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Everything posted by zoey101

  1. I am told constantly that I am a social butterfly, but I personally don't know if I'd agree lol. But I guess what I do is just get people to talk about themselves. Once they mention something I am able to expand on, I just go with that and it leads us deeper and deeper into conversation. Just keep it simple. Not everyone you meet is gonna get deep with you. But if you keep it simple and start from the basics, I don't see why you can't "fake it till you make it"
  2. @ajasatya yeah she is.
  3. @B_Naz No prob I'm just learning with you so don't feel obligated to give any value to what I said lol
  4. Hey man, fist of all, welcome you have found some of the nicest and supportive people possibly in the world I personally am just trying to explore. There is a big world out there, and I know you haven't even seen half of it, no one really has. Try to just be in the world but from a study stand point. I don't know much about all of this, but I feel like experiencing the world and it's different cultures and views can be eye opening I am right there with you on this one. I grew up singing, and had my whole life planned out in order to achieve my dream. But, as you know, life doesn't always go as planned. Right now I am focusing on getting my life a little more organized and then I hope to be back in my music. Look to Public Radio. It's a pretty open-minded platform to practice with I've heard literally anything from songs about love to songs about getting high, to Steve Martin playing his banjo and singing about hating his ex lol Don't do it for others. Do it because you love music I think taking things too seriously can lead to this mentality. It's easy to fall into, but harder to get out of. Like I said earlier, I don't much about all of this, but I'm sure more qualified people will come along to help
  5. I don't think using tools that you have learned to help you survive through daily life is wrong. I mean, yeah we are supposed to live selflessly, but we also have a life in the "ego world" to make it through. Anxiety is pretty common nowadays and I can't help but feel like if you found something to calm you then stick with it. I could be wrong, but it doesn't feel like it should be wrong to use your strengths to your advantage
  6. Go for it! Don't be scared to experience life at its absolute fullest
  7. When the Bible talks about loving your neighbor, you have to read the entire passage in context to understand what is being said. Mark 12:28-34 Jesus was being asked questions by people who were trying to make Him slip up and sound like a fraud. One lawyer asked Him "Jesus, what is the most important Commandment?". Now you have to understand that the people Jesus was speaking to were very literal when it came to following religious and state laws. Jesus responds "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." When He talks about loving them as yourself, He is speaking to people who, at the time, believed that if you associated with someone out of the beliefs, then you were just a filthy as they were. It is said that Jews have been documented in history saying they would rather eat the nose of a pig than touch a Samaritan. If you know anything about Jewish Dietary laws, that is a pretty heavy statement to make. But anyway, He was telling them to not think that they are better than anyone for any reason. They are the same as us, sinners. Nothing more, nothing less. That's the lesson "The Good Samaritan" is another great example of this lesson. Luke 10:25-37 Sorry to hijack this post for a quick lesson! I'm all done
  8. I think you should get a phone that doesn't tell you if the other person read the message or not. I think that was the worst invention ever. You want to lose your girlfriend? Then bring up petty stuff like this. I'm sorry to be blunt, but girls don't like clingy guys. She didn't respond, who cares? just let it go. I get a bunch of texts from my husband that I don't respond to because I'm just busy or sometimes I just forget to press send on the message I was gonna send. You can't let this bug you otherwise you will never be happy or at peace.
  9. wow, I can see the conflict. I'd love to know what people say on this too.
  10. Wow @Karin12414 :') that's beautiful!
  11. @Karin12414
  12. @Karin12414 Congratulations! It takes a lot of guts to stand up for yourself, and a lot of strength to push past the pain and allow yourself to be YOU. Keep fighting girl! You can do it!
  13. @Sahil Pandit dam.. never saw that movie. Cried my eyes out ? Beautiful thank you!
  14. @Charlotte @John Iverson Sorry saw no response, thought I'd give you the link it's pretty interesting
  15. Lol I was about to say understand
  16. I'm sorry you had to go through something like this. Just try to let it all go. Like everyone said, it is not your fault. There is absolutely no reason for you to feel any guilt for any part of your situation. You did something that millions of woman do not have the strength to do, you told the Police. Hold on to that. You are stronger than you think! I would just take some time. You said you are gonna stop talking to Nathan, GOOD! Just take it one step at a time. Trust me, the change won't happen over night. You are still going to face challenges and struggle through, but you will become better for them. Where can you go from here? I think only you can answer that. Just think about it. @RichardY Agreed.
