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Everything posted by James123

  1. just try to think less or stay at the moment. Your so called self is actually never exist. Stay silently, realize your true self. Thoughts make you exist and life. You are eternal singularity thoughts creates so called mind and you are stuck. You add yourself with thinking, thoughts is the crowd to not see the sky. Don’t add anything be your real self.
  2. Every form is based on formlessness. Formlessness is the truth. Because it could be anything. Such as every salmon is fish, but but not every fish is salmon. In order to be salmon, you have be fish first. Thats why truth is infinite nothingness and formlessness. It is the core.
  3. Definitely brother. Whatever you do is you, me is you. Infinite nothingness, Little little nothing is happening within nothingness.
  4. Life is happening for you because of thoughts. Stop thinking, you will be the source right now. You are already it. With thoughts you are creating so called self judgement meanwhile you have no self whatsoever. Any questions is meaningless, because you are the question itself, not 2, only 1. Thats why only way of the solution is stay in the moment without any thoughts, you will realize what is real you.
  5. @Raptorsin7 silence and darkness is the key. It is hidden in silence.
  6. @Exystem yo i loved it the funny part is it doesn’t matter where you are , you spread love even in almost under arrest, and hospital with no worries. Unconditional Love Love you brother, you made my day Just be careful next time. Lol. Thank god (lol) you didn’t become a wolf like me. I was looking for rabbit on my arms and legs lmfao
  7. @Member i have realized it during the glimpses of Mahasamadhi. 10 min through meditation and 2 hours with 2 gr dried shrooms. You will see sooner or later. Lol when you don’t remember anything about life (no sense of the body) when you become your room as infinite nothingness. Let me know
  8. @Member how can I explain something has no name? Thats the reason why i am saying, it is pure awareness itself, which is nothingness therefore infinite (everything). Every shape is existed by awareness or nothingness. You have to be nothing or awareness itself to get a shape as something, even love. It has no shape or shapeless but aware. It is nothing, because there is nothing there but aware.
  9. do whatever you want. I just suggest you my opinion, because you can turn here to heaven. Because it is all you. If You want to suffer, just suffer. before awakening, it was a spiritual awakening, after awakening it is your game. “You” and “I” are not even exist. Only exist is awareness itself. Ask Leo you will get more valuable answer Nothing is formlessness or pure awareness, therefore It is in every shapes and is everything.
  10. There is no you to suicide if you dont think, how would you be even exist? you are not in the body nor in the mind. Life and you exist Because of the thoughts.
  11. enlightenment is nothingness . Run run run i am not a indian. But people who are from india feel disrespected when they see your comment. Watch your mouth.
  12. you are wrong. Pure awareness is nothingness. Because, Nothing includes everything. Me as a person is not real, but the only real is awareness itself, which is nothingness. I dont where do you come with these info’s. Of course there is an awareness. If there is no awareness, you can never be exist or aware, even as nothing. You guys in the dream world. Lol. Nothing (pure awareness) is happening here. Nothing is the inly thing that exist as aware. You guys are in Alice wonderland. Dont even know nothingness. You forgot to read this part. I found your name ignorance is bliss
  13. i know exactly how it feels lol. I become a ground beef, it cupped me of million times till i stop saying “Me”, or there will be no me left. ?
  14. @zeroISinfinity yea. Do what makes you happy, nothing changes have fun brother
  15. @zeroISinfinity you are wrong. Pure awareness is nothingness. Because, Nothing includes everything. Me as a person is not real, but the only real is awareness itself, which is nothingness. I dont where do you come with these info’s. Of course there is an awareness. If there is no awareness, you can never be exist or aware, even as nothing. You guys in the dream world. Lol. Nothing (pure awareness) is happening here. Nothing is the inly thing that exist as aware. You guys are in Alice wonderland. Dont even know nothingness.
  16. @zeroISinfinity it has no name actually. It is awareness itself, but even when you add a word, it contradicts itself. But nothing and aware, therefore nowhere, everything and everywhere. Right now. All is nothingness. This is direct experience, if you label chair as a chair thats your duality. All is nothingness is happening here, and you just labeled it. Life is not exist. Even words, all illusion.
  17. @zeroISinfinity @Someone here nothing and infinite. The moment, now.
  18. I am doing mma for years, thats the reason why i got that book. Lol
  19. I was trying to explain why this happened brother. I am not a teacher. @Galyna i have read half of principle of effortless power. It is about martial arts connection with awareness.
  20. @Spiral Wizard in order to reach psychedelic state, you have to give up everything and meditate for years. Normal human body and mind will be burn out staying that level of consciousness. Don’t forget that you are experiencing human body as awareness, human body is limited, but you are limitless. You cant be limitless in limited body, however you can be pure person as awareness. I have experienced universal mind through meditation, there is no way you can behave as a person or human, i experience Mahasamadhi glimpses (you are not aware of body or life, just you exist as nothing), i have experienced non duality through meditation ( i was just drinking water, I couldn’t eat anything or remember to eat).
  21. When you are just being, you actually can not describe it with words, because word adds something on it, because of that any word or anything can not describe it. It is just a direct being without anything.
  22. @Consilience awareness is just a word. We are trying to mention just a being.
  23. Great ? Thats the reason why, Peter Raltson, Osho, Krishanamurti vs. says that they sacrifice everything for awareness.