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Everything posted by abrakamowse

  1. Not knowing who you are is a mental health problem, so we are in the right forum. ?
  2. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2021/02/18/gamestop-gme-stock-market-shares-reddit-lawsuit-class-action-keith-gill-mass-mutual/4499882001/
  3. Yeah, the most important thing is doing it with LOVE... that's going to raise any vibrations I am planning to check some of the games mentioned here, about High Consciousness video games to get some ideas about that. Anything that helps to raise collective consciousness will be great !!
  4. @Dumivid I was checking your game in Steam and looks good! Nice that you are already publishing, that's great. And I see that you have a lot of game on itch.io So you have a lot of experience doing games. Nice! Thanks for your suggestions! I already subscribed to that youtube channel, looks good. I was just looking at the making of Celeste, that's a good game and it's a good resource that channel to know how to generate ideas for games, thanks a lot! @Leo Gura I will be installing Unity this weekend and I will try it definitely. Thanks for your recommendations! @Yahya @Hello from Russia @Superfluo I have the idea of placing some wisdom on those games, not sure if I will get to turquoise level hehehe but I will definitely will try to do a game like that... but first we need to learn to do games hehehe... thanks! @Chosendeer This is a great idea!!! I like it... but as you said when I mentioned Point and Click adventures, I think of it is a long term goal after we learn to develop some simple games. The problem with those Adventure games is that they need a lot of animation, and that's a lot of art work. I agree we have to try first with a simple game, and you were talking about Flappy Bird, Ok... I am now creating one clone of Flappy Bird to understand more about game programming... hehehe.. If you want I found some free classes at udemy that I think will help you to understand how games work. They also have Unity classes, not only Godot. But if you want to try with Godot first, here you have a good one about Godot fundamentals https://www.udemy.com/course/godot-101-game-engine-foundations/ I think the instructor is also an expert in Unity and other game engines, he has a website that has a lot of tutorials and they have an academy where they teach programming for games and for other kind of apps. https://godottutorials.pro/ I hope we can do that!!! I am working on the flappy bird clone! If you have any simple idea for a game, we can try that one! No problem!!! This is the tutorial, is also free in Udemy: https://www.udemy.com/course/flappy-bird-godot/ I will post more updates soon!!!
  5. @dharm4 Will do!!! hehehehe
  6. I will definitely be checking Unity, thanks Leo! I knew about Unity but I as @p1xelm0nk just said I also heard that Unity was mostly aimed to 3D games and for a 2D games it maybe be using a lot of power on a computer, and Godot is a bit more "light" in that sense, but I know Unity is great. So I will be investigating that option too... Thanks Leo. Maybe someday you can do a video about your experiences in the game industry... hehehe... I never knew exactly what were you doing in the game industry? Are you a programmer? I am a graphic artist, I have done some characters for a guy who made a game for android, I think it is still in google play. I created the backgrounds, characters and all the elements in the game. I don't know if he continued doing upgrades to the game, it was in Beta when I made the assets for him. I just checked and he just took it out from Google, not sure why. Here he has it in his website, you can see the art I did in there. It was a kind of Tapper game ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tapper_(video_game) ) but in a marijuana dispensary hehe... https://passajoint.com/budtender/ Yeah, I heard about that too... but I will try anyway. (Edit: I will do! Not try... @dharm4 made me remember what Yoda said! ) Thanks everyone for your comments and ideas! They were really helpful!!!
