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Everything posted by James123

  1. @Da77en additionally, Being Empty and Silence: .
  2. Yeah. That's the 1 billion dollars question.
  3. How do you know? İs it really possible to know something?
  4. @Razard86 you just need to look at the mirror.
  5. There is no god, because there is no you / existence in first place. Just Being and has no names. Any name identifies duality.
  6. Of course. However, if all the world is within, and when you realize what you are, everything is already beauty? You are always death. Sleep, birth or consciousness is just your imagination
  7. There is no more me anymore. I have realize that me was the reason of suffering. I let him alone
  8. Maybe brother. As long as you / we are happy.
  9. During the deep sleep I am saying, is there any YOU there? While in deep sleep?
  10. You haven't done any long term sitting like 6-7 hours a day, or meditation retreats for months right? In order to get what I am saying, you must drop and enter so called no mind state for days. Higher lover consciousness are just an illusion. There is no you therefore no consciousness.
  11. In deep sleep are you aware of these thoughts? Is there any you there? How do you know?
  12. Who is the experiencer in deep sleep?
  13. No definitely not. If you are not in love and need to steal, you are still control by the ego/survival mechanism.
  14. Actually, not no self, no existence is better to say. It is a drop in the ocean.
  15. Enlightenment is simply Being where You already are. Nothing has never happened. Now is before so called birth. Only so called attachment with thoughts creates the existence. Why existence is not there when you are in deep sleep? Because there is no thoughts or attachment there, only Being.
  16. Self=Existence, doesn't exist. It only appears to exist as real.
  17. İ was in the same shoes with you. Know that, max you will die and Let Go! Surrender!!!
  18. Definitely. There is a different between knowing the path and walking the path.
  19. There will be no more you. You will be freedom, empty and lover.
  20. Reality is an illusion itself. Ego is not separate from reality. Ego or you is the universe, which is an illusion. İ am very sorry to say this but, if you identify yourself as body and mind that's beginning of the path.