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Everything posted by James123

  1. @The1One If you realize the truth, you know that leo is you and your creation. Instead of judging, why dont you overcome from it? You are just wasting your time. Leo is just a dream that you have imagined. You are stuck because, you still think that leo is other than you.
  2. If you think or feel something, it is ego (Duality, something other then you). If you dont think that will make you exist as nothing, it is pure consciousness (you will be exist as nothing, but everything is you, which is selfless).
  3. @Hotaka Separate your body parts from each other, you wont be able to recognize yourself. You are not in the brain or body. You are the consciousness itself that seeing from the eyes. Consciousness (you) is nothing and everything, whatever you are seeing (your mom, body, chair tv) in the moment is you and you are creating it in the moment. You creating yourself. It is you. You are looking at yourself all the time . Lol
  4. Yes i agree with you. But I believe, duality is about self and non duality is about selfless. Both sides need each other to recognize themselves. Because if you are god (non dual) all the time and you can never experience the egoistical self, If egoistical self all the time and never die, you will never be able to understand god. Thats why is all one, it is just consciousness itself. Enlightenment is not real. Even word of enlightenment is you. You are everything and nothing, exist (ego) and non exist, real and unreal all at the same time. Thats the reason why only the moment is truth, right now is truth, you are it and seeing it. You are looking at yourself as a god and not aware now. From ego perspective you are looking at tv as a separate individual. But all is happening at the same time. Thats why there is nothing to think of. Only the moment.
  5. If there is no emotions within the body. People will be in oneness, nothingness or non dual. because, you are not in the body, but you feel you are inside now. If there is no feelings left, you will be in absolute nothingness with awareness itself. Do you want give up them life to be god? If people answers as yes. If you want be free your so called personality must be death.
  6. Just tried again. I felt like calmness was sitting within my body every time when my eyes was coming back to normal position, and my perspective get wider. But, i think, i over did it, because have a headache again
  7. @actualizing25 inevitable. If you want do it you do it. If you dont want, you cant.
  8. Of course non duality the other side of the coin. If there is no duality, there will be no non duality. Thats why all is one, it is the moment and unexplainable. It is just itself.
  9. @EntheogenTruthSeeker i was addictive to heroin and meth. I am completely clean since 2016. If you need further advice you can pm to me.
  10. I believe, limit ends when you are completely non dual. Because there is no word there, nothing to talk or explain. Even words are you but you exist as nothing. Basically, you become something that anything you can imagine and can not imagine, exist and non exist at the same time. You are everything at the moment but exist as nothing.
  11. @WHO IS see direct experience is the king. No one can actually tell you what you are , you have to find yourself. Additionally, of course it matters how much amount of psychedelic you used, however with contemplation and meditation even if you used the same amount you will explore more. Keep going brother till you realize there is no observer and anything to observe. Then you will hit the ground or bottom. Just meditate and contemplate.
  12. Thats answer of how the devil is created.
  13. @WhatAWondefulWorld thats full of ego, and it never comes when ego wants. Lol. It is just because of 21 th century. Can you imagine if you never seen anything on tv or internet how can you know about someone has a superpower. I never seen or heard anyone.
  14. @Mu_ hey brother. Different technique. I kind of felt like, i am seeing from one eye, which is in the middle of my right and left eye. My foots get numb, and i got a headache lol.
  15. @meow_meow just look at where are you in the brain or body? If you separate each organs, you wont be able to recognize yourself. Because you are not in the body. So where are you? Thats how i hit the non duality with meditation just last month. Because somehow I couldn’t think. But i did psychedelics before. Thats how I learn, i just existed. Because of my thoughts. And sit meditate. i took very large amount of shrooms and realized everything. But if you don’t meditate or contemplate. It doesn’t stay longer brother. Thats what happened to me.
  16. @Dutch guy if people, who are so egoistic around me, brings me back to my ego. However, with meditation and contemplation, effectiveness of others is decreasing day by day. This is just a game. Just have fun without hurting others, and pick your character because all you, which is nothing. I believe, after realization most important thing is the balancing between god and ego. If you are personally associate with feelings or world, you will suffer, therefore, i am god but i just have fun and dont take anything personal in this temporary game. As Bruce Lee said, if you have one to the extreme you will be very unscientific, if you have another extreme you become a all sudden a mechanical man (because, non duality when you feel nothing in the body, you see that you are not in the body and not in the control of body, which mean is you are a robot).
