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Everything posted by brugluiz

  1. Thank you, @Emerald and @Cepzeu! I think I can combine your both ideas.
  2. I had a lot of social anxiety when I was a Sanshou athlete. I was very strong during those times, but I still had a different type of confidence that I was able to walk on the streets with not so much fear. I still had fear of guns and etc, but some evil people would stay away from me due to my size.
  3. Green people can have Orange stage underdeveloped. At least it's what I understood with Leo's explanations. I have the impression there are some people assuming that, in order to be Green, you need to embody Orange at first.
  4. The Brazilian actor Wagner Moura seems to be Green. He was in the movie Elysium and has some socialist ideas (I don't think it's a lot of Blue socialism). Matt Damon seems to be very Green too:
  5. We have many shamans and modern shamans here in Brazil. Ayahuasca are generally taken with these prople.
  6. No, my vision isn't clear yet. I have a glimpse of what I like, but I don't have certainty. Thank you! I want to eat healthy to feel alive again and have energy to pursue my passion I want to consistently fo physical exercises to feel more energetic and then give positive vibes to other people. I want to message my frienda because I appreciate their presence and I love them. I want to focus more on other activities to be proud of me in the end of the day. I want to read more to learn more and apply what I learn in my life, making things better and opening new opportunities (ex.: a book that teaches how to be more productive will help me to make money to travel abroad). This reframing is awesome!
  7. I'm reading An Actor Prepares (Brazilian Portuguese edition) by Constantin Stanislavski and it seems to be a bit of Green because it talks a little about the soul and spiritual work of an actor. The book also talks about using the profession of an actor/actress not to pursue fame and money, but do it because you love what you do.
  8. Tolkien seems to be green. I read a lot of how he loved forests and trees (probably nature is what inspired him to write The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings).
  9. Thank you, Leo! I still have to watch Wild Wild Country.
  10. I can't understand why Che Guevara is green. He admitted killing people.
  11. Thank you, @zambize! Yeah, it's a terrible ego trap. I want to write about what I want in life, but I don't know where start. Edit: just found this article:
  12. I agree with @Serotoninluv. It's very important to make it clear that she'll be your fuckbuddy. I'm on the same thing, I want to have a girlfriend, but I don't feel myself ready. Falling in the passion trap is the worst thing ever, but now I'm more aware of which type of girl I like, and to have a relationship with her, I need to handle my shit at first.
  13. The illusion of movement may be the same as the illusion of time.
  14. When I do dynamics related to heart chakra, I generally cry. I don't know why because I can't remember the memories I had during the dynamic. I just let myself cry. I know that I have to let it go, but I don't know why it happens. I have strong feelings about my childhood when I do these dynamics though. When it happens it means I'm healing? I wouldn't say I feel better after the dynamic, but I feel kinder with people. Maybe I have to do many heart chakra dynamics in order to feel a huge difference. I just did a kind of breathing dynamic related to heart chakra yesterday. By the way, I felt some tinglings on my face and chest during another breathwork dynamic (I heard it was Holotropic Breathwork). What is it? I was scared that I was going to have a stroke.
  15. Hi, @peanutspathtotruth! Holotropic Breathwork is a dynamic for example. Massasing my heart chakra is another dynamic. Maybe I'm using the wrong word because I have intermediate English. Sorry. When I felt the tinglings, I got scared and really thought I was going to have a stroke. It made me a bit dizzy (even while laid on the ground). I wasn't warned about these things, maybe that's why I didn't surrender completely. Thank you for the support and kindness, @Sahil Pandit!
  16. I don't believe it. If we start thinking that turquoise people are perfect, we start to romaticize the whole stuff. Maybe they're not perfect. Maybe that was my issue with Spiral Dynamics because I start to romanticize about it. Maybe a turquoise person didn't learn the lessons from other spiral levels, and it makes them do many mistakes when holding a position as a spiritual guru. Interesting. Turquoise level doesn't mean enlightened. I think David Deida talks about it. He says you can be a yoga master but still don't know you're love, but you may also don't know anything about yoga and know that you're love.
  17. This is not a topic to point fingers, but just to discuss the issue that many spiritual gurus are getting involved in scandals (sex scandals sometimes). Why does it happen? Is it because even turquoise people don't heal their emotions? Can a turquoise person be turquoise but doesn't grasp enlightenment? I wonder why, because they're supposed to be about too much love.
  18. If the public discovers about it and get frustrated, it becomes a scandal.
  19. Telling a person she'll be cured or have any spiritual benefit after having sex is a form of sexual abuse. Being turquoise doesn't seem to be the same of not following society rules. Turquoise people can of course enjoy sex. I'm not saying they can't.
  20. I had similar sensation once (I even opened a hot thread about it). Now I'm aware that Leo is just a teacher like many others I can have.
  21. You can always be a celibate. No obligation of having a girlfriend.
  22. I read The Multi Orgasmic Man and I remember it has many edging exercises. Is it healthy to do while in NoFap? I remember one exercise where you need to press some points that carries the sperm.
  23. Thank ypu, @Lorcan! I didn't know that guy from the video. When a teen, I was a Sanshou athlete and I would have fierce in my eyes. I don't know if I integrated it healthly, but sometimes I'm very hard to give up.
  24. Maybe you need more aminoacids. There's a book called The Mood Cure by Julia Ross. Take a look at it.
  25. I want to do Shamanic Breathing, but I don't think it's a good idea without supervision. Just getting prepared to it with access bars.