi, Krishanamurti, Mooji, Buddha vs... doesn’t give speech to dogs or cats, but they give speech to human? Dont come up with the stuff that you have learned, go have a direct realization.
  9. @Eren Eeager @Nahm is the best and King! Peace!
  10. @Flyboy no mind, no more awakening. If you can name and label the experience, awakening never ends, because still stuck in the dream.
  11. @xxxx 1- Heaven is surrendering, ego is suffering or hell. 2- No. 3- God is nothingness. There is no such a thing as another dimension, infinite, human vs. No self is love. 4- Freedom, effortlessness, bliss, compassion. 5- letting go of the ego. There is no “me” nor “you”. You are the “bliss, happiness and love ”. 6- Life is suffering. Enlightenment is end of suffering, which is end of life too. Everything is temporary, except nothingness.
  12. This is the most possible reason ( it is very hard for people to surrender everything that what they have, including daily emotions, feelings, future expectations, day dreaming, social status, satisfaction vs... “The one” really let go and surrender hisself or herself (which is called ego death or no self) for enlightenment. “The one” must lost everything since he/she gained since “birth”). No. Just telling to you don’t waste your time with thinking about others. Because, is no such a thing as “leo” or “you”. Not try to have a flexible mind, drop the mind.
  13. @Kalki Avatar it is very hard for people to surrender everything that what they have, including daily emotions, feelings, future expectations, day dreaming, social status, satisfaction vs... Enlightenment is not a self improvement, it is a self destruction. “The one” really let go and surrender hisself or herself (which is called ego death or no self) for enlightenment. “The one” must lost everything since he/she gained since “birth”. Just don’t spend your time judging anyone, but learn and build your own “path”. It will be better for you.
  14. Maybe.? after enlightenment, belief of “I” collapses. do you think that these are conversations? ? additionally, there is no person in the so called “bodies”. Go look at the mirror and think, can you see the thoughts? Where are you in the body?
  15. After enlightenment, realization happens that this is not a universe, nor you have a body. There is no such a thing as “birth” or “person”. Enlightenment is realization of “I” was never born, began or exist. Now is before birth, so you didn’t go anywhere nor in universe ?
  16. Realization of nothing has ever happened. You are already what you are, which is nothingness, which is not knowing as in the beginning. therefore nothingness can not be “experienced”, can just “be”.Anything that “you” “experienced” is an illusion.
  17. Realization of Now is before birth and nothing has ever happened. “You” didn’t even move and never born. So called “birth” or “universe” happened only as a thought.
  18. @StateOfMind contemplation is must. but enlightenment never cones through thinking. Mind must be dropped.
  19. Yes i agree. Thoughts are illusion. You can say no thoughts or no mind. But, not knowing is more profound. Not knowing is what “being” is, same as before so called “birth”. When you not know, what is a thought? What is mind? What is attachment, death, or life? Nothingness can not be “experienced” (because “I” and “experiencing “ is still a thought) can just “be” ( being is just being, there is no question nor answer).
  20. What is existence? Is it your direct realization or Is it something that you have “learned”as “yourself”? The real question is if you never learn (including your so called birth), can you born? There is no such a thing as compassion or acceptance, which is learned by so called human, (even word of “human” is learned). Anything you have learned is not a direct realization, do not trust anything that you have learned, including “yourself” (learned that too). Putting meaning, naming and labeling the thoughts just a distraction (including saying words to “words”, thoughts to “thoughts “). When you forget everything “you” know (including “yourself”) thats how you become the “truth”. Thats why you meditate to not know or forget everything that you have learned which can be called as empty mind vs.. I am just what i am. ☺️
  21. Do you think that these are words? You are in life and in the forum talking to others? ? All wrong-doing arises because of mind. If mind is transformed can wrong-doing remain? Buddha You have never born, never began. Just so called thoughts. Not even. You have a long way to go brother. Just surrender the belief of “I”. Peace!
  22. Yes. Now, “you” are collection of thoughts. Which is identification, naming, labeling and putting meaning on thoughts and words, even saying words to “words”, thoughts to “thoughts “ as “reincarnation “. You need a direct realization of who you really are. Which is enlightenment or direct realization. Only when you not know, you are what you are. Thats why you don’t remember before so called birth, thats what “being” is.