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Everything posted by abrakamowse

  1. @Thewritersunion https://sites.psu.edu/silenceofthenight/2017/09/21/the-elevator-game-entrance-to-the-otherworld/
  2. Trump is attempting a coup in plain sight https://www.vox.com/2020-presidential-election/2020/11/7/21554114/trump-election-2020-voter-fraud-challenge-recount-biden
  3. In what timeline did you do that? Maybe in another timeline you put some different color ... ?
  4. They are saying that the voting system is rigged because it is related to the Clinton foundation. what is the source for this claim? this article in their webpage !!! lmao https://www.clintonfoundation.org/clinton-global-initiative/commitments/delian-project-democracy-through-technology
  5. These are the “glitches” they are complaining about ???? https://gizmodo.com/no-theres-isnt-a-glitch-in-michigan-election-softwar-1845607896
  6. This is what is happening right now: https://www.oann.com/graham-senate-judiciary-committee-will-probe-voter-fraud/ They have the machine very well "oiled"
  7. He is totally deluded... I never saw anyone in such a state of denial
  8. OMG, that elevator game sounds crazy. I am finding a lot of stories around it and there's like a small community of people who writes about those paranormal things. It got my interest cause I like to make comics, it's a good resource for ideas for movies/films/comics/etc... hehehe... I found some valuable stories, like there's a girl that die and some people thinks it has to do with that elevator game and she lived in a hotel in LA called Cecil... men, that Hotel has a lot of crazy stories. Very interesting. :-P
  9. He is f**** nuts. How did they find out that???? Lmao!!! If they find a way to make their lie credible, they will become dictators. Because the democratic vote said he has lost !!!!
  10. @mandyjw I knew a guy who was very conservative, he told me that he lived some time ago in England. And he got sick, and they sent him a nurse, free of charge. From the government, because they have public health in England. And he told her to leave, that he didn't need anything FREE from the government. Lol
  11. Be careful with that, they say that if you look her directly to the eyes or if you talk to her she will have your soul!!!! ???
  12. Someday a scientist will respond Mu... I hope.