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Everything posted by brugluiz

  1. Interesting. I need this Red fuel again. I had it a lot when I was a teen, but lost it with Blue, Orange and even Green teachings. I think a lot of problems that Green people have is that they don't want to embody Red, Blue and Orange lessons.
  2. Maybe it's more Orange. American Sniper movie is very Blue.
  3. I had a girlfriend who loved me too much and I still live with my parents. All that you said is bullshit. To have a girlfriend, you just need to want a girlfriend. It doesn't mean you're ready to have a relationship though. You seem to have many limiting beliefs towards women and relationships. I don't have too much of these beliefs, but I have some limitations towards money. If I approached money the same way I approach women, I would be rich.
  4. Day 78. Less depressed at least, but I still have mood fluctuations. I don't have too much urge towards porn anymore, but I still want to have sex. I still love beautiful and curvy women (I don't hope it changes lol).
  5. It doesn't seem to be safe. I met a guy once that had to look at the sun in order to feed himself. I don't know if it's breatharianism, but he didn't eat and drink water.
  6. I had psychosis once and was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder. Maybe I'm just bipolar (don't know). I'm on a low dose of antipsychotics but I still have mood fluctuations. I worry about diabetes.
  7. Hey, guys! Generally, I create some Graphic Design materials and Motion Graphic videos, but what I really want is to work with Drawing and Digital Painting. I want to face challenges in order to get better at drawing because just studying Digital Painting is not providing me it. How do I know if I'm good enough to start offering my Digital Painting and Drawing services? I don't feel comfortable with drawing realistic Digital Painting, but it's okay for me to draw Cartoon characters. Should I just offer what I think it's okay for me to draw? By the way, I'm realizing now that I need to work on a very good portfolio, but I appreciate your feedback. Thank you!
  8. During September I was thinking on suicide and I would say that a lot of introspection was putting me into a downward spiral. I'm not saying introspection is bad, but it can make you lose touch with reality (please, don't start with ponderings like "but reality doesn't even exist"). Taking action is also a key point. I don't mean just taking action like working or going to the gym, but also meeting new people, partying, going to new places and even doing materialistic stuff (like facing your fears). They say non-duality is the ultimate truth, but I think it can mislead people. Non-duality can be seen as something that will bring us happiness or whatever and that's why we call ourselves spiritual seekers. We're seeking for something that we already have, no matter our circumstances. It's the second thread about a person wanting to commit suicide I see here. Sometimes it's important to be more grounded and talk to people in a way they can understand, even if they are attached to their ego, or if they have a religion, or if they're atheists or whatever. If a person wants to make friends, tell them: "make friends" instead of "you have to focus on Being in order to realize you don't need friends." If a person wants to make money, tell them: "it's okay to have the desire of making money" instead of "you need to be aware of low consciousness patterns and not think about money, but just about high values." If a person wants to have sex, tell them: "it's okay to have casual relationships" instead of "you're being too shallow if you want to have sex." If a person wants happiness, tell them: "it's okay to make something for your happiness" instead of "Tony Robbins are all about Orange evil stuff and you shouldn't listen to him. Overcome your addictions by sitting and doing nothing for weeks that you'll find happiness." Be more grounded guys in order to help people who are depressed or suffering. I know many of you, including Leo, have advanced stuff to teach, but sometimes I myself feel like an alien that can't understand what enlightenment or happiness is. It seems I'm losing something very important. Maybe I am, but it doesn't mean my life is worthless. I learned a lot with my suicidal thoughts and I hope you can learn something from me (if you will). Here in Brazil we call it "ser pé no chão." By the way, Karma Yoga seems to be a very good thing in order to overcome depression.
  9. Think globally, act locally.
  10. The Peter Pan syndrome is awesome. Who talks about it? Jordan Peterson. Even if JP is individualistic, egotistical and Blue/Orange centered person, I have these traits too. I'm not just about high consciousness and I still couldn't find anyone who is. If Ecky was all about high consciousness, he would neither sell his books to make money. It's because we have different types of consciousness: low conaciousness, mid consciousness and high consciousness. Jordan Peterson talks to my different types of consciousness in some degree, while Eckhart Tolle talks more to my high values. And even if you were all about high consciousness or even if Leo was all about high consciousness, he would never talk about Jordan Peterson. He would never mention his name. So people are not misled by JP or whatever. People are still responsible for their own acts. We can reach enlightenment, but we are still human beings with our own ego. I still can't believe on this story that we're all about high values.
  11. It's okay. If you can't resonate with Jordan Peterson, it's okay to skip his teachings. But anyway, you don't need to claim what you were claiming. You literally told people shouldn't listen to anything that JP says.