  17. @ItsMeGod world becomes you. Because it is your own imagination, nothing is exist except you. You become humble, lovely and so straightforward. And almost no fear. Only fear can be is thought. My perspective was before the realization, Just imagine that you play ps with virtual reality, and you really believe in that you are the character and embody with that body (because you have vr on your head, and in the game as that body). And after the realization, i know that i am the thing, which puts vr on its own head as nothing. Thats why including my body and rest of this world is same. Because real me is not here, and stays at nothing. Nothing can happened to nothing. I hated people a l lot before, and loved myself so much. After seeing everything is me, i love everything. Even the pain. Lol
  18. - “When the sacred months have passed, then kill the Mushrikin wherever you find them. Capture them. Besiege them. Lie in wait for them in each and every ambush but if they repent, and perform the prayers, and give zacat then leave their way free.” 9:5 Kill them wherever you find them and drive them out from where they drove you out. Persecution is worse than slaughter.” 2:191 When you meet the unbelievers, smite their necks.” 47:4 “When your Lord revealed to the angels, “Truly I am with you. So, keep firm those who have believed. I will strike terror into the hearts of those who have disbelieved. So, strike them at the necks and cut off their fingers.”” 8:12 “Men are the protectors and maintainers of women because Allah has made one superior to the other and because they spend to support them from their means. Therefore, righteous women are obedient and they guard in the husband’s absence what Allah orders them to guard. And, as to those women from whom you fear disobedience, give them a warning, send them to separate beds, and beat them.” 4:34 If someone murders your slave, then you get to kill one of his. If it was a male that was killed, you kill one of the killer's male slaves. If a female, you kill a female. Murder for murder. Slave for slave. It all works out swell with Allah's wondrous rules. (Oh, and if you don't follow them, you'll have the usual painful doom.) 2:178 This is only some of the violent sentences of hundreds violent verses in Quran. Thats why sufism is way better for islam. You guys are questioning why the world is violent, and these sentences are in the book that you believe in lol Please, dont get me guys wrong Quran includes major important information and Prophet Muhammed too. But how can you completely believe in something with blind eyes? Without not your own judgement?
  19. Anytime, as much as, i get close more non duality, after that I got the kick back of ego or feeling of going crazy as mush as.
  20. Brother, they are many tools out there to find the truth. If you want, you can find truth in 1 day. Or just wait till you die To see the truth and suffer rest of your life as you doing now. Whatever we are explaining to you is for getting rid of your suffering. Because, truth ends suffering. Much love and respect to you.
  21. This is not about being humble or not. It is impossible to know anything in the first place. We are just trying to figure out or discover some new info in the duality. Thats it.
  22. Allah said that “Who does dhiker or constantly remember my name, can attain my station”. Prophet Muhammed says that Allah has no shape (because it is nothing), is closer your vein than to you (because, it is you), and is everywhere (because, it is everything). Prophet Muhammed reach to Allah while meditating. Your enemy is only yourself. Imam Al Ghazali This place is a dream. Only a sleeper considers it real. Then death comes like dawn, and you wake up laughing at what you thought was your grief. Rumi Thats why in sufism, dhkir happens first thinking to seyh, after that level thinking to Prophet Muhammed and after that level thinking to Allah. You think, you are here and exist. Thats why you are devil. When you see Allah, anytime you say ME, you will feel pain that you cant even imagine. Because, Allah will tell you there is no you. Only ME. Thats the reason why prophet Muhammed raises his fore finger to sky and says all is one, it is Allah. When you become Allah, you will have no sense of yourself, which mean is there is no you (Probably, you never had ego death experience before). Only Allah. There is no james, only Allah. Thats why i am you and you are me. See everything is Allah and world belongs to it. Thats why in the sufism they say “Die before you die”.
  23. @Benjamin x God told me which is” when I separate myself from God as saying that i am an human different then it, I created the evil”. All is ONE.