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Everything posted by James123

  1. Yes. If you raise your consciousness now. You will realize there is no life, you are nothing and infinite. All is happening at the same time. Now. The moment.
  2. @WaveInTheOcean i wish you best luck brother. Dont hold anything, share. Much love ❤️
  3. Yeap. It is the just the way that it is lol
  4. Help the poor, show mercy to weak people, be humble as nothing and share as everything.
  5. Ignorance is god. Everything is god. It is infinite, everything, unconditional love and nothing. God is struggling and at the same time it is created the struggling. God is created the human and at the same time it is the human. Because it is nothing and everything.
  6. If you are game-maker, you are the game and all is you. So who is going to play the game? Something, which is it, but unconscious it has to play the game. Thats why you created yourself as unconscious now. One part infinite of you, which is you human now. Because it is infinite. If it is not ignorant, it cant be infinite and will be limited. Infinite includes everything and nothing.
  7. God is infinite, me, you, god, tree are identical. We are all one. All process is you l, which is god. You are god as a human form, tree is a god as tree form. Because it is nothing.
  8. There is no reality or skull outside of you. Everything is you, even words.
  9. Just be aware what you are at the moment and go with flow. Self thoughts are mostly creates prison.
  10. Because, awareness is infinite, and you never born and died.
  11. @Elshaddai Definitely works. However, during the fasting most important thing is being kind. If anger (ego) takes control of you, because you are hungry, there is no success of fasting. Fasting is important to handle and decrease the ego.
  12. @JayG84 if you love everything as you, you will open all the doors of infinite.
  13. @Gustav watch the movie matrix. Do you want to be Neo or Cypher?
  14. @Akemrelax when you lose everything you are free to do anything. Suffering is essential to comprehend the unconditional love.Die before you die.
  15. God, me, you, infinite, words (me, you) are just nothing. Everything is nothing. This place is nowhere, i am nothing thats why i am not here. Thats it.
  16. Thoughts and Mind are an illusion. Pure consciousness is just staying here forever as nothing. Nothing is exist except it. There is nothing here, because all there is just nothing. Life is not even a blink.
  17. Whatever you see is you as nothing. Consciousness (you) projects this so called life within you. Therefore, Life doesn’t happen anywhere except you.
  18. You are conscious of me right now right? That your conscious mind includes, your ego, my ego, everything and nothing. Because thats not your mind that’s infinite consciousness. If you say how can be everything and nothing at the same time?, because hot and cold, good and evil, human and god, if evil is not exist, goodness will be useless. All opposite sides complete each other and when you added them they will be equal to 0, which is nothingness. Such as result of adding infinite positive numbers and negative numbers will be 0. If it includes everything it must be empty. Because if there is no one side of opposite , other side of can not be exist, it will be meaningless.
  19. Solipsism is just a word. Truth is not. You should ask solipsism what is self? How can they proof self? Because you feel or see that meaning is you are exist? Lmfao. These are all words. Truth is truth. Not a word, it includes everything and nothing.
  20. @SamueLSD you are exist as nothing, you are here as nothing therefore you are not here. Same for them. All is equal and one. We are all infinite nothing and identical
  21. According to sources he helped his wife to reach Mahasamadhi, he sitted non stop 15 days, he says that he is here for love and us, otherwise he will be gone, and he claims he doesn’t own anything in this world. The way that he talks about rumi, osho, Keishanamurti is very detail, short and valuable. I believe he is definitely enlightened.
  22. Lol they just need to go to hell of ego for couple of hours, or They have to realize when you say ME what happens when you become face to face with god (pure consciousness). Lol
  23. If you have nothing to lose, it will be a just experience. Believe me