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Everything posted by MIARIVEL

  1. @Coco Hi Coco, I 110% know how you feel. When I started the journey of persuing my business, I gave my social life. I only went out socially, maybe once a month if I was lucky to get time off. When you are on a mission to fulfil your purpose and chase after your dream it can be a lonley path but even a phone call with friends keeps my sanity if I can see them or go out and do fun things. Also depends how badly you want the life you dream of, if you are willing to work hard, never stop learning and being persistent with putting your plans into action. One of the things I love to do is attend seminars and go to networking events, where I meet a lot of like minded people. People who are on a similar journey to me or have the same values and beliefs as me. The reward at the end of your hard work does pay off and sometimes when it feels like you are getting no where, stop and think of the person you are becoming in the process, it is something to proud of and something not everyone recognises or achieves throughout their life. Find other like minded people like you, join groups and social networks of your interests and get involved and you will start being around and connecting with people; and after a while it won't seem so lonley.
  2. @spicy_pickles Everything happens for a reason and I love your positive attitude towards this set back. You will book and be glad you left that job when you did. Stay positive and all the very best for the future.
  3. @SaynotoKlaus As a life coach I get a lot of people that are passionate about something but they seem to have fear and limiting beliefs on what they think they are not capable of doing. In reality, you are capable of anything you set your mind to. If you want to run your own business in Art, then you can. It might take some time to get where you want to be but instead of saying 'I can't" a lot, why don't you start telling yourself you can. It may take a little longer to to run your own Art business but meanwhile, you can still make income other ways and make time for what you are truely passionate about. Persistence is the key. I had to work full time for 3years at a job I couldn't stand just to pay the bills and in my spare time I was building my business as a life coach. Life coaching is also becoming a very tough market but if you are persistent and determined to do what you really want to do, then nothing will stop you. You learn a few lessons a long the way, make a few mistakes, things take longer than normal, you may even lose money trying to make your business work and may have to cut out the social life but sacrafices to me are worth following my passion and my dream.
  4. @Chelsea Hi Chelsea, you have to have an area that you specialize in. A lot of people starting out business worry too much about narrowing down their niche. However just because you specialise in a certain field doesn't mean that you can't help others as well. Your pretty much putting out there that you specialise in x. People won't come to you if you do not have an area of expertise unless you are someone who is very well known in your industry. Until then, pick an area you most want to work and help people with and you will find more of the right clients will find you, vice versa.
  5. @Actualizer It is important to spend time with yourself and love your own company. What do you love to do? Make an effort to do more of what makes you happy. For me, I love going for long walks listening to Audible book or my favourite music. I also love reading books, watching you tube, my favourite TV shows, working on my business. All these things make me happy and fulfilled and I have learnt to be okay with doing things on my own and enjoy my own company. I'll even go to the park or the beach and take a good book or my Ipad and just spend hours by myself. By doing things you love, will teach you how to be happy and dependant on yourself. Ask yourself why were you needy in a relationship? why do you need someone? what are some ways you can train your mind and yourself to love spending time with you or going out with other friends or spending time with family? Try volunteering, or going to a meetup group with like minded people. You will be amazed how much time goes past just doing the things you love and before you know it, you may meet someone who is like you and enjoys the fun things you like to do. Perhaps your partner may have different interests to you which is okay to. You can support each other without always being 'needy or dependant' on them. Break ups are never easy but you have to remember you have the power to control your emotions and the strength to start doing things that make you happy and fulfilled. As hard as it seems sometimes, you are the key to your own happiness.
  6. @Rob Hi Rob, I actually work full time, run a side business, try to have somewhat of a social life & still manage to see my partner when I can. I learnt the hard way how to manage my distractions & it wasn't easy. Especially since young love and having fun is important for our growth and happiness. However, I would suggest doing a schedule, make time where you strictly focus of study for one hour (turn off the phone & any other distractions within this hour), next you can set aside a half hour phone call to your girl friend or acouple of hours to spend time with her. Whatever you choose to do in your scheduled time just make sure you are in that moment & that's where your focus is. If you train yourself to manage your time, your thoughts, you will find that you will be able to focus a lot more. You will still have time for fun and study creating a balance. Don't allow distractions to come in the way of what is important for you and your future. Hope this helped.