  7. Cool BlackMaze! I will check that out! Unreal is awesome too!
  8. Hi Chosendeer, Nice to know that you also want to make video games. It's also a dream of mine, I always admired the people who create those games, and making them is like magic in a sense hehehe... When I was a kid I fell in love with Space Invaders, there were no internet so I had to go to play in places where they had pinballs and arcade video games, I even didn't have a home console. A friend of mine had Atari and I went to his home to play with it. hehehe... yes I am old. :-P But now things have changed. My experience is very basic, I am also not a programmer. I studied graphic design and that's how I become used to work with computers. Because I began to do web design I began to learn some PHP, and other web programming languages. And one thing that I can tell you is that once you learn one programming language all the others work similarly, the only thing is you have to learn the sintaxis. How it is written it varies from different programming languages. I always had problems with programming, it was like I couldn't understand it. But, because it was something that I wanted to do I was in my free time always investigating. I learned (very basic things) in Python, Javascript, PHP, Actionscript (from Flash) and now I decided to try Godot. Godot is an engine to create games, you can do simple 2D games or more complex 3D games. You can download it from here: https://godotengine.org I began first investigating as I mentioned before GDevelop (a different game engine), because it is done in a way that you don't need too much programming, the problem that I see is that is more limited to what you can do, so I decided after doing some simple things with it, I decided to try Godot. And I must say that is not as complicated as I thought. If you are interested in try something with GDevelop here is the link: https://gdevelop-app.com But Godot has some advantages, I think... Godot works in Windows, Mac OSX and Linux, so in theory is possible to create games Multiplatform. Besides that it works on Web and Android and Iphones. But what I see is that GDevelop is more to do only 2D games and Godot you can also create 3D games. I am planning to begin only with 2D games, but once I learn more about game making, my idea is to try some 3D games. So if I learn Godot, I will have that covered too. What I am doing right now is learning from books and from youtube videos like this https://youtu.be/wETY5_9kFtA If you follow that video you will be able to create a character, make it move on the screen to right left and make it walk over a platform. And seems pretty good. But really my knowledge is really basic, I want to do some simple games to get the knack of it and from there begin to make more complicated games. I always liked to do a point and click adventure like The Curse of the Monkey Island by Lucas Arts or things like that. If you are a writer it could be great to have someone who can do the script or the idea for the game! And sounds are always needed so that's good to know that you are studying music. Cool. Yes, why not? Yes, I think that learning some programming would be good. If you investigate Godot you will see that it works with a programming language that is called "GScript". And there's a version that is still in Beta where you will be able to work with C# inside Godot, but is still in process, there's no complete support yet. But C# is a very popular language and is used to create other applications, not only for video games. I will continue sharing here my advances! Keep in touch and tell us if you begin to do something, we can share our experiences here and we see where all this take us to. Maybe we can do a game as you suggested! :-) Right now making games is like something I do as a side hobby, my main focus now is in creating comics and illustrations, but once I learn more about making videos I will definitely work more on that. I will post any new thing I discover here in this thread.
  9. I forgot to mention, I also tried GDevelop and it's amazingly simple to create a game with it. But I really wanted to try Godot. But GDevelop for simple games seems really good.
  10. Oh, Ok... got you. I always remember the finding of the scrolls because I saw some documentary long time ago, but I didn't know the Gospel of Thomas was one of them until recently.
  11. A big lesson to learn that democracy is very fragile.
  12. I think the advice is not to be attached to ideas or concepts... just THIS!
  13. This is my opinion. You are perfect. You realized something that 99% of the people in the world never question themselves. Everybody is in the same situation as you, the only difference is that they are not aware of that fact. No one knows who they are. The problem is that when you realize that, fear appears ... and drives you crazy. You become insecure, etc... why? Because your ego realized that it doesn't exist. And who is in control now? Your ego, so the ego realized that he is not true, so it has not any way to fix that situation. What I am doing is I construct a new ego under the new discovery. I act normally as before. Remember the old zen saying "before enlightenment chop wood and carry water"... after enlightenment "chop wood and carry water". You have to continue going on, just try to do a better version of you. But, to really know yourself you have to do the work. Meditate, investigate, read, follow your intuition and try to be in touch more with the part of you that is more intuitive. Meditation helps to separate yourself from the thoughts and get more in touch with your trueself, not so much with the ego. The ego is a thought. And thoughts are what drive us crazy... sometimes. I found mindful meditation very helpful to understand better our thoughts and separate myself from negative ones and be more and more in touch with the trueself, that is our essence. If you need an example check Leo video about mindful meditation. After sometime of working and contemplating you will have insights and maybe you become enlightened. That's when you finally will know who yo are. And you will just BE what you are, not act like the ego does.