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Everything posted by MIARIVEL

  1. @Emerald Wilkins Ill share this on my fb page. I love helping those who are doing good in this world and I think whay you are doing is amazing. Keep up the good work and you will eventually get there ?
  2. @Emerald Wilkins What is your youtube? I would love to see your amazing work.
  3. @ButlerMr Gleeson Mr Gleeson you amaze me. I love the way you think and I 100% agree. I think everyone here can learn a thing or two from your brilliant mind.
  4. @The Alchemist Coach Corey is good, hes very straight to the point. Even though he focuses on males with his coaching, i learn alot from him from a male point of view on relationships. And i agree with everything you said ?
  5. @Lorence Hi Lorence, Have you tried setting goals and achieving them before? I have found myself doing a million different things at once to keep my mind active so that I don't just get bored doing one thing. I like to keep busy but I also manage my time and all my goals I want to achieve. I find you can't get bored if your achieving a few different things and managing them well.
  6. @Nick I actually would like more alone time lol. I would definitely enjoy that.
  7. You tube is a great way to get an audience and potential customers buying your art, but as Leo said, research all about marketing and test a few suggestions out. I struggled with marketing my business myself so I just ended up hiring someone (this can be expensive though).
  8. Oh I was this girl, I didn't have to pay rent and I had a good paying job and I bought everything I could ever want. I had my family and boyfriend at the time telling me to stop the impusle spending and save, but I always thought to myself, life is to short to save. Until the day came I had to move out on my own, start paying rent and bills and then I went through a period where my whole mindset on money shifted. I met an accountant (who I worked with) and he taught me a lot about money, budgeting and saving in a way that made sense to me. I knew at that point I really needed to get serious about how I spend my money and getting used to living without certain things. The mind shift about money comes when the person is open to it. If their not, then there is no point keep trying to save them if they don't want the help, they will learn when the time comes for them to learn how to manage money better.
  9. I have struggled with assertiveness, I have always been the 'yes' person to everything and have had so many people telling me I'm too nice, I can easily be someone's doormat, why don't I stick up for myself and so on. I think you really need to understand and work on your beliefs and values in order to gain clarity and confidence, which has a lot to do with how assertive you are. I used to be worried about other people's reactions/feelings if I said something but now I have just learnt to say what I want to say in a nice way. That way I have said what I needed to say and the other person knows exactly how I feel. You have to know your own worth and value and know that your opinion matters and you have something valuable to offer. Its okay to say no sometimes and do not feel guilty for doing so, just express yourself and practice more and more. Before you know it, you will be the one leading conversations.
  10. Sex is just to feel good, nothing more. Sexual intimacy is Love and passion between two people. I find sexual intimacy to be out of this world amazing, then just to have empty sex.
  11. I get about 5 hours of sleep a night and I work 7days a week (I usually take one day off a month though). I've tried meditation a few times but overtime I tend to fall back asleep again, so it hasn't worked for me. However, I'll share my routine (which may be common sense and may also not be for everyone). * Go to bed and wake up the same time everyday * Glass of water when I wake up * Say 3 things I'm grateful for * Whilst getting ready for work I listen to one of Leo's or someones else motivational videos to get my mind right for the day * I have my favourite affirmations around my house which keeps me in a positive mood usually and this helps maintain my positive happy attitude * Every morning I drink hot water, lemon, honey & apple cider vinegar to get my energy levels up and wake me up in the morning *I Take fish oil and multivitamins to help with memory and my general over all health * drink green tea throughout the day and lots of water * I work off a to-do list every day to keep me organised so I am not stressed out * I always take an hour lunch break (usually I will go for an hour long walk or run during my break) this ups my energy levels for the afternoon. *Snack on fruit throughout the day & always try to have a healthy breakfast & lunch * I take 1/2hr nap when I get home (no more than half hour) other wise i'm over tired and end up sleeping less * I usually like to make different salads with fish or meat for dinner *Say prayers before bed as this puts me & my mind at peace. I usually do this every day that now its just all become a habit for me. I found when I changed my diet and started to do my regular lunch walks, I had a lot more energy and didn't feel so tired. Maybe try buying some health and fitness magazines to educate you on some food and exercises you can try (it makes all the difference in the world keeping your body and mind healthy. Look some things up on the net to get an idea of ways you can improve sleeping patterns, health and fitness, feel more relaxed and things to help with memory.
