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Everything posted by James123

  1. Just know that others are just your imagination. We are all one.
  2. Definitely brother!!! However, if mind is so empty, how do you even know there is a life?
  3. Believe me, it is possible and I know what will happen. Only being. Can you imagine, you surrender that infinite while you are dying, isn't it more above than infinite? What I am saying is you are beyond of infinite. If you realize this you will go crazy. Believe me
  4. Yes, belief or thoughts whatever you say is above.
  5. If you need an advice do not consider human knowledge.
  6. Another angle seems to be knowledge or idea or beliefs that is learned by humans.
  7. So, you should say nothin in order to hit the bottom or conclusion, isn't it?
  8. Being creator can be suffering. So if I hit my hand with the hummer, I do suffer and that's being infinite, isn't it? God is not only pleasure , it includes suffering too imo. Because, if there is no suffering, there is no pleasure, isn't it? How do you know? Definitely.
  9. Anything we have learned and knew such as life, existence, god is an illusion. Now is before so called birth. Not knowing=empty mind=before so called birth=enlightenment.
  10. So, you believe in reincarnation? How do you know something is happening? I would say if I experience anything, I am the creator and infinite is just my imagination, which I created and experienced. (But, if only there is an experience)
  11. If I say, it's end of all suffering and pleasure, therefore simply being as before birth. What you gained, you completely surrender that?
  12. What happened to that God before your birth? Moreover, you are definitely use psychedelics. Meanwhile god has nothing to with mind.
  13. The state of deliverance is egoless. https://www.advaita-vision.org/ramana-on-the-deep-sleep-state/
  14. Knowledge is the biggest ego itself, including the I.
  15. What is infinite? Did you learn it?cor experience it? But you learned what is experiencing too.
  16. Everyone is right, if you right. Everyone is wrong, if you are wrong.
  17. Whatever you think or know is that's what your reality is including word of reality. When you are in deep sleep is there any universe? No. Because there is no thought=you there, there is just being.
  18. Biological survival is just a thought it self. No one is alive and only no one is alive.
  19. Anything that you have learned including god is ego. Silence, empty mind, not knowing or before so called birth is what real god is.
  20. I lived in darkness and silence for 3 months. And it worked for me.
  21. Deep sleep=Not knowing=Before so called birth=Enlightenment.