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Everything posted by abrakamowse

  1. Is he in beige stage? I don't think the guys who created the spiral dynamics thing thought about a case like this... they must create negative colors or something like that for this kind of specimen...
  2. @Preety_India Because he's crazy... they think they own the party now...
  3. I hope not!!! Omg they are crazy... This is one of his tweets:
  4. I’m really beginning to think that Trump wants to create a Civil War to stay in power as a dictator...
  5. This is from LA Times, Arnon Mishkin is the Fox News decision desk chief: “Maricopa County is a county where Biden is doing well,” Mishkin said. The president needs to get basically 60% of that outstanding vote in order to overtake or tie Joe Biden. We don’t believe he is going to get more than 45, 46% of that vote.” https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/business/story/2020-11-05/fox-news-arnon-mishkin-election-2020-arizona-trump-biden
  6. @Forestluv Ok ... let’s keep our fingers crossed ? ?
  7. Georgia difference has gone to 1700 only but there’s 99% ballots counted
  8. Their history in voting tendencies is not very favorable to democrats @Leo Gura @Peter-Andre
  9. ??? He realized that if he doesn’t do any testing there won’t be more positives Problem Solved!!!! ?
  10. Meanwhile Steve Bannon is calling to behead Fauci and The FBI director as if we were in the Tudor times in a monarchy https://www.mediamatters.org/steve-bannon/steve-bannon-and-his-co-host-discuss-beheading-dr-anthony-fauci-and-fbi-director
  11. I miss Pink Floyd times, Another Brick in the Wall not the wall Trump was asking for Lol
  12. “If you count the legal votes, I easily win. If you count the illegal votes, they can try to steal the election from us,” Donald Trump
  13. And more info in the news!!!: “President Donald Trump has struggled to convince the country he already won the election. So he’s just going to do the next best thing: Act like he’s starting his second term early.”
  14. In Georgia, Trump’s lead is down to fewer than 13,000 votes.
  15. The only problem is that if they stop they still need 270 to become president. They need to continue counting anyway. probably he only wants to stop in those states where he knows he can lose but actually is winning hes so “smart”
  16. Going back to the 50's will not do any good to the country. Biden will create new jobs for the actual needs, not for what it was needed in the 40's or 50's
  17. The only snowflake is Trump... crying like a baby