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Everything posted by abrakamowse

  1. @Jkris On Matthew 26:39, on the night before His crucifixion, Jesus prayed, O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will but as you will. Jesus wept when Lazarus died....
  2. In the Bible Jesus taught he was God and how you are it too. No one understood his message and devil's took the church to their own purposes. He said we are all God. Right?
  3. I thought you were an avatar Leo, I'm disappointed. ?
  4. Everything is true... because delusion is a true delusion. It's so well made that is really truly delusional... Think about that...
  5. Why that doesn't happen to me???!!! You are a lucky guy!!!! I wanna be gone now!
  6. Ok, good one @zeroISinfinity this is the second part more enlightenment
  7. @Strangeloop I had a psychotic episode like 3 or 4 years ago where I listened to voices and I did what they told me. They didn't tell me to do nothing wrong but yes some crazy things. Because I was searching something (I didn't know what at that moment) I began to read the bible, I was thinking that it was the devil, etc... The thing is that from what I understand now, I think we have several "voices" in our head. But somehow we assimilate those voices as if it came from us. So, in fact we think it is us conversing with ourselves. When you go to the grocery and you are alone and you ask to yourself... "should I buy meat or vegan food? or Should I buy mayo or not?" You are asking some question to yourself, but who is asking and why? Why we are not sure what to do all the time? Why do we doubt about everything?. I think it is because we are "endless possibilities" we "listen" to all those possibilities, in my case I always think repeating the thought in words in my head, but because I associate that voice with "me", it's not a problem. Some people say they don't "talk" to themselves, but probably they do differently. They feel an impulse, IDK. The best thing IMO is mindfulness, try to focus on awareness and treat those voices as if they were just "thoughts" that are wandering and that you need to focus your attention on being mindful. Focus on seeing what is in front of you right now, not the thoughts or the voices and I think that can help the voices go away. If that's what you are looking for. In my case I understood that those voices where created by me, and if I thought that those voices were out of my control or not part of me it could get worst. Because if you think that those voices are not in your control, that's what it will happen. And IMO that's how people end "schizophrenic". They lose control of their own thoughts. If you need any help LMK... or you want to watch some videos about that, I know in TED there was a woman who heard voices and she said it helped her to heal some past wounds. I found the video, here it is:
  8. I know, they say it taste too bitter for chewing.
  9. https://padmasambhavagururinpoche.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/padmasambhava_tibetan-book-of-the-dead_4.pdf
  10. Interesting article I found searching for a response, I think it explains it better than myself, the article is called: "Schizophrenia, Enlightenment" https://greengaze.blogspot.com/2009/07/g-everything-is-connected-but-some.html
  11. The thing is that you cannot know that "world" by itself. You are not perceiving a world. There's only "perception". Let's say your hand touches a table made of wood. When that happens there's electrical impulses that are read by the nervous systems and those signals are sent to the brain, and the brain interprets it and says that "this is wood, it is hard or soft, cold or warm".. etc... All those elements (the arm, the brain, the electric impulses, body, the world) are made of the same material (if you want to think in scientific terms) of atoms/particles/whatever. So, you have a bunch of particles around there that in reality due to quantum mechanics we know they have no location, it is impossible to know their location or state and those particles create a body with a brain who is saying "Ey! I am touching a table made of wood"... But what there's there? an object? particles? Light? photons? who is touching what? Photons are touching other photons? This is not a belief, I know my knowledge in science is not so deep and I wrote everything very simple but all scientists know and accept more and more that consciousness has a big part in what we call "matter"... https://www.sciencealert.com/this-physicist-is-arguing-that-consciousness-is-a-new-state-of-matter The big problem here is that we cannot talk about what is consciousness or truth because words and ideas, thoughts etc are all created to hide truth. The only way to understand is to quiet the mind, stop the chatter and the calculations and logic and do the work and it will be revealed in an insight or an epiphany. It will transcend everything and we will grasp it in an instant, like a flash. But it will be hard to explain with words, because we need to know some "object" to separate it, and divide it and consciousness is a whole, with all properties together, good and bad, rich and poor, sad and happy altogether at the same time and our limited consciousness (our little ego) cant' grasp it. Very hard to explain unless you meditate and experience it by yourself.