  12. @Psychonaut I have a journal for everything, however I carry around my day planner so I know what I have on for the day and it keeps track of what I eat and how much I spent that day and I carry around a little bullet journal where I write down any and every random idea (E.g.An inspiring quote I herd/saw, What I need to do for next week, what I need to plan/buy at a certain time, grocery list) You can look up on you tube bullet journal (I personally couldn't live without one). Then I usually go through it when I go home and sort all my notes to where they need to go and update my day planner for the next day. You can get good quality journals and day planners from any newsagent.
  13. Throw out all your resolutions and start making goals with an action plan and a time frame. Whatever is important to you, you will take the goal seriously and find a way to make it happen.
  14. @Thugkitty @Argue The internet is your best friend. You don't even have to spend money on books, financial advice etc. There are a lot of things you can look up on Google and you tube to open your eyes more about money and understand it. * Creating wealth * How to budget * How to be financially independant * Money Mastery The list goes on, but you get the point. You can find all of this information on the internet and when you start to understand it better, you may be able to face your limiting beliefs and deal with them. Ask yourself the following questions: *Why do I feel the way I do about money? * What happened for me to feel this way? * What would having no limiting beliefs on money look like to me? * What are some steps I can do to achieve this new belief? * What do I need to learn about money to become a master of it? Write down some ideas how you can make more money, or do a savings plan with a time frame. What I do, is I have a budget book and I write down where every single cent of my money goes. I have categories, business, personal, university, event's/outings and I write down what I spend on a daily basis and where I can save and when I can spend money for a new course or a new book. Sometimes it takes time to save up for the things you want and when you have that money, you think twice on what you should really be spending it on. Its all a matter of how bad do you want it? if you want it bad enough, you will find a way to make it happen and get what you need, to do what you need to do. Ask the life coaching programs if they do payment plans and maybe pay the course off as you go along?
  15. Take it from me, I did the trial and error. I've done: *Psychology degree *Criminology & Law Degree * Business certificate * Counselling course *Graphic Design * Fashion Design I am the type of person that wants to do it all but the thing that made me fall in love, I knew I had found my life purpose. When I studied Life Coaching, it has literally changed my whole life and I feel like this is what I am here for, this is what I love and I couldn't picture doing anything else. Although studying the others may have seem a waste of time, I enjoy learning and knowledge is power. I actually feel really good when people think I look so young and don't know much about anything and then I have conversations with people and I love to surprise them. I definitely think the Internet is your best friend when it comes too learning. Check out your universities and online courses and colleges, because in Sydney there are a lot of free workshops, courses and I've even found courses online where they have awesome information for really cheap; its all a matter of knowing where to look for these things.
  16. Hi Sarper I think its a commendable thing to being comfortable alone. Not many people enjoy their own company, in fact, most people hate being in their own company and get bored and depressed. I think being able to spend time with yourself is important and loving who you are and your own company (I wish I had more time to myself, I would literally be reading all day long and watching and learning from Leo and others videos. Don't be worried too much about not having facebook or social media friends, I think its overrated. It is more important to make real life connections and meet people / be social whenever you get the chance. I remember I used to avoid work events and Christmas parties and all other because I was really shy and introverted. The times I started to face my fears and start attending meetups and social events, I had a great time and met wonderful people, so don't close yourself off completely. Plus Leo has done an amazing job with this forum and I think some people on here may make a few friendships with each other.
  17. I think sometimes the price of success and your dreams costs you to be lonley sometimes. I know from working an 8-5 job and running a business and studying, I have barely any time for a social life so I feel dis-connected from the outside world sometimes. The other times I am too busy to realise how much time passes that I do not see or talk to anyone. It is hard to find like minded people in some areas but they do exist. Do you have meetup where you are? I faced my fear of being shy and started turning up to a few meetups in my area and I have met some incredible people through there. Not everyone will understand or support the journey you are on, but never lose faith or hope and most of all believe in yourself. Plus you are no longer entirely alone, you can always come on the forum here and there will always be someone who will reply to you.
