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Everything posted by James123

  1. Life is suffering, but God is not suffering nor happiness. It is just what it is.
  2. Lazy mind is sign of heavy ego. It comes from listening monkey mind a lot. Dont listen, just decide and go do it. Listening monkey mind is more work than preparing food.
  3. Nothingness can not be experienced, can just be. Perception, experience is identified with ego. Good luck!
  4. Thats what you are. As before so called birth, and if you dont think it is now. Enlightenment is simply being where you already are.
  5. Is there any before life during so called deep sleep?
  6. What happens during so called deep sleep and before birth? What is there? Is there any time, memory, you, god, universe or life?
  7. Write till you are bored of to think any thoughts, including “you”.
  8. Great progress. However, you should not even think what other people should do, because real spirituality is begins, Realization of no “you or self”. So whatever your mind says comes from ego, not even close to spirituality. Dont listen to so called mind, dont take it seriously. Let it talk, it will stop.
  9. What is the identical point between so called deep sleep and so called birth?
  10. “i” can not be enlightened. When there is no “i” enlightenment happens. So if there is no “I” or thoughts what is left? Whatever left is what you really are as always been. “Being” is not a concept, because when you “be” there is no so called thoughts or identification with so called thoughts there. Whatever you say oneness, non duality or neo adviata movements is not it. Because still identification with so called thoughts. This is just a mental masturbation. Concepts to concepts. There is no such a thing as thought or world or universe in enlightenment, universe is a thought, conceptualization and identification too. Wrong way.
  11. Do you think these are sentences and you are in the world? Instead of thought process? You have no idea what enlightenment is. All wrong-doing arises because of mind. If mind is transformed can wrong-doing remain? Buddha Enlightenment is not a book or audio that you can listen, understand nor learn. It is directly “being”. There is no thoughts in enlightenment. As now.
  12. @RedLine dont forget, “oh it is just a thought, it doesn’t really exist” is a thought itself, as these so called sentences.
  13. There is no thoughts, just nothing. ? I mean nothing is hidden, not even nothing itself lol Lol ?
  14. ?? it is not. Right here. As always. Everything is it, nothing.
  15. @tatsumaru go look at the mirror, and think. See that is there such a thing as thought (or mirror)? If thought doesn’t say mirror is it mirror, if thoughts doesn’t say thoughts is it thoughts?
  16. Do you think that these are conversations, and you are in universe now? Nothing is happening. The so called day has no differences than so called deep sleep or birth. If “you” dont “think” nothing never happens. Now is before birth.
  17. “i” is a thought itself. There is no such a thing as meaningless or meaningful. It is not. There is no “I” to seek. @Xear It is seek nothing. If you are not aware of differences you cant get it. Because “you” still take an action. Just tell the ego seek nothing including the “itself or ego”. Lets see what it is gonna do. ?
  18. Anytime. Nice story for truth is probably not much possible, because it is the end of ego, end of identification.
  19. Definitely. There is nobody and no body. God is nothing. ? Where is the pointers? Where are you? In the world or thought process?
  20. Seek nothing is dont try, not do. Just “be”. @snowyowl You are already what you are. Holding on so called thoughts so called creates the so called separation. Holding on so called thoughts is doing, not doing is You.
  21. This can lead wrong direction. Because the sentence implies that not seeking is the best way to seek, which is doing and trying. Again dont try. Not do, as seek nothing.