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Everything posted by James123

  1. Thank you my friend, thank you. Same goes for you. Much love!!! ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏
  2. Life is a gift for you. You don't even have a body, meanwhile you do called live in billions of cells. 🧬 Feel bliss and LOVE.
  3. You must recognize what you really are and after that fear of death dissolves inevitably. You are nothing, don't what you are, be it.
  4. Many people on the forum is not enlightened that's why, do not listen everyone, specially who is stuck in psychedelic experiences, even experiences.
  5. Take an example before so called birth or deep sleep. You are fundamentaly already dead.
  6. Your upset right? İ know, i know!!! But, i love you!!! Peace!!!
  7. İn order to recognize that level you should learn what i just say. You are way far away to realize you are an illusion. First get that you are not İMPORTANT. NO ONE GİVES A F... ABOUT YOU AND İ!!!
  8. Why? Your so called life can be exist for max 100 years, so called universe is billions of years old. Compare this to your life, your that much exist 😂😆😆😆 you think you are important right? 😂
  9. Illusion "i". Existence is illusion. These sentences are illusion.
  10. If there is you, your right. Find yourself in so called body, I will give you a thousand dollars.
  11. Nothing has been created and now is before so called birth, recognition of this is what enlightenment is. So there is actually no you therefore no life therefore no meaningless.
  12. If you met with Love, being bad is almost impossible.
  13. @LiquiDude if you wanna fell in love, awakening or enlightenment is must.
  14. @r0ckyreed I lived in darkness and silence for 3 months and recognize what enlightenment is. Daily Meditation is never bad for you however, retreats are completely another level.