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Everything posted by abrakamowse

  1. And what are we doing so quietly all the time?
  2. There are things in what Trump does that I agree, in some things like protecting the USA industry, and other things... but in the balance between the pros and cons, I feel that the cons outweigh the pros... But I understand and I try to be open to all points of view. Thanks for sharing your POV.
  3. I am not defending Left, I am just saying what is happening. There weren't riots like this before, and the one that happens weren's so violent as now. Only one I remember during Obama, I think it was in Baltimore... but now we have all the time those riotings. Yesterday there was another killing of a Black men with mental health problems, and another riot happened in Philadelphia and in NY https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Walter_Wallace And Trump instead of trying to calm things down he is adding fuel to the fire and trying to get political gains to the situation saying that Biden supports the rioters, that's crazy BS. (Note: I am not insulting you, I am just saying that Trump is saying BS)
  4. I have an old friend, in fact he studied with me graphic design at school, long time ago. I lost contact with him. But he used to smoke marijuana and he told me similar things, that he saw everything like flat, like in 2D... hahaha... This is what is happening (I think now after knowing all this we are talking now) we are beginning to see reality the way it is when high but we don't recognize it because we are used to see reality differently.
  5. The other thing that I don't like is that he is encouraging armed people, militias. That in my opinion, is terrorism inside the country. But because they are from the right leaning side, they see it as "armed militias" or as something that they have right to do. What happens is when he encourages those right wing extremists and they show them as "normal" obviously people who is in the left, who fought for certain rights will fear that those rights will be taken away from them. And they react on fear. And that's when there's manifestations from the left, and the looting happens because the left always thought that the rich or more conservative side of the spectrum is having advantages over them. So, they decide to attack the things that the right fear the most, their properties, the things that give money to them. Businesses, they took everything in there because they feel they are attacking the conservative right where they hurt them most. In their possessions. Now it is beginning to happen that the left is getting armed too... so we will have to sides that think that the way to solve this problem is through violence. That's what we don't need at this moment, and Trump is creating all this toxic situation. We need a president that can unite us, not one that divide us like Trump is doing right now.
  6. I was thinking exactly the same. Thanks @Chris365 for sharing!!!
  7. Thanks for sharing! That’s amazing!!!
  8. One thing I don’t get is that when Obama become president the unemployment was at like 10 or 12% and when he left the office it was going down like crazy. It was like 5% or 4%. When Trump got the office the trend that Obama made continued. And then it was even lower. I don’t get it why Trump tries to take credit that only because of him the economy was so good and the unemployment so low, if the one who began creating that trend was Obama. I mean, I know why he does it, but is not really correct. If he had some ethics he would recognize that Obama made it happen and he continue contributing to follow the same trends as his predecessor. that’s one of the things I don’t like about him. I think that’s dishonest and also misinformed.
  9. I am trying to quiet my mind, trying to be mindful of my surroundings and not analyzing everything too much. Overthinking is a problem, it's better to follow the flow with not too much thinking. A balance is good.
  10. Love your neighbors and love your enemies.
  11. "The road to hell is paved with good intentions" Or that's what people says hehehe...
  12. Oh, cool... hehehe... They have in the magazine in the last page a ton of very useful links, really interesting magazine. I downloaded the PDF.
  13. I found this magazine online, maybe you knew about it! Anyway, here it is! http://luciddreammagazine.com/
  14. Nice stuff @seeking_brilliance I also like to paint and draw, I like mostly to do comics. Maybe I do the same as you and I begin to post my stuff in my journal. I like your paintings!
  15. Yeah, totally haha... It really caught me by surprise, because I never imagined that something like that could happen in real life. It's like the stories you heard in fantasy or sci fi books, even though is just a small animal, it's really happening. Nature is so wise and resourceful.
  16. I am watching a series on Hulu called Bloom, it's Australian and I really liked it. The actors are really good and that caught me, and the story was interesting. It's about a flooding and when it happened some people died. And in the places where they die, a plant grew with a special kind of fruit. And by accident they discovered that if you ate that fruit you become young again, so a lot of old people began to eat that fruit and become younger again, but only for a limited time. The thing is that a kid told one of the old guys (that was young at that moment) that he was like a "Turritopsis dohrnii" I couldn't avoid looking for that in google, so I did a search and it results that really there's a kind of Jellyfish that is immortal. In the sense that it can revert the aging process and go back to an immature jellyfish, a baby jellyfish and grow old again... and so on... I was amazed and I wanted to share this in the forum. I am not sure if this is the correct section of the forum to post it, if you wanna move it to another section, it's Ok. I also wanted to know if anyone else knew about it and what are their thoughts about this particular little being that can go back to a young age when it feels threatened. Here you can find the link to the wikipedia article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turritopsis_dohrnii And here there's an interesting article published in the new york times magazine about some scientists that are investigating that really crazy biological phenomena. https://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/02/magazine/can-a-jellyfish-unlock-the-secret-of-immortality.html