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Everything posted by abrakamowse

  1. I still have fear about that... the ego has fear... in fact, it's terrified... hehehe... but I just let it go.
  2. When you are scared is your ego. The ego generates the fear because it knows that is going to die, but it makes you believe that is for another reason, is very very sneaky. I can separate now thanks to Leo video from the fear and I continue experiencing the fear but I know it's not my fear, it's my character that is fearing death. Let's see where this leads me ... Lol.. ILYK! :-P
  3. Thanks for sharing @Muhammad Jawad
  4. I saw that video hahaha... in the beginning I was like didn't want to watch his videos. But now I think I am beginning to empathize with him. hehehehe... It's funny but maybe his system works to bring spirituality to some of his audience, who knows? The only risk is if he ends in some sort of trap of creating a kind of cult, but ... I think he will do it fine. Let's see...
  5. I was about the begin to bible thump people hahaha... not really... but you got the idea.
  6. @Leo Gura I had one experience of no self (I didn't know what I was) that it was so terrifying that I ended in the hospital, they gave me Zoloft and I had too stay there like a month. LoL.. But, I didn't have any idea of all these experiences in consciousness, it happened to me while praying and asking God to save me... (I didn't have idea what was saving or enlightenment, nothing at all... ) I was a traditional Christian. Right now I don't consider myself Christian because of the associations with he dogma of the Church, but praying and asking directly God to give me certain experiences work well in me. He delivers, really...
  7. @Leo Gura Thanks Leo! Good to know that. Appreciated! ??
  8. The big lesson here what would be @Leo Gura ? It doesn't matter how deep can be your insight that it is possible anyway to interpret it wrong? Depending on the beliefs and biases of the person who had that experience... That's why a foundation in other POVs is needed, right?
  9. I know... Thanks for Sharing @Javfly33 !!!
  10. The story about the end of all stories.
  11. Cool I am going to meditate and I'll be back!
  12. Very nice @Javfly33 thanks for sharing! How did it happen? Was it during meditation or how? Just curious.
  13. And what is he doing? Anyone knows what happened to him?
  14. @28 cm unbuffed The problem is that we have to use language to talk about Reality and anything we say is not going to be the real thing, it will be a representation or a concept. If I say that yes reality is just a Matrix, because in fact is what God does to create an experience. If you are only one thing, how are you going to experience anything? You have to create it in some way. The way things are manifested is the reality that we are seeing. But that reality is real too in the sense that is a manifestation of God. So, if you have the idea that because is "just" a Matrix is not reality, you are wrong. Reality is beautiful and is full of love, but we can't see it from our limited POV as humans. This makes me remember something that is said in the Bible, that God is Human and God at the same time. Don't give negative connotations to it, is really good news! Ego will interpret it like something bad, because is how it perpetuates, the ego wants you to be like Cypher, knowing the truth but interpreting it so wrong that he decides to go back to the matrix.
  15. The guy and the girl in those two videos are experiencing parts of God that are true, but they are not complete. So, she doesn't realize that those beings that she saw in the void are creation of her imagination, she is God too, if she believes it she will create that reality but if she's not wise enough she will become trapped in it until she finds liberation. That is what happen with partial knowledge, they are not integrating the experience well so they create all those stories and fantasies about God that in reality is undescribable. They recognize that there's nothing other than God but they say there are beings in the void recruiting other beings... etc... it can be true... if they believe in it.
  16. @28 cm unbuffed If that's what the void told you, it's truth. So, that's Ok... do you give a negative connotation to it? I see you used the word "trapped" and that sounds to me like negative. In reality the one that is trapped is the ego that thinks he is the doer, but from the POV of your True Self or Consciousness, Brahman, Reality, God, etc... is total freedom.
  17. And what was that experience? The Void like the guy in the video said?