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Everything posted by WindInTheLeaf

  1. If you are in hell as 'we speak', which means you are in hell as you think (thought comes before the word), then try not speaking and thinking. Why must you become enlightened? If enlightenment is attaining peace, how can you get it if you seek it?
  2. Seems like he is attached to his current carnation, as that will of course seize to be when its time is past. That which is reborn is not you, nor is it I, it is the one manifested in a different light. He is right, because he, or anyone else for that matter, will not be reborn. He is wrong because he or anyone else were never there to begin with.
  3. How can you be bliss when you are that which is looking for bliss? How can you be bliss if you are that which doubts if you are blissful? Thoughts can take us to the locked gate, but the seizing of thought is the key.
  4. Find a nice place to sit. Watch the things around you, the sensations arising in your awareness, and contemplate what they are, where one stops and another begins. A nice place to start is a quiet place, so that you won't get overwhelmed/distracted by a lot of change happening. Later you can go to crowded, noisy, 'chaotic' places and do the same. Go to the city centre, the main train station etc. At last you wont have to hold on to any sensation to try and understand what it is and how it is related to the rest. You will embody the understanding and therefore wont have to know by thought. Another thing you could try, is everytime you are having a conversation, argument, discussion etc., contemplate both/all sides of the issue. By doing this you will get in contact with the many-sided-ness of all events, and the illusion of a singular truth.
  5. Mental or physical? And I might be retarded but at least not as retarded as the next guy! Could all-there-is be one if it was not many and whole if it was not fractured?
  6. Is it possible to do what one thinks is impossible? Is it likely to do what one thinks is unlikely? You have a good heart. Leave your mind behind - it only makes blind - and embrace whatever your love will find. As mentioned above, that is the only miracle you'll ever need.
  7. So we are aware of everything but confuse ourselves by our senses, to apply larger significance to some aspects of all-there-is and less to others?
  8. From the point of experience that is me, anything spontaneous, especially through music, writing, painting, dancing. More generally, whenever in flow, allowing myself to unfold/arise/be free and true, every movement is an expression of the art of creation/being/soul. I believe art is the voice of the soul, and the reason why we call somethings art and somethings not, is not because it is not art but because we are unable to see.
  9. It is constantly changing, and yet we attempt to make sense of it. We limit the limitless, and examine the nonsense that is any thing divided and isolated from the whole. Instead of listening we speak, and use our voice to blame something lying outside the boundaries of that which we thought to be in a certain way, for destroying the order that we falsely believed to have discovered. Any division is imagined, and any attempt at understanding things pushes the truth out of reach. Only by becoming still can we hear the tone of truth, as any question interferes with and changes its frequency. Put in another way. You are all that is, nothing less, nothing more. Part of you observes and part of you is the observed. The wound of doubt causes this fundamental distinction. For it to heal, you have to let go, let yourself be. To let yourself be means to let that which you falsely believe to be not you - like the environment, other people, the universe - be. Stop examining and analyzing yourself and that which you believe is not you. Through inaction, stillness, nothingness, the wound will heal, thoughts will seize, and truth will be.
  10. So the soul is only where there are brains, and perceives something that lies outside of the soul?
  11. As I'm sitting by the lake in the still night that is vibrating with life and light, i am struck by a sudden insight. The biggest realizations seem to come when I least expect it; when I'm not even looking for them. As I watched the wavy surface of the lake playing with a beam of light, I noticed how the beam was broadest and dimmest where the water vibrated the most, while it disappeared at a point near its middle where the surface was completely still. It captured me and send me on a journey of inquiry. As i was contemplating why the beam interacted with the water in such a way, it started to 'straighten' out, almost as if the lake heard my question. I wondered, whether i had any direct influence on the change taking place right in front of me. I noticed how my field of focus could not extend to the whole wavy beam, and how it acted more chaotic outside the boundaries of my focus. Whether or not i had any part in the change, it made me realize how i only have a certain amount of attention, and how focusing on something makes that which lies beyond more unknown/uncertain. Some time ago i realized how we live in a society in which our attention is divided between a multitude of things on a daily basis, and how the truth is obscured even more by our own troubled pasts. Now i realize how it is all me. Society does not cloud my attention and divide my focus; i cloud my attention and divide my focus through society. The world only exists as an idea in my mind, and i apply certain values to what is to shape it. Everything is vibration, waves of energy or uncertainty that i make into things of perceived certainty. Through misconceptions about reality i have gotten lost in myself, and created a puzzle that i'm now trying to solve to become whole. I realized we are all the same, and that everyone is on a journey to get lost and found; that we are all the enlightened one, who has fooled heirmself (her+him=heirm?) down a path and tries to retrace heirs steps. Reality/now lies behind the ideas we have of it; ideas that are formed in our 'past'. Our perceived past is the story of the ego, which is the veil that lies before us, and (dis)solving it will bring us to pure experience. After a while, the thought of sharing the experience on here started to form, and as i contemplated how to write it, i started losing touch with the moment and the realization. When i attempt to describe an intuitive realization that i have had through direct experience, i tend to lose touch with the realization. Words always fall short, and often shade the truth rather than illuminate it. Yet here i am, attempting to describe the indescribable, hoping that someone will see something in these words that may help them on their own journey. This was very egoic, better lose myself again.
