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Everything posted by James123

  1. @bazera you will go back where you come from. To void. Deep sleep.
  2. İ have been praying 5 times a day, meditating, contemplating. Morning praying and specially after pray meditation is something amazing, clears the mind, pure the mind. Time is 5 am in my country now. it is literally unbelievable. İ recommend to everyone. Much love!!!
  3. Lol. Thinking makes more confusing. Isn't it so funny? 🤣 🤣
  4. @Breakingthewall @Keryo Koffa @Someone here it is actually so simple, not even need to speak about it.
  5. These are all ideas / thoughts.
  6. @PRai1ND1A alil is one, one is all. There is only "nothing" makes you be in love and that's what You really are.
  7. Sharing, caring and loving is the most beautiful thing for me. Hate, judgement or dislike does not bring happiness. İ am here to be happy, that's all.
  8. As Osho said, there is no point or purpose of life. Life is the purpose itself.
  9. @Someone here it means now is before so called birth.
  10. @ivarmaya tRuth is simply Being. That's all.
  11. @MarioGabrielJ anything you say is just a personal opinion. İncluding my sentences.
  12. @Keryo Koffa knowing the path and walking the path completely different.
  13. I am sorry for the laugh. I didn't want to break your heart. Thank you. Peace!
  14. @Princess Arabia I never knew before you never use pychedelics. I just understood when I read your thread, that's all.
  15. What Raltson says I agree, that's only why I have shared lol. In order To better understand me. Lol.
  16. After that there is a life, which is waiting for you and includes thousand of things to learn, experience, feelings in order to ride the Ox.
  17. I am telling for your own goodness believe me. Take some, consume some. And come back laugh this thread. I immediately realize when I read this thread, forget even enlightenment, even you never had a pychedelic experience whatsoever. Walking the path and knowing the path is completely different. You just know it, reading it, analyzing it, but never went through directly what you read of. But what you know of will it reveal itself when you consume Pychedelics. Believe me. Entire new path is waiting for you.
  18. @Princess Arabia spiritual goal is killing the self. Material goal is gaining of selfs. Completely opposite.