  17. I have been doing my damnedest to keep myself in a good healthy mindset, but I really just failed hard this week... Things have not been going to smoothly for me this week, (trying to support my husband for the suicide of his friend and now his dying grandfather, finding out my husband has been doing meth behind my back... and a fight between my sister and husband over stupidity) but I have been trying to just let it go and not let myself be run by it. It has been really hard keeping stuff in perspective with one thing after another just almost constantly knocking me down... Last night I decided to drink a little to just not think about any of it. (usually it works, I just get tipsy and pass out) But I couldn't get myself to stop thinking about all the bullshit... I felt like I was just sinking deeper and deeper into depression... I felt just hopeless and alone... So in a stupid drunken state, I grabbed a knife and sat in the bathroom just crying my eyes out... and I cut my wrist... I haven't done that stupid shit in 8 years... But I felt like I couldn't stop myself anymore... I feel so disgusted with myself.. I'm a mom now... I can't be doing shit like that... It's just selfish... My husband saw it and got really pissed at me.. but he hasn't said a word about it yet... I feel so stupid...
  18. Thank you guys for the advice. I've had a night to sleep it off, and I spent the day away from everything with my husband and daughter. We went to the aquarium and I feel a lot more relaxed. I have a clearer mind and I know it was just a dumb drunken experience.. @Shroomdoctor Thank you. I'll look into the meditation. @John Iverson i know... I'm sorry... I know it was stupid and selfish... I don't want to do it again anymore...
  19. @John Iverson thank you 
  20. I really want to do it again.... God this sucks....
  21. Okay guys, so I had a rough night and I am just lost on how to approach the situation carefully.... So, my older sister has been our roommate for just over a year now. Things were alright, we were all working together to get ahead. However, lately my sister has been owing us money towards the overall house expenses, and my husband and I have been trying to be as patient and understanding as possible... We told her that if she can't afford something to let us know so we can help, but to pay us back as soon as the money if there.. My husband has been giving me crap about it because she owes us, but still uses more of her fair share of things quicker than we can keep up with... (ex, if I buy a 24 pack of soda to split between just me and her, there will be at least 6 gone by the next day, and I only had 1!) I try to talk to her nicely about it, and she always says she gets it, but then she's back to the old habits after a day or two... He has tried himself to talk to her in a cool manner to just explain to her that she can't just take and not contribute... So right now she owes us $180 plus her part of the electric when it comes in. She got paid and told me she couldn't give it to me and so I told her okay... but that she needs to give whatever she can as soon as she can because we were a little tight this week. OK, Last Night: So we came home and my uncle was there with a new bike for her, so we let him in and tried to see if we could fit it in her room. I happened to notice a Walmart bag on the floor with a receipt so I looked and it and it said she spent like $30 on dumb shit like Yu-gi-oh cards (yes, YU-GI-OH CARDS!!! I wish I was making this shit up!) the day after she told us that she couldn't pay us back. So, needless to say, my husband was pretty pissed about it and took the cards and hid them from her... Later when she asked about it, he told her that she can have them back when she pays us the $30 she could have payed us back and my sister lost it and things kinda just escalated after that... I tried to calm my husband down but to also let my sister know she was being ridiculous and she was wrong... The fight ended with my husband giving her the stupid cards back and telling her she needs to pay us back and get out in two months because she already paid for this month. My issue: I want to talk to both of them about it, but I have no clue what to say... I feel like my husband was right, but handled the situation wrong... and I know my sister is wrong, but she is the 2 most stubborn person I know (next to my mom -_-' ).... I don't want things to stay tense between us all... and I don't want to force my sister out... but how do i talk without sounding like I'm betraying one side of my family? I rehearse what I think I want to say to them, but when I think about actually doing it, my anxiety starts to act up and I feel like I can't breath... I feel like this whole thing is so stupid..... What can I do....?
  22. It was something needed at the time. Nowadays, there is a specific temperature that ALL meat must reach in order to be considered safe to eat. If you eat under cooked meat, what happens? You spend the next day or two shitting and puking everywhere. Now, back then, they had no way of really knowing this. And this was during a time where shitting yourself could LITERALLY kill you. So when one fellow ate the pig and died, everyone around began to think, 'well maybe God doesn't want us to eat that'. You have to keep some things in mind when reading the Bible, while a good majority of the lessons in there are transferable to our lives today, there were a few parts influenced by just what was happening at the time.