  18. @Thugkitty Have you tried looking for online certifications? They may be a little cheaper than going to a coaching school. As a life coach myself, I believe education and qualifications is a must. If I was someone in need of coaching, I wouldn't trust someone who didn't have the qualifications as opposed to someone who did. I didn't realise at the start, I spent a lot of money, on courses to get qualified which was around the $10,000 mark and then I spent money on extra resources/courses to become really good and effective at what I do. I bought books, dvd's, audio books, courses and materials from other well known leaders and coaches, I attended workshops, webinars, conferences. It is all up to you how much you choose to invest in yourself and your future coaching business. The internet will also be your best friend. I really do believe, in order to be one of the best and make a difference in this world, you have to learn from the best and focus on you before you start coaching. Face your fears, limiting beliefs, how you plan to make a business out of it and change the world, what do you have to offer? what will make you different from other coaches? what is your niche? what do you need to learn/do in order to be a life coach that will make the difference in other people's lives? how are you going to find clients? I saw in one of Leo's videos that he has invested a lot of time and money to be the best and he has been doing this for a few years. I have found with most coaches that make a difference, their learning to master the art never ends, however in the beginning they coach themselves first and put themselves in the right mindset to be a coach. I have found coaching an amazing challenge, because we are so individually beautiful and unique. It is easy to just give advice to someone, but what is going to cause the biggest impact in their life that you can help with, what results can they expect from you? how will you attain these results?
  19. What if you have caught your partner sending texts to other girls, denying he has a girlfriend? what if there are signs he is cheating but you have no proof or he hasn't actually cheated, he's just very flirtatious and loves looking at other girls, I mean this is normal for guys right? Ok its obvious for some that if you start to see the signs, you deserve better and should leave and find someone new right? maybe, when to give people second chances and when to walk away.
  20. @milosmajlo Its a bit hard to communicate with someone who doesn't know how to communicate.
  21. @clytaemnestra EXACTLY! If your in a relationship and you flirty with other girls (most guys would call this "being nice/friendly") being overly nice and overly friendly gets you in a lot of trouble. The moment you deny you have a girlfriend/boyfriend, you obviously don't deserve to have that person as your girlfriend/boyfriend. I believe no matter how clever one may think they are at hiding things, the truth will sooner or later come out. Then people find themselves in a situation of desperation to have their partner back even though they know they did the wrong thing and by that time its too late. Were not children here, We should know and understand the concept of respect, loyalty, trust & love for someone else, and if you don't then don't get yourself into a relationship just for comfort and your own needs/wants at the time.
  22. @AlexB I don't ask or want to know about the person's relationship history. Whatever is in their past is in the past. I'd rather just make up my own mind on how they treat me. I know men look at women all the time, but I also feel there should be some level of respect boyfriend's don't give when they have a girlfriend. I understand it is normal for people to socialise and communicate, however, there is a line you do not cross (this is not obvious to some guys as because they are such visual creatures they tend tend to let imagery control their 'common sense' and comprehending the difference between right and wrong when in a relationship/married. People may call me insecure or jealous and I don't see myself that way at all. If it doesn't work out with one person, there will always be someone else. Most of us have all been hurt in the past, betrayed and so forth, and due to my past, I know what I want in someone and there has to be respect, loyalty and trust. The moment I see or hear something that doesn't fit in with my beliefs and values, then I will question it or seek to find out the truth. In all honesty, I believe in love, I love love and being in love; I just think love isn't really for me, due to what you said. It is very hard for me to find someone who is into personal development and has a similar way of thinking. Most guys I have met are happy to settle for a mediocre life. It may seem like I have a pessimistic view on men and relationships but I guess I know what I want & I don't want to settle for less. I have also been that one to let my emotions for someone cloud my judgement and this is a mistake a lot of people make, is when we just settle.