  12. How are you able to distinguish between all those classifications? And how do you know which is which?
  13. Was curious about the paradox of an internet-forum dedicated to self-actualization/enlightenment.
  14. Is this wise? Does this actualize? Or is it more ego-ties?
  15. This is a tricky one. How can you ever know how the ripples of your actions will affect humanity? How can you know what to do, to reach such a far-out goal? Some of those who have done most good have just been doing their thing, while some of those who have caused the most suffering have been trying to fight it. Just be what you are in the here now, since this is all there ever is. If you are only right here right now, but keep chasing illusions of past and future, you will be distracted from where you are, and cause unnecessary suffering for the world around you. The distracted mind, while thinking about how to end suffering, will not pay attention to where he walks, how he talks, and will keep fighting the here now to bring it to some possibility he have imagined to be better than that which is. He will use all his energy trying to make the blind see, the deaf hear and the ignorant wise, while overlooking those he might be able to impact on a deep level just by being himself.
  16. Discovering there is no meaning to be found can be excruciating. The truth doesnt set you free, it tears you apart, as you have held on to illusions of meaning without seeing them as illusions. Accepting there is no meaning to be found opens up for the side of this discovery you havnt noticed at first glance. If everything is meaningless, and any particular thing has no meaning at all, then you are essentially free to do whatever you want, as anything can be meaningful, as it has no higher meaningfulness to be discredited against. If everything is meaningless, then anything holds meaning if you chose to make it so.
  17. What happens to the self when you meditate?
  18. To desire or not desire. To do or not to do. These are all questions that cannot be answered without creating a paradox. The truth is found in the middle, but without the edges we constantly fall out of meditation. Can you truthfully say that you are completely enlightened, floating, flowing. Desiring nothing, not even not desiring? When we seize to look, we seize to be, but get curious and forget why we stopped looking. Desire is a funny thing. It stands in the way of truth and yet it is truth. When we play the game and follow desire, we quickly forget that what we chase is projections of our egoic mind. Thus they become illusions, as we think they are real. In this sense, desire leads us away from the truth, by leading us into illusions. But this is once again the ego judging from a particular point of view. When we become tired of the game, we look for a way out and get a glimpse that nothing is. We then might try to lead others to this realization, as we are still stuck believing in good/bad, truth/illusion. If every human being is the whole, how can we judge any point of view without judging ourselves, and how can we make anyone stop chasing illusions before they recognize them as false truths? You cannot make anyone realize anything that is not already blooming inside of them, and by attempting to speed up the process of their awakening you are slowing it down. Either their version of you and your words become an ideal, which shields the truth behind a thick layer, or they dismiss whatever interpretation of your idea they see. This is not to say that you should abstain from speaking your truth, but that you should abstain from judging someone else's truth as inferior. When you falsely believe yourself to be the teacher and everyone else to be students, you limit yourself. We are all teachers and students, and if you let go of judging, chasing, and desiring specific now's/outcomes/things, open yourself up to anything and reject nothing, you'll become enlightened by truth and love; you'll become a light of truth and love that others will instinctively follow. These are all just words that came to mind. Nothing more nothing less than what you see. I wrote them for my own amusement, but if anyone finds some truth or falsehood in them, and wish to express it in the comment section, don't hold it back by fear or doubt of not sounding smart. We are all 'just' leaves in the wind, so let yourself be that and flow.
  19. I like to watch myself, don't judge, life as a mirror can be lonely. I like to get lost in my imagination, as there's nothing else to do around here. I play all different kinds of roles, as my imagination has no limits. Although some of the roles can be dark, they are just as the bright ones. I get carried away and have trouble finding my way back to myself, but all roles constantly change and i always find my way back to nothingness, to just being a mirror. I like to watch myself, don't judge, life as a mirror can be boring. I like to go on adventures in my imagination, as there's nothing else to do around here. I imagine all kinds of experiences, as my boredom has no limits. Although some of them get a little weird, i feel no shame, as they are just an expression of nothing in particular. I get carried away and have trouble finding my way back to myself, but all experiences constantly fade and i always find my way back to nothingness, to just being a mirror. I am a mirror. I like to....
  20. By struggling against your past you are struggling against yourself. Perhaps they keep appearing in your dreams/subconscious because you are consciously repressing a part of your life that you still consider to be negative. Have a look again, try writing down whatever comes to your mind when opening up for that part of your past or find some other way to properly work your way through it. Our dreams are a form of regressing, going back over things we havnt been paying proper attention to. We need to go back over our past to rid ourselves of false interpretations and find our way back to the now.
  21. @Nahm First i thought it was playing with yourself. But that is nonsense, as it requires a duality between you and yourself. Then i realized it is just your being. So every desire is just another step in the dance to your own music?
  22. Desire is the desire to end desire by acquiring that which one desires. By acquiring that which one falsely believes to be lacking. In a way, it is the search for a missing piece of one's puzzle; a search for that which will make one whole, or fulfilled. You are already whole, lacking nothing, and so desire is a trickster which misleads you to believe you are less than all there is. Desire fuels the ego that fuels desire. This is the circle of suffering, and the opponent of truth. Desire and ego are, however, not our enemies. Rather they are guides to wisdom - the path to the wise child. Fighting desire and ego is desire and ego in disguise. Like fighting fire with fire, which only brings more fire. Acceptance and letting go is the key to lasting peace and love for all there is.