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Everything posted by James123

  1. Meditation is helpful the surrender the body while alive.
  2. @Hojo shadguru says you can never born too. Therefore, can not die.
  3. How do you know? How can you be sure your experiences are absolute truth? What you say is just relative, because it is based on "your" experience. If no one told you what god is, can you experience it? Any experience is based on mind, which is an illusion again.
  4. You will go back before the birth. Because, you will surrender what you gained, that's called death. So not nonexistentence, it is just Being.
  5. No it is not true. You will go back where you come from.
  6. I agree with you. However, ego/thought can be under control. That's what coming home is about. Yeap. But again, when you completely surrender to god/emptiness/nothingness, it is under control. Believe me.
  7. Everyone needs love. Including me too
  8. God is nothing. Therefore, destroy yourself=ego.
  9. How do you know that I am not helping anyone?
  10. What do you think you are my friend as being So called Human? What do you recommend?
  11. What do you recommend? You need love Ms. We love you.
  12. Everything is good brother. For better me and better world , we need love, everyone needs love. That's why what I have, I am sharing it.
  13. Damn right. After enlightenment mind becomes quite. Thoughts become a servent.
  14. @Princess Arabia 😂 😂 😂
  15. That's what the game is about. It seems so real right?
  16. Correct. But, it is you, freedom is YOU. Not the thoughts.
  17. @Kuba Powiertowski as long as breathing, you are a human being as a self. However, there is a way to transcend all the fear, that is not attachment with thoughts, which creates attachment with so called thinking. If you do not think at all, will not suffer certainly.
  18. @Princess Arabia because, we love each other very much ❤️ ❤️ ❤️