  12. The first question is about me and the second question is about my drawings/work. I think I understood it. It's like thinking I'm not good enough due to my works. Being good is not about what I can do, but about what I am. Awesome video! Lol! Thank you! Great post, @rNOW! I ask people's feedback, but generally just inside my social circle. I think I should ask for feedback in Facebook groups of artists. I never thought about this seeing skill. Are you also an artist of any kind? Thank you for your post!
  13. Aren't you having black or white thinking by telling JP's a false prophet? Can't you learn anything with him? Because it seems if you're going to listen to someone, you have to follow his/her ideology. I don't know if it's healthy.
  14. I just watched a JP's video about Peter Pan syndrome and, you know, that's what I need. Some people here have a black or white thinking, and it's a shame. I understand the other levels of the Spiral, but, even if JP is too much individualistic, his teachings are still worthy. His teachings are especially worthy for me. I'm not a fanboy, but I'm interested on learning and improving myself. There's no shortcuts. If you want to evolve, you need to embrace even what Peterson preaches. I really stopped caring about which Spiral's level I'm in and started taking action towards what I want in life. Before it, I was too picky and petty. That's a huge problem with SD: people become petty with this kind of shit. I still value emotional healing. I still value hugging my male friends. I still value love. But I also value individualism, ego, survival, congruence, integrity and masculinity. No thing can be built without the balance between feminine and masculine, between objectivity and subjectivity, between ego and Self, between materialism and spirituality and between ying and yang. That's what I need to live my life. SD is interesting, but it's often misundertood by petty people with delusional thoughts about reality.
  15. Thank you, @aurum! They say content is gold. Sorry, @Nahm, didn't grasp entirely what you mean.
  16. Just craft. Truth is very subjective. Professional stuff needs to lead from point A to point B.
  17. I find Cal Newport's idea practical: I don't think passion is a thing that will move you automatically to a wonderful life. It's delusional. But you need to work on a job where you can express your creativity. If you take a look at my posts here in the forum, you'll notice that sometimes I think my passion is pick-up and sometimes I think my passion is drawing. It happens because I get so bored with drawing that I want to give up. After some time, I want to draw again. I lose a lot of time waiting for passion to kick in and it will never happen. Passion mindset is not sustainable, but craftsman mindset is. And, you know, I have creativity to create awesome drawings, I mix different references and create amazing stuff, I know how to use a pencil and many drawing softwares and etc. Many people think my drawings are amazing and they're grateful for the work I do for them. But sometimes I'm not happy because I think I'm a fraud. I think I'm entitled to something greater or that I need to have a lot of fun. The truth is: sometimes it'll be boring and it'll sucks. I'm still a human being. What matters is that I don't give up. I will not be satisfied until I reach the quality I want. There are other material stuff that motivates me like travelling, electronic devices, books, cars, sex, money, apartments and etc, but nothing replaces the gratefulness that people have when they're happy with a drawing of mine. Nothing. If someone asks me: draw a car. I will draw a car. If someone asks me: draw a house. I will draw a house. And sometimes I try to create more than what was asked. But if I don't have the skills to create something, I'll get frustrated. That's why it's important to practice a lot and never give up. Another thing: if you can do it for free, it's a clue.
  18. It's useful to understand some principles, but, you know, it's nothing compared to realizing that every person, no matter which level of consciousness she's in, has value. I can learn with any kind of people, no matter their level in the Spiral. I learned a lot with a girl who people would call her a Blue girl and I admire and appreciate what she does. She's Catholic and knows God better than some Yellow and Turquoise people. David Deida talks about it, telling that you can be a Yoga Master, but still can't find God. You surely can be Turquoise, but you can still not find God. I remember when I learned about SD for the first time and I would judge people by giving them colors. It was the most idiotic thing I did. It was not grounded. It was pies in the sky. But it's just my path and I learned with it.
  19. Good answers, bro! But I still think you should have more sexual experiences. It's up to you though.
  20. Tough topic. Maybe you had some kind of trauma during your childhood and it makes you think that everything is about exploration or taking advantage, and not love. Sex is a real good thing, but it should be treated with respect. It's an energy exchange and, if you were abused when young, you may see sex as a violation and get disgusted when people do stuff that may have a relationship to sex. You may get even disgusted of yourself for having sexual desires. We're sexual beings and we should be comfortable with it. There's a girl called Dawn Watson who has an interesting book on the matter.
  21. I still think about sex, but I want to have real sex. I made up with 2 girls last week and it made me horny, but I had the will power to control it and be in peace with myself.