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Everything posted by James123

  1. How do you know that there is such thing as eyes?
  2. There is no free will because there is no you in first place.
  3. Just do what you gotta do. And don't give a fuck about the results. You will not think or decrease the thinking whatsoever.
  4. Lol. You keep mentioning there is no self. You have the biggest self in the form. You too much care. Do less, fuck it. Whooooo whoooooo.
  5. I just don't give a fuck anymore. I am already
  6. Noooooooooooooooooooooo. Again.......
  7. Everything is actually non duality. So called attachment with thoughts makes something as duality. Fundamentally, anything you do is enlightenment / non duality .
  8. I stayed darkness and silence for a week with psychedelic trips every day (6 between 10 gr dried shrooms). Mind is completely silent anymore. No more questions, wondering, expectations etc... Just Being.
  9. Finally, we are agreed. You say it existence, i say it being. Same shit.
  10. Didn't you learn these words from human beings? How can you trust them?
  11. There is no such thing as life or god, all is thought / knowledge.
  12. What is eternal? How do you know there is such thing as eternal?
  13. Nothing has never happened. Now is before so called birth. Rest is attachment with so called thoughts.
  14. Before your birth where was the existence? İf it was there, how do you know?
  15. @enchanted spirituality has nothing to do with mind. Mind is an attachment.