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Everything posted by abrakamowse

  1. Some people do it because they pursue spirituality for real. Other people do it to feed their ego. Some people are mean, others not... :-) There's not a one and only answer for that, like any other thing people does it for different reasons.
  2. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/11/12/why-trump-cant-win/
  3. @Moksha @Mikael89 Exactly... it's beautiful the way it is.
  4. @Moksha I think that's the beauty of it, that we will never be able to "dissect it" and study like an object. The fact that is hidden is what it permits it to manifest. It's hiding at plain sight hehehe...
  5. @Mikael89 @Moksha And anyway is a scientific article, is always going to be "finger pointing to the moon" , never the moon itself. But anyway is good to be open to different ideas. I like a saying from Aristotle (I think it was him who said it) “It’s the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”
  6. "The intuitive idea that objects influence each other because they're in physical proximity is soon to become another of those beliefs that turn out to be wrong when we look deeper" More here: Space: The Final Illusion https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/space-the-final-illusion/
  7. It's just a spooky action at a distance!
  8. It makes sense. Thanks @seeking_brilliance anyway is something we can’t really talk about, because talk implies duality but is a good analogy, right? ?
  9. @seeking_brilliance I haven’t but when you said it, something made click. That means that we have all the sensations that we are moving in a 3D environment but in fact, like in a game there’s only a flat screen in reality. I think I got in now.
  10. They will fall in the abysm at the border of the earth, they will fall into the void, finding themselves. Lol
  11. @Shin Long time ago as a Kid I woke up and the dream continued mixed with my bedroom Lol... I was dreaming with my eyes open, it was nuts. I experienced that only once.
  12. Let's go back to topic. :-) If there's no distance really, what happens when you walk towards an object that look far? But in reality is that you see the object smaller. But why it seems that I am walking towards it and the object becomes (or appears) bigger???
  13. I think this article hits the nail in the head perfectly: More here: https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/11/13/trumps-crazy-and-confoundingly-successful-conspiracy-theory-436404
  14. Another law firm bails out on Trump campaign Law firms representing Trump in his fight to challenge the election results have come under fire in recent days. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/11/13/law-firm-drops-trump-campaign-436418
  15. He is a very smart guy. I like to read his articles... this video is really good. I hope more people understood it and applied its ideas.
  16. Same here, maybe @nitramadas can be of help in this thread.
  17. A friend of mine told me that he dreamed something and then, that same thing happened exactly the same way in real life. When it was happening, he thought "this is exactly the dream I had some time ago"... it was crazy, he told me... I think it was a job interview.