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Everything posted by abrakamowse

  1. I always look to the way others explain things because they are better than me with words and English is also my second language so sometimes is more difficult for me to find the correct way to explain it. But this is basically what I am saying, copy paste of Alan Watts. (Text sourced from https://www.organism.earth/library/document/tao-of-philosophy-5)
  2. Basically what I say is that everything is conscious. Different levels of consciousness. Maybe some so limited that we consider them not to be alive, like rocks. But everything is alive. Everything is life. That's how I see it, I think is mostly a problem of how to explain it and also the words we use, we all give different meanings to words, different cultures, experience... etc... hehehe... But is true, is mind boggling.
  3. I am not sure I will say AI is a concept. What I really know is that we know nothing. No one knows how everything will evolve. That's all.
  4. You see concepts as a separated think that's the problem... everything is ONE thing...
  5. I found the part I was looking for, maybe this clarifies more... Lol... more Alan Watts here
  6. Lol... I watched once one of those Alan Watts videos/lectures and he said... if you hit a rock you will hear the sound. That's the rock response, is a "limited consciousness" but that's its "consciousness"... I am paraphrasing but I always remember that video... I can look for it if anyone wants to watch it or listen.
  7. So you are saying there's consciousness and then something separated called AI ?
  8. Yes :-) I use the name depending on the person I am talking too Lol... I like consciousness... but any name won't describe it properly.
  9. God is just a name, it has multiple names... consciousness... the hebrew gave god thousands of different names and yet they used to say it is better not to give it a name... That... is what it is. We are part of that, but if we investigate there's no separation so that is us/me too...
  10. There can’t be a concept without life. Where the separation between concepts and life is?
  11. You need to watch some of Alan Watt's videos, everything has intelligence. Not just humans. A rock has intelligence. There's no "natural" or "artificial" thing, everything is natural. Because everything is consciousness.
  12. Like in the Matrix Morpheus asks Neo ”Do you think is air what you are breathing now?”
  13. UG Krishnamurti said we are just like dogs barking maybe AI barks better Lol
  14. @SQAAD If you don't believe there's a god, then you don't believe that you exist. God is not something separated, it is you. "I and the father are one"
  15. Silence is the best option. and not thinking.
  16. Everything we “say” it’s not it or that