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Everything posted by James123

  1. “You” never did. Now is before birth and non duality.
  2. There is no mind. Awakening is Being nothing therefore everything . Wisdom is knowing I am nothing, love is knowing i am everything. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
  3. This is you. Not separate. Not two. You have more way to go.
  4. ??‍♂️ Tell that to “people” who has just “thinks” that they are “human” and in the “world” now. Ramana Maharshi just saying that when you have no thoughts, it gives you completely sleeping quality (which is nothingness) including so called during the day.
  5. Before enlightenment you are not aware what you really are. Ramana Maharshi doesn’t say to that enlightened ones. Are you guys joking?
  6. You are closest to who you are when you are in deep sleep. Ramana Maharshi why do you think is called “awakening “? ?
  7. @Nahm Much love and respect to you brother ❤️ ✊ Peace! ?
  8. It depends on person but, Meditate 4 hours a day at least 3 years, if it is not enough, live in darkness and silence for couple years (dont do anything). Just go out when it is necessary.
  9. It is not hiding. I am already what i am. Look at the mirror, you will see “me”. Peace!
  10. As @Nahm mentioned of Buddha’s quote “Understanding is the greatest illusion “. Thats why you meditate to not know, learn or understand. If there is no understanding or knowing what is left? Whatever left is what you really are.
  11. After that realization happens that neither this is forum, these are conversations, in universe and anyone is here. NOW IS BEFORE BIRTH! How do you know something that you haven’t directly become conscious of? Learn instead of judging. Of course i am shit, and you. Because everything is nothing. Therefore identical. ? Peace! Again:
  12. Let it go for couple hours and after that “you”ll see”. If there will be any “you” left. ?????
  13. It is your personal “idea, knowledge “ that cat is cat (animal) and can not think. Which comes from so called knowledge or so called personal idea. The real question is “what is a cat”? Enlightenment is realization of there is no such a thing as thought, or anything (because anything you know that comes from thought process which is so called internal dialogue) If you dont think there is no such a thing as “you”, “cat”, “universe “, “infinity “ nor “existence “. Yes, but better to say it is “there is no such a thing as thoughts =Enlightenment “. Because when there is no thoughts, there is no one to be enlightened. Thats what enlightenment “is”.
  14. ??You are good brother.? Much love to you. Peace!
  15. Anytime brother. Thats why said , as not knowing. “Nothingness” ,”emptiness “, “inner zero”, “void”, “pure consciousness “ are the closest word with considering duality. Just all want to say, there is no duality, cosmos, god, life, death, there is just you as before so called birth. Nothing has ever happened or began. And now is before so called birth. As always been. Thats why enlightenment is simply being where you already are. Fantastic. Whatever makes you happy ?? ❤️
  16. No it is not brother. When you drop or forget everything “you know” including “yourself “, You realize what you really are and always been. Enlightenment is must to get this. Anything you know is an illusion. Nothingness can not be experienced, learned, sense, feel, understand vs. can just be and Only when you “not know” you can ”be”. Understanding is greatest illusion. Buddha Perfect answer for you by papaji (Nirvana vs Samsara). This is what enlightenment is. This is the video about nothingness can not be experienced. Good luck. Anytime brother.
  17. Maybe, but most likely, It is Because god is nothingness. And if you say “God”, “I”, “am” vs.. comes from the so called “mind”. When you realize what you are, there is no one or no self to say or claim something from the “I”.
  18. Got it brother.?But, unfortunately, Dont know about jewish people. But Followers of Buddhism don't acknowledge a supreme god or deity. They instead focus on achieving enlightenment—a state of inner peace and wisdom. When followers reach this spiritual echelon, they're said to have experienced nirvana. The religion's founder, Buddha, is considered an extraordinary man, but not a god. https://www.history.com/topics/religion/buddhism
  19. ?❤️ ?But just saying that with enlightenment, realization happens that there is no reality, god, paradox, human, mystery, existence or nor not existence. Separation or nothing has ever happened. “I, universe, god” has never began. Now is before birth and there is no such a thing as universe, I, or duality. Thats why considering duality and non duality is mystery of god is just another thought or illusion. Thats what enlightenment or nirvana reveals. ??
  20. Definitely. Because when enlightenment is realization of birth or existence including the “I” has never took place. Therefore said this: This could be confusing, Relative reality is the game consciousness plays, which involves samsara and nirvana. It is the cosmos that abides within God”. Because, when nirvana happens, realization happens that game or nothing has never happened or there is no such thing as game, cosmos or God. Because even saying “God” is comes from “knowledge”, which is the so called duality.
  21. @RealTruth There is no such a thing as you (as ego), adamq8 nor leo, because Everything and everyone is YOU. No self is love. Therefore disrespecting others comes from root of ego. if you disrespect other, it is clear to realize that you are not even in the beginning of spirituality. Firstly, fix your egoistic problems then come talk to people.
  22. Can you show about Buddha’s quote? But unfortunately it is not true. Because enlightenment is realization of you are already the source. There is no going or coming bak, You have never go anywhere, create or destroy. You are already where you are as always been. Enlightenment is just being where you already are.