  12. hahaha... yeah, I read about very weird experiences with it. I am reconsidering taking it. Maybe I will go with mushrooms first. Thanks!
  13. @here-now Solipsism is a belief and what Rupert says is direct experience. Thanks for sharing! I always watch Rupert videos, but I missed that one somehow. Great insight.
  14. Only by observing you are "creating" matter, affecting it. If you study quantum mechanics you will see that our observation makes the wave to become a particle and through that observation that particle becomes matter. (This is a super and oversimplified explanation). There's no particle, or atom or whatever, only a possibility and everything is at different states at the same time, until you measure it, it becomes a "particle" or what we consider "solid" or matter. Search for the definition of matter by scientists and you will see they don't agree about what the hell matter is. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matter
  15. @nistake Awesome signature, where did you find it? Who said it? Or is it your creation? Nice (EDIT: I found the author, it was Jeff Foster... thanks nistake! )
  16. Get used to that, Truth seems contradictory because is everything. All point of views are in it, that's how it can reflect the world and create the illusion of diversity and separation. But there's no diversity, it's all one and the senses and everything are creating the idea of separation. Until you don't transcend your idea of "you", you won't see it. The very idea that there's a person is what doesn't allow you to see. It's radical and very hard, and on the other hand very simple. Because is only that, only you have to stop thinking and begin "being" and that state of "Beingness" you only can achieve it with practice and meditation. Calming your thoughts. Jesus said it better "For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it."
  17. @Serotoninluv great explanation. Thanks!
  18. Because what Leo says is what sages , mystics and master have been saying during thousands of years...
  19. No, they are based on non-dualism. Very different from Solipsism.
  20. Ok guys... thanks for your comments. Maybe I will have to ponder more about taking it. My main reason is really because here in new jersey is legal. I am afraid of buying LSD or Mushrooms, 5-MeO-DMT... and because we cannot talk anywhere about sources is difficult to know if a vendor is good or not. Before Salvia I was thinking in mushrooms, but I have no friends who do it and no one to recommend me any place where I can buy safely. Maybe I will have to continue doing research about that... Thanks!!!!
  21. @Aakash Thanks Aakash, I really appreciate your feedback. That's what I was thinking about, to go with a clear intention to know what I really Am. When I know I am focused on that intention, I will do it. Not before. Thanks!
  22. Thanks! hehehe... Ok, I know why your response. I was also a bit cautious about Salvia because of those stories of people having scary experiences with it. But the thing is that I had one of those experiences without taking anything (I never take any drugs or even smoke regular cigars, so...), and I really want to confront that fear, the fear of death or of not being anything. It happened to me some years ago when I was waking up in the morning and it was really traumatic, I went to the hospital because I thought I went crazy, I lost completely notion of who I am and let me tell you, it's super scary. But somehow I feel I need to let that experience go, I have to pass through it. Or I feel it will be worst if I don't do it. I feel that this is the experience you have when you "die" and you found yourself with not a body, just consciousness. If we are not prepared for that moment, then it would be like hell for us, because it was for me when it happened. I was just pure consciousness and it was super scary. At the moment, I also felt that I didn't get anything, that I didn't gained any wisdom from that. But I was wrong. Everything is wisdom. Nature knows what is doing and even the most scary experiences are necessary for us to wake up. The ego is the only one who thinks that the experience is bad, because is threatening to it. There were some stupid guys that didn't respect the plant and took it like if they wanted to just have a trip and they uploaded videos to youtube, that is giving bad rap to Salvia. This is what the guys on Reddit say about Salvia on the r/salvia community, very interesting.