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Everything posted by abrakamowse

  1. Extracted from Wikipedia, we will never have the real facts about anything. Right, Left or Center, all news and "facts" are twisted. Read this:
  2. That's how he got all the votes. He's good at appealing the masses.
  3. I know. I was there too. I know for our idea of who we are (our ego) it's incomprehensible, because we think about the loved ones, kids, families... for us is crazy. But if you are God, you know that matter is not the fundamental thing, anything that happens to matter won't last, and the only true and permanent thing is Spirit. I know is very hard to swallow, but as @Inliytened1 said, it is something that you need to experience, it has to be an epiphany, a knowing coming from "above" because reason and logic won't accept that.
  4. Yes, I agree with that. I am not sure what Buddha was trying to say. There's even some conversations he had with his students where they asked him what was the soul and he stayed silent.
  5. This is what I understand according to Buddhism what "soul" is and It seems pretty accurate to me. "The soul, or "self" is only a temporary composite of matter, sensations, perceptions, thought and consciousness that dissipates and ceases to exist at death."
  6. Well. I was talking that it is possible that some of the dirty money from laundering can be discovered. Remember he used his Hotel The Trump tower to create a market or a place were you can invest/buy anonymously. That wasn't about taxes, that was to attract mobsters with money from the Russian mafia to be laundered. And in the meantime Trump sold his apartments and stuff. Most of the time at values much higher of that in the market. So, make your own conclusions. The Taj Mahal paid the largest fine ever levied against a casino for having “willfully violated” anti-money-laundering rules. And that's something known publicly, so I think there's a lot of finger pointing towards him having done a lot of criminal activities. Democrats would have much better luck if they go through that route to make the impeachment than if the go for this stupid quid pro quo, that anyone can deny, say it's hearsay or simply say that is not enough for impeachment. Probably they think it is so hard to prove those Trump links to the russian mafia without his taxes that they choose this way, that is more complicated. I dunno.
  7. What does that have to do with your awakening?
  8. The only way to stop him is to prove all his money laundering businesses at the Trump Tower, but that's hard... and that's why he doesn't want to show his taxes. His taxes are the only way to prove his links with the Russian Mafia.
  9. And who is indoctrinating you? Fox? Breitbart? Let me know!!! hehehe...
  10. Be careful with her, she's a Russian asset!
  11. I think it's a revelation because it draws so much similarities to things that happened in the past, but we weren't paying attention. https://www.newsweek.com/hitler-incompetent-lazy-nazi-government-clown-show-opinion-1408136
  12. Very true. That's true too... but from the ego POV it helped me understand that Salvation is also understanding. If you die without searching your true nature, that's hell. Two different reactions people have when they "see" Truth
  13. @mandyjw Yes, that is true. In reality we are not Christian and we are really nothing and everything. Sometimes I think about what Buddha said that if you meet the Buddha you have to kill the Buddha. I don't know if I can Kill Jesus really hehehe... because is always in the back on my mind. I think the indoctrination we get from church is crazy and in that sense is hard sometimes to not get attached to certain beliefs and dogmas. Yes, no problem. I will try to make it short, because I don’t want to hijack your thread. I will post in my diary a more detailed version of this experience, I will let you know if you want to read it. It was nuts hehehehe… But basically I asked in prayer to be “saved”. And I did it so intensely that something happened. I was not so sure about my beliefs so I wanted to know for once and all if I really was wrong or If there was any purpose to life, if Jesus was “the only way”, if Buddhism was wrong, etc. So, I read that Jesus said “Ask and it shall be given”, so I asked so much that one day it was given. I asked for salvation, I wasn’t sure if Salvation and Enlightenment was the same, so I did what it was safer for my beliefs at that moment, I asked for salvation, to be baptized with the holy spirit. And something happened, God listened to me hehehe... I was going to work and during my commute, I had an epiphany or as Jed Mc Kenna says I had T/R (“Truth Realization”). But it was partial. In the sense that I didn’t have any background about true spirituality, so I couldn’t understand what had happened. But anyway it was marvelous. And it was really Truth realization, the only problem is I didn’t know it at that moment. The first thing I had first of all Love for everyone that it was on the train. A super selfless love. And then I had a vision (or a shift in perception in reality) where I saw that everything is alive, and God was in everything. I saw energy all around me and I felt that all was connected. There was energy everywhere and it was running from one person to another, like if all of us were connected and one thing. I also felt like I was really alive, that before I was dead and now I was seeing really what is to be alive. But I still was in the old paradigm, that I was my thoughts, that I was separated from God, etc. In my arms I could see that energy running inside me, like if there was very brilliant water running through my veins. That made me remember what Jesus said that “He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, 'From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.'" So one day I began to suffer the ego backslash. Now I know what it is, but at this moment I didn’t have any idea. And even today I was thinking about it and in reality the ego backslash was created by me, because it was what it was. IMO it was an awakening that my ego interpreted as something bad, but I will explain that in a moment. I lost control of my ego, the ego acted any thought that appeared or arose in me. And I didn’t know what it was me, what it was thought. So, I did funny things, I said a lot of truth but mixed with crazy stuff, like exaggerating, like I love you (but in a way that it seemed devilish). It was a psychotic episode. I went to the hospital and I ended up staying there like one week trying to go back to normal. I couldn’t think well, my memory was super bad. I forgot everything. And I had terrible nightmares. The nightmares where me going to die (hehehehe). What happened was that I become conscious of being in nothing, in a void. It was completely black, like in a blackout and I was conscious but I didn’t know what I was, I didn’t have any identity. And that consciousness began to fall into that black hole, at that moment I was consciousness but the ego was still there, and I was still identified with the ego. Now I know because of all the experience of ego death that I read, I know what it was what happened. But when it happened I remember telling my wife that it was the worst nightmare that I ever had. Now I know it was a blessing in reality!!! I was going to be awakened but I chickened out due to lack of knowledge! What I was trying to tell you Mandy is that you are right, what one person sees as bliss or tranquility other like me can see it as the devil, as hell. So I believe that we create hell, but in my opinion you with the knowledge that you have now, you are safe, you will never be in that “hell” hehehe… because you know is you who creates it so your mind will go to another place. That’s what I think. I watch with my wife a TV serie called Criminal Minds, and they write from time to time some quotes from famous people and I remember that they put in one of the episodes a quote that I think it has to do with all these, it said this: “Hell is truth seen too late.” ― Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan
  14. How can you be aware of anything ? If there's no consciousness you are not aware of the surroundings, of a human mind, of a body... Awareness is the source of everything, without it you won't know anything. You can't know there's surroundings or mind or a dog, or a car or a bottle or anything at all... if consciousness is not there first.
  15. If you think you are a person, yes... but if "you" die, let's your body dies (a body dies), life continues, right? There's still life, it is not temporary. Life continues wether you like it or not. :-P That's the meaning you give to "death". I agree that most of the people gives that meaning, but I don't think is correct. There's no death. What dies continue living in another form. Death creates more life. When the body dies, there's decomposition and that creates thousands of bacterias and other life forms that we probably don't know about. How do you know that? Or is it just a belief? How can you KNOW there's a human mind, if you are not conscious of it? If there's no awareness or consciousness there would be nothing to know if there's human mind or whatever there is. Consciousness is prior to the mind.
  16. @mandyjw Did you take a look at the Christian Mystics what they say about that? I think the Orthodox Church has a different take on all the teachings that in "our Christianity" (Catholics and Evangelics) have a different interpretation. Like the Atonement Doctrine and Heaven and Hell, Salvation, etc. (I found some Catholic Mystics whose ideas are closer to the Orthodox Church rather than the Catholic Church, like John of the Cross, Meister Eckhart, etc...) I consider myself Christian too, but If I tell a preacher or a priest what I think about what Jesus taught, they will say that I am heretic and probably they will stone me to death. Lol... In my experience Hell is when you die without seeing the truth. I had an experience of dying (but I didn't know anything about the dead of the ego) and I was so scared, that it was hell to me. Imagine if I really died (the body really died) and I was in that state I suppose that this could be hell, and time is really subjective so maybe it can be said that it is an eternal hell. From our POV. From God POV not... who knows. I am not saying that what I am right about that, but is what my experience told me. Maybe my perspective will change after more experiences into ego death.
  17. The problem is your definition of existence. When Buddhist say that something doesn't exist what they mean is that it doesn't have an independent existence. It means that it can not exist by itself, it needs consciousness, it needs matter, etc... it cannot have existence without consciousness. And Consciousness is the source of everything, so it's the only thing that exists.
  18. We suffer because we deny love. Love is truth, to create the idea of a separated self we need what is not true. The contrary of love, that's suffering. People will not suffer when they understand they are not a separated person from reality.
  19. I know what I am. And I have no more questions in reality. There's no questions and no answers. It's all a dream.
  20. I don't think it would be good. Because for sure he won't be referring to our idea of God or Reality. He will be thinking in his ego.... he once said "Show me someone without ego and I will show you a loser".