  7. Ok, who doesn't love Tony Robbins? I love anything and everything Tony Robbins and this book has helped me with my personal development and even my business. Tony talks about how to live a better life and the difference between average and excellence. It challenges your current mindset and has a lot of excellent useful and practical information I think would benefit anyone and everyone.
  8. @Dengo If a girl has to leave overseas for work, I wouldn't fight to keep her with you. It seems she has made the decision and wants to get out of the small town for bigger opportunities (which is fair enough), you can thank her for the time you had together and maybe stay in touch or not. I think you should continue on to date other girls but have no expectations. You can always ask a girl on a first date what she is looking for and she will either say just fun or a relationship and if she asks what you are looking for you can say 'I'm open to anything' meaning if she wants fun then your up for it and if you want a relationship then you are open to that also if it is with the right girl. Maybe if its hard to date in your hometown, you could move? change your environment? move to a bigger city and make bold changes in your life for better opportunities? especially when it comes to dating maybe? If girls aren't interested are a few dates then don't take it personally or try and get them to stay. You want to be with someone who wants to be with you and will enjoy their time with you. Just like you may get some girls that really like you but you are not interested in. Honesty is the best policy (to me anyway). Good luck =)
  9. @Steph I honestly think you can not sort some of these issues until you learn to love yourself and be happy with the person you are. I understand the chase, the addiction, the thrill but people who chase after these things usually end up worse off and spiriling out of control, can reach severe depression later on if they don't address and face the issue. I understand 'cheating' can be like a drug to some people. However, just by you saying you want to change, is a great first step towards self improvement. However, the next step is making the decision to change. It is great you are seeing a counsellor but the only way problems will get fixed is if you open up. If you really honestly want to change your habits for the better, it is possible but you need to change your mindset on how you think about yourself and your partner. It is not fair to string anyone along just for the sake of having someone there or having someone there to constantly re-assure you. You should be your biggest cheerleader, your biggest motivator and your bestest friend. People's validation does make you feel good, but its temporary. Decide to become a victor not a victim. What people say and think of you is not a reflection on you, it is a reflection of them. Whatever other people say or do, does not validate who we are as an individual. It is how you interpret messages you are hearing. Your opinion is the only opinion that should matter to you in this life because only you are going to get you to the life you want. Sure people can help you along the way and guide you, but when these people help you, make a decision to put 100% effort in to make the necessary changes, so you are happy and the people around you, love being around you. When you find the strength to be confident in yourself and who you are, you will no longer need the constant validation from others and this will actually draw other people to you. People are drawn to happy, confident, loyal and honest people. People will appreciate you more and want to know you and be around you and the happiness you see from those around you is a reflection of how you are to them. The energy you put out is the energy you get back. Sure things are easier said then done, but how badly do you want a better life? where is playing the victim going to get you? What do other people in your life really mean to you? Why do you need validation? What is the real reason you aren't confident in yourself?
