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Everything posted by abrakamowse

  1. In a coma you are aware that the body is in coma. Like when you are in deep sleep. You are always aware.
  2. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/ending-addiction-good/201501/potential-psilocybin-in-mental-health-therapy
  3. @krockerman Did Something happen to you that make you think of that possibility?
  4. @krockerman Why don't you just try meditation? Half hour everyday will help a lot. You don't have to try psychedelics from the beginning.
  5. I agree Outlandish, I said it because I had mental issues in the past. But I want to add that all "mental issues" are part of us growing and understanding our higher self. some of us are better prepared, but I had to pass through it without any "preparation" and without knowing anything about the dark night of the soul, I was completely deluded about the thought process, etc. And that lead me to a psychotic episode. Once I understood that I am not the thinker, and that any thought can affect me I began to grow spiritually. But I know is difficult. We create reality, if we "think" we will go crazy, if we believe that thought, it may happen. the best antidote is to know that nothing bad can happen to you, and that you are separated from thoughts and the thought process can do whatever it want, it wont change what you really are.
  6. You don't have to do it if you don't feel you want it.
  7. @Hardkill I didn't read this book but it is on my "to read list"... maybe you can be interested in reading it too... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_4-Hour_Workweek I don't think is healthy to work 40 hours per week.
  8. Lol Just kidding, no idea... I don't think we can talk about enlightenment , even after having it or embracing it or being it there's no words to describe it accurately, so...
  9. Loneliness is hard for the ego...
  10. @Aeris I was thinking what would happen if Buddha met Jesus. Jesus will talk to him of God, and the Holy Spirit and the Father... and Buddha maybe will tell him not to say nothing about God, and he would talk about Maya and the Noble Path... Both are the most enlightened beings IMO, but they will understand their realizations according to their culture and what have influenced them in their way of understanding the Absolute.
  11. I think that what is going to happen is all this realizations will begin to blend back into a new ego. But we will continue knowing that we are not any kind of ego, anyway we can't stop being an ego because otherwise we will stop functioning in the world. The world needs an ego/egos to interact.
  12. @Preetom Sounds like I am you and you are me Lol...
  13. Preetom, that's exactly what's happening to me right now. I noticed I am more depressed in the morning. I keep most of the day in silence and I know all that will pass. Motivation is pretty low, anyway I am still "acting" as a person hehehe and doing whatever I have to do.
  14. I think it was Adyashanti who said that enlightenment is just the beginning.
  15. @Preetom You are welcome! There is really good stuff in his website. Glad to be of help!
  16. It's funny the way Bashar talks hehehe... he is, in fact Darryl Anka channeling Bashar
  17. @Nahm Yes, it is interesting indeed. I also read some gnostic books where they make a distinction between God and Jehovah. When they say God they are talking about the Void or Nothingness, the Absolute or God without attributes and they say it is something that is Superior to the "God Creator" (Jehovah). And Jehovah they consider him like bad, like the God of the Old Testament who judges and want sacrifices and stuff like that. I feel like it is a mix between what hinduism calls Maya. Not the same, but something close. Like Jehovah creates reality, it's the tool that God (The Absolute) has to know itself, but he doesn't really need it. He does it because he can, or because he is. But is all like the Old Zen saying, about the blind monks and the elephant. Anyway I think is interesting if you understand it like Leo says with "Radical Openmindedness".
  18. Electric Bus in London, 1907 https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg23531420-600-how-crooks-stalled-the-rise-of-electric-cars-for-100-years/