  23. @AlexB I work an 8-5 job as well as started up a side business in life coaching. When I got into coaching I didn't know anything about starting a business, marketing/advertising and I also didn't have a business plan in place. However, I decided to build whilst learning all I need to know. I didn't know where to start so I invested in a business coach. I would firstly suggest if you are unhappy at your job now, look for another job around the same if not more pay that is a little more challenging for you, where you get to learn new things that interest you. Making money online isn't easy if you don't know what you are doing and it takes time; so meanwhile having a job that pays the bills and gets you by is important, so find something you can tolerate that allows you to meditate with peace and ease. secondly, look at ways you can make money online, having an online shop, amazon/ebay, surveying, I know someone who is good at poker and makes a living just by playing poker online, Kindle publishing, social investment networks, reviewing websites (people pay you for this), testing game apps, virtual assistants are making good money online, reviewing websites, blogging, making you tube videos, there are thousands of ways to make money online. You need to do your research and if your stuck for ideas, do what I do and ask Google. As I said, making money online can take time depending how much you know about what your doing, knowing your market, taking risks and being patient with the results.
  24. @jackson Hey Jackson, I am from Sydney Australia too and I know how expensive living in Sydney is. It is almost getting impossible to live in the city and still manage and afford to do everything you want to do. I'll share my situation with you as I think it is similar to yours. I have been out of home since I was 18 years old and I've had to look after myself financially ever since. It was hard because back when I was 18, I think I was only earning $30,000 a year which isn't much at all. Fast forward to my early to mid-twenties, I had my parents pressure me to go to university so I can get a better job. Back at that time, I wanted to be a fashion designer and studied fashion for a while but my family kept pressuring me to do something that will pay off and earn lots of money. Because I have family in law enforcement, Lawyers and doctors, my parents wanted me to follow the family trend. I then decided to study a Law degree with hopes of becoming a lawyer one day. I put myself through university financially, whilst paying rent, and food and everything else, this was an extremely stressful and I struggled for a while. So my last year of Law school, I decided to put law school aside for now and study Life Coaching. Looking back this was the best decision I ever made, I've made it my life mission to become the best life coach I can be and made a business out of it. I honestly can't imagine doing anything else, investing my time and money in anything else then doing what I love. Learning about personal development and business is very different to Law school and I find we learn more easily when we are learning something we are interested in and passionate about. I've given up a lot, to do what I do now and I love it, despite the challenges and hardship. But all good things take time. I am still working my 8-5 job, running a business and seeing clients. I'm studying my CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) diploma as well as volunteering mentoring young teens, whilst trying to have a social life and see my family. The plan is to one day leave my 8-5 job and move into my own apartment, but you have to be very realistic with your decisions and what you can manage and afford. Think about what is best for you now, what are you willing to sacrifice and put up with in the meantime? Create a plan and some goals with time frames. For me, it sometimes seems like a lonely journey, its tough, busy, very challenging but the one thing that gets me through each day is my determination that I will work hard now and do the overtime, I will get qualified and budget my money and monitor where every cent goes. I will be more mindful and smarter with some decisions I make, and I believe if I just suck it up for now and put in the hours, the work, the time and effort, it will all pay off later.
  25. My biggest advice to anyone just starting a business or thinking about starting a business is to find a mentor or hire a business coach. Someone who has what you have, who has been in business for years and has achieved success in their business and has a really good reputation/testimonials. My business is life coaching and I have several coaches I work with to help me be at peak performance mentally, emotionally and Physically. @Eddy Its great you are tutoring people already, I suggest if you want to make this a business, get a website done (even if its just basic) doesn't have to be too fancy starting off and then you can work on it and improve the finer details as you go along. Get some business cards so you can hand out to people when socialising or networking so people know you are there and what you have to offer. Then I would suggest to keep practicing your craft. For me personal development is a life long jounrey, so I try and learn form the best in the business (such a Leo) and I try to read and watch everything I can to get more understanding on different areas and then I apply what I have learnt to my clients, which they apply to their own lives and what do you know... great success! Hope this helps a bit.