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Everything posted by abrakamowse

  1. From wikipedia:
  2. Thanks @Inliytened1 I know... it's just a tool to become more present when my mind is wandering and getting distracted with useless thoughts.
  3. @Soul-lover 2020 Did you know that the hebrews didn't call God's name? I always thought that it was because of respect. Now I understand that it is also because no one can call it with any name, because we will be getting just an "idea" of God that is not true. That's why also in the bible it is asked not to make any image from what is above and below, it is NOT only talking exclusively about an image made of any material, it also refers to any image in the mind. You can't think GOD. They used only the consonants in the word Yahweh (I AM) so it was something like YHWH. It just means I AM. I know is hard to understand the bible like that when you were "blue pilled" with the "wisdom" of conventional churches. I also been there, I know what I am talking about. Blessings!!!
  4. @Rilles so true! Krishna also said we are God. Buddha, some people say he didn't believe in God. But he did. When he said he was one with everything. That "everything" means God. It's just words we use to communicate what can't be communicated with words. ?
  5. Mark 4:11-12 He told them, "The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parabless so that the Scriptures might be fulfilled: ‘When they see what I do, they will learn nothing. When they hear what I say, they will not understand. Otherwise, they will turn to me and be forgiven.’
  6. @Angelite Thank you! Very nice. I would like to read the Quran too someday.
  7. I agree Mikael Some people confuses direct experience with plain experience. So if you tell them they have to transcend experience to know themselves, they say that this is religious hogwash. Or a belief.... ?
  8. Jesus actually said that... that we are Gods.
  9. Ramana Maharshi wasn't really liberated? Because he had a lot of sickness from what I understand. I think he had cancer in his throat.
  10. That's the point! To see how others manipulate us and to see how we manipulate others!!!!
  11. The problem is our capacity to imagine. Can you imagine a world with 4 dimensions? Or 5? Does that mean it doesn't exist?
  12. You can create a thread talking about how deluded Leo is...
  13. Just sharing what I imagine. I know it's not real. Just imagination. ?
  14. When I think of nothingness I imagine like the universe, with no stars in it. Just everything pure black and my mind. That's what comes to my mind. Lol
  15. Well, everything in the material world is impermanent. It changes, is not always the same. Right? Thoughts also change. That which changes is not permanent. Cool @Inliytened1 I think that we are doubting because we think that "moment" will be an experience so then we think "what if I am deluded by that experience"? But it is not an experience. Only when it happens we will know. Thanks!
  16. That which is permanent is real. Only awareness is real. I think that we use those "non real" stuff to find what is real. As you said, we can reach it by negation (neti neti) or by quieting the mind to transcend everything that is impermanent. But I am not sure about anything right now.
  17. Yes. I have my ideas, but maybe I am wrong. In the material paradigm my response would be that from Niels Bohr So, what we think is real it is really not as we expected. What about experience? Is nothingness real? God?
  18. Maybe the problem is what you consider to be real. What a "thing" needs to be real or what an experience needs to be real? I really don't know the answer. Just want to see your responses. Maybe it helps me to clarify that too.
  19. That sounds like next step will be marriage.