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Everything posted by abrakamowse

  1. That's true, we need to learn a lot from nature. There would be less problems if we pay attention to nature, animals and our environment.
  2. There's also a problem that the media in general has favored a lot of time the wealthy and some people gets distrustful of the media. Trump took that distrust of the people to accentuate it more, and constructed an alternate option for people to get info from Info Wars, Breitbart and all those other outlets that are much worst than the regular media and their biases. Those other outlets are the real fake news, but somewhat they took advantage of the situation and changed everything upside down. Now the real news are saw as fake and the fake as new... well, that must show that we are in the end of times Lol because in the bible it says "Isaiah 5:20 - Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil" So, they say they are religious but they are doing what the bible warned us not to do hehehe
  3. @Adamq8 ask him what he thinks about David Bohm? O show him quotes about reality from Niels Bohr... Plank, etc... Lol
  4. That's what I was thinking, the thing is to be enough clear in your mind to keep calm and continue dreaming hehehe... I only had one lucid dream, and I couldn't believe how real it is... it was amazing and I want to repeat that experience. I remember in the dream thinking, this is so real that I won't know if I am awake or dreaming. And I also remember controlling some things in the dream, like I was in a bus in the dream and I controlled it with my thoughts. Lol...
  5. Ok, cool. :-) I heard crazy stories about false awakenings like you said in the r/LucidDreaming in reddit. Like waking up in the dream and thinking you are in real life... and happening several times in a loop, as you said.
  6. More news!!!! https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/nov/10/eric-trump/no-rock-county-did-not-have-glitch-stole-votes-tru/
  7. Oh my!!!! I didn't remember my dream today... I am angry now!!! Do you still feel like you are dreaming?
  8. I found another one! https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/ Fake news in all its splendor!
  9. About The Gateway Pundit The Gateway Pundit was originally founded in 2004 as TheGatewayPundit/blogspot.com by Jim Hoft who is the Editor of TGP. Let's investigate who Jim Hoft is. No need to say anything more!!!
  10. @Keyhole @Shin I think those authoritarians figures need to be crazy to do something like that. Hitler is the perfect example of it.
  11. He is scared, he needs the protection of the presidency. He knows if he goes back being a businessman as he was before, he is fucked. He will try whatever it takes to survive to his dream where he is all powerful, very smart, everyone loves him, etc... He created a world in his mind different from reality and now reality is coming back to bite his ass
  12. @Adamq8 I completely agree with you. That guy is more indoctrinated with science than a Jehovah Witness Lol
  13. I get that. Don’t worry. I was just kidding. I understand that there’s no movement in reality. I said it because once Adyashanti said that it was mostly like things are coming to me. But si know he was trying to explain something that u can’t explain with words or if you do it, we will have a hard time understanding. Be careful with judging people like, “I’m more advanced or I’m yellow, they are orange” that’s creating ego too and the idea of separation.
  14. I was thinking just stay quiet and let everything move around me... the only problem is there’s no “me” and nothing to move, just nothingness ?
  15. What should I do if I want to go to the supermarket?
  16. This Would Be a Very Good Time to Impeach William Barr https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/william-barr-impeach-coup/