  10. @zemtax Hi Zemtax, why don't you start brainstorming the things you want to do for your future or create a vision board and cut out pictures and words of everything you want in your future and the type of person you see yourself becoming. List all your ideas no matter how big or outregeous they are. No dream is too big or impossible. Throughout life friends will come and go, but you will notice the true ones who stick around through the good and bad and make an effort to keep a friendship with you. The same with relationships/girls, they will come and go until you finally meet someone who you can't live without. Maybe start making some plans towards your future of where you want to be, go and do and the time frame you want to achieve things by. I wish I started at your age. There is no worse feeling than the feeling of regret. Why don't you play a video game as a reward? for example? I will read a book that strengthens my mind, or my habits or find ways to motivate myself to live a better life and once I have done this for a few hours then I can spend the rest of the night, playing a video game. That way you can feel like you have achieved something and got a reward from it. Success starts with your mindset and what you tell yourself on a daily basis. This is very important when it comes to motivation and how bad you want success. You have the power to change your habits, not let anyone have negative influence over you, and you can and will live the life you want if you make the decision to start doing something today that will get you closer to your dream. -Mia
  11. I hope you will remember me when your famous@ButlerMr Gleeson =P
  12. @ButlerMr Gleeson The younger you start living your dreams, the more advantage you have over other people who start later on in life. You will of achieved success at an age where other people are only starting. It took me till I was 28 to find out what my life purpose is and what I wanted to do with my life. Step 1: Find an affordable coaching program to study. Step 2: What type of life coach do you want to be? Health coach? happiness coach? Business Coach? etc Step 3: Brainstorm all ideas of what you want your business name to be, your logo to look like, Personal branding, how are you going to market and advertise, what type of coaching programs are you offering, who is your niche. (Start brainstorming all this as soon as possible) so when you come to making your website, you already know how you want it to look like, and when it comes time to advertise your programs, you will already know what type of programs you want to deliver to your clients. You can adjust and tweak the finer details as you go along. Step 4: Start setting some goals and making an action plan (business plan), where you see your business in 3,6,12 months to 5years. I do my business plan yearly but others like to set longer time frames for their goals. Stick to your action plan on a daily basis and monitor everything you do and how much you spend on your business. Step 5: Find a good accountant and ensure you are covered legally (you would be suprised some people trying to sue you because they don't get the results they were hoping for). Step 6: Find a good mentor, business/life coach who has the success you want and learn from them (aren't you lucky you already have me) lol. Step 7: never stop learning about how you can improve your business and working on your personal development Coaching is a very competitive business, especially because it keeps growing and growing, so you need to think how are you different from other coaches and what you have to offer to people. However there are thousands of different type of coaching you can get into. There is an organising coach who helps you stay organised, there is a meditiation coach who helps people find peace in meditation - so look more into it and get specific what type of coaching you want to do.
  13. I stopped smoking when I started to cough my lungs up on a daily basis and I started getting a sore chest. Was told I could possibly have cancer if I don't stop and change my habits now. This played on my mind for days and I eventually made the decision to stop and keep myself busy with exercise and working on my business. Eventually over time, I stopped thinking about having the urge to have a ciggie because I was too busy and wanted my health more than anything else. You feel so much better and have a lot more energy when you choose to no longer smoke and there are so many benefits you don't realise. Every time you have a ciggie, you don't realise or see what it actually is doing inside of you. It is slowly killing all your good cells and spreading what may cancerous cells in the future. Mind you, I was not a big smoker, I usually smoked once or twice a day and I still developed really poor health that almost cost me my life.
  14. @bazera Why do you think you cant change this habit? why do you think you are failing at maintaining this new habit you are trying to implement? You only fail if you stop trying. Every time your mind tries and tell you something negative, you need to challenge these thoughts. Sometimes people lack the motivation because they have so many excuses but we often forget the many benefits we get when achieving a certain goal like forming a new habit. How will this new habit benefit you? how badly do you want to improve yourself and live a better quality of life? Track your progress and write down how you feel after achieving certain steps, forming new habits are like training a muscle, when we constantly train it, it improves and gets stronger over time. If we stop training, we will never see any progress.
  15. @Argue Just have the confidence to express yourself freely. Some girls are too shy to say what they want so I would suggest maybe experimenting and then as you go along you can ask her if she like it this or that way or if she wants it another way. If its your girlfriend, I think both of you should be able to freely talk about these things and it doesn't have to be akward or uncomfortable. If you are sleeping around then it doesn't matter if you sound crazy or weird because you will probably not see them again. Just be confident, be you, and you will have a lot of fun times ahead.
