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Everything posted by abrakamowse

  1. @seeking_brilliance We have a saying in my native country that is (in Spanish) "Las Brujas no existen, pero que las hay... las hay..." I didn't find an equivalent English translation but it would be something like "Witches don't exist, but there's some of them around there" I wouldn't play that game, I don't believe in it but... I prefer not to try. Lol
  2. Did you met the woman in the 5th floor? ?
  3. I will pay attention to him for the next election hehehe ?
  4. I don’t think that the people who watch SkyNews is all the Australians. Those comments seem to far right extremists from Australia, but no all the Australian people. There’s crazy everywhere. And Trump has fired up the crazies as John McCain very intelligently has pointed out. ?
  5. That’s going to be fun, he will complain that the deep state is banning his truthful comments Omg... ?
  6. Omg now he will have plenty of time to tweet his nonsense lol No idea, going to check that ?
  7. I didn’t realize how different is to listen a president that sounds presidential instead of listening to a president who sounds like a clown. what a difference!!!
  8. But she doesn't seem as extremist as his father, she expelled him from the party right? Anyway, we have to wait and see how things develop after this great win in USA. USA influences a lot other countries...
  9. It's really sad to see a president that doesn't know how to recognize when he loses. Really sad.
  10. I hope the next election they follow the same path as Trump and they kick them out of the office.
  11. I hope there's no more far right extremism anytime soon... or am I being naive?