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Everything posted by James123

  1. Thank you brother. Same goes for you. Much love to you!!!
  2. I have been fasting almost for 2 years. And right now, I get it. You are right. It is not easy to get to know the body. But, bread, meat, cigarettes, alcohol, weed etc... definitely body does not need it.
  3. Overeating or eating meat is healthy do you think? Or eating 3 times a day?
  4. Definitely. My mind is super clear and empty. It is literally amazing. Specially, when I meditate darkness and silence, I travel entire universe with love. It is amazing. Why? Lol
  5. I eat only vegetables, such as spinach, leek, salad etc... in the morning. Noon and afternoon, only 3 dates each meal. That's all. You have to get protein each meal, calories and enough carbs. But I do not eat carbs.
  6. Not knowing as before birth. Have sex brother, why do you even need to watch porn? I never get this. You are still young, so fuck enlightenment. Lol.
  7. Oh sorry. İ did not mean as you, i mean common men problem in general. The best way of detachment is surrendering, retreats, slow by slow changing yourself. Basically, walking on the path. You will suffer a lot in the beginning. However, when you overcome, You will feel much less. Food, porn, smoking, woman, sex is just belongs to the matrix. You will have to let go all, which is your identity, isn't it? I agree with not knowing, which is True Self of us. But it is way beyond even surrendering. You have to surrender till nothing left, even a piece of knowledge, such as sound of an "a" not even "Adam" and "Eve".
  8. Answer of this question is the purpose of creation is love. And if you still have attachments such as too much eating, smoking, drugs, porn etc... You will never reach love. Ones you are in love, you will have no more attachments then not knowing comes. What you say above is just solipsism. Because mind thinks what is not knowing. Meanwhile, when you genuinely now know, you have no idea what is me, you, god, creation, sentences, word, meaning etc...
  9. Action doesn't need thinking. You can think than act. One thought each time then acting.
  10. Perception never changes. İt is nonduality = love. There is no such thing as world. You are in heaven.
  11. Yes. İt happens, but you have to keep going. Just have to wait for the results. Believe me it is amazing like a selfless prophet.
  12. Love is the breaking point. After enlightenment If you are in love, that's permanent. If you are not, you are back in the egos control.
  13. What is god? Yoga is amazing. Keep going. I am meditating darkness and silence, fasting, no smoking and eating etc... it is amazing, I am in pure love.
  14. İt is easy to identify, if you are in love that's enlightenment.
  15. Enlightenment is simply being where you already are.
  16. You / ego is the Satan, it is not out, it is within. You are the biggest enemy of yourself.
  17. Watch the video. He is the King 👑
  18. Prove me otherwise. Please do not come with something that you did not directly experience.
  19. Would you rather to not to be born?
  20. Would you rather to never being born?
  21. @Will1125 pure beauty. Amazing, unbelievable.
  22. Eyes don't see anything. You are the moment.