  16. I have been in a similar situation where I have quit my job on the spot because I didn't like my new boss. I sort of regretted it after because it took me four months to find work and when I did, I decided to start a side business so I never had to worry about being out of work again. Congrats to you though.. it is a good feeling.
  17. I'm grateful for what I do (Life Coach) and being able to help make a difference to people's lives
  18. I believe there is someone out there for everyone. Head up, you will find an amazing girl one day.
  19. @kellyyhengg Oh Kelly.. I was once this insecure and needy girl who hated spending time alone. I would put off seeing friends, study, family, pretty much everything to make this guy happy and I thought I was so happy and fulfilled overtime I was with him. When I was without him, I would be so paranoid, insecure, is he cheating on me? where is he? why hasn't he called or returned my messages? I learnt the hard way that being insecure, jealous and possessive only drives the other person away and no guy wants a girl who is needy or insecure. I failed a few university subjects, I wasted a lot of time on a relationship that I forgot about my dreams, my goals, the person I am and the person I want to be for my future. The hardest lesson to learn is really loving yourself and learn to love spending time with yourself or out with friends, or studying. You need to do things for your future, for you, not for anyone else. I wasted years of my life when I could of got my university degree sooner, I could have started my business sooner, I should of made time for my friends and relationships so that my relationships with them remain strong. Don't make the mistakes I did. A relationship is supposed to be an addition to your already awesome life, it is not supposed to be your whole life. You have to find someone who feels the same way you do about them, someone that won't make you feel insecure or jealous and someone who understands when you have things you need to do. Sometimes I can only see my partner twice a week because he works and I work full time run a business and I am doing another degree so I am busy and he understands. Even if we see each other twice a week, we make the most of the time we spend together. Yes I miss him the times were apart but that the good thing about relationships, giving each other space to miss the other person, and for them to do what they need to do. If they are meant to be in your future, then they will be, and they will see you through tough and busy times and be understanding.
  20. I honestly have a very low tolerance for a guy that disrespects me or cheats. I don't really care about excuses for cheating. I will kick your ass to the curb where it belongs. If a guy disrespects you without a good reason, he's gone out of my life as well. I think we just need a no tolerance for this sort of stuff, no matter how much we say we love someone. Time is precious and way too short to deal with this crap from any guy.
  21. @Will Isn't that obvious? lol I'm a girl, I think I understand women.
  22. usually the first signs of doubt are not a good sign. If you are not happy with someone and you don't see it lasting along term, then maybe not waste your time. If you are going through some things but still have hope and want to make it work, then try and make it work. Relationships always take two to tango.
  23. Everyone is different. You will find girls that are "attracted" to old men because they are wealthy. I would say the men who are not good looking and end up with hot girlfriends have either a nice personality and their girlfriend are actually attracted to what you think is a non attractive guy with a hot girlfriend. Generally speaking though, men are more visual, they like what they see and they will get to know you based on their visual attraction of a woman. Women have to have an attraction to a man, however if someone was say 'average looking' but they understood how this hot girl thinks and connects with her in a way that other males don't, like this person understands her, the attraction is more of a huge turn on then a hot guy just talking crap. Girl base most things on an emotional level and how well you can connect with us on an emotional level.
  24. Every woman is different, some like it rough, while others like it slow, some like to use toys and dirty talk, others don't. Why don't you just ask a girl what she likes and what turns her on before you assume your giving her what she wants. Depending on what your looking for when you sleep with girls, sex is usually about wanting to please the there person, however, some guys are just out to please themselves.
  25. I agree with Cabot. Everyone's definition of 'hot' is different. I think everyone has some insecurity about themselves or has been insecure at some stage. Its all a growing process. But others people insecurities shouldn't bother you, if you are confident enough. If anything, you can always help insecure people build confidence which is apart of my job, but I don't over compliment. Some people just want to be told how good looking they are. But no matter how hot or insecure they are, their personality needs to outshine the hotness or insecurities they may have.