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Everything posted by abrakamowse

  1. Maybe a scientific explanation is better for you... http://io9.gizmodo.com/5975778/scientific-evidence-that-you-probably-dont-have-free-will Or here: http://www.livescience.com/19213-free-fate.html "Jerry Coyne, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Chicago, defined free will as the possibility that, after making a decision, you could have chosen otherwise. But a "decision," Coyne argues, is merely a series of electrical and chemical impulses between molecules in the brain — molecules whose configuration is predetermined by genes and environment. Though each decision is the outcome of an immensely complicated series of chemical reactions, those reactions are governed by the laws of physics and could not possibly turn out differently. "Like the output of a programmed computer, only one choice is ever physically possible: the one you made," Coyne wrote."
  2. I really think that being enlightened is seeing the truth.
  3. I would recommend you watching videos on youtube of Mooji. This is his webpage http://www.mooji.org It's good for beginners.
  4. I like his videos about meditation techniques, all of them are really good.
  5. If you read the Bible you will see Jesus talked a lot about self enlightenment, but the ego of those who interpret it didn't understand him. They prefer to "believe" he is the savior and he will save us without us doing nothing. He is the savior, but not in the way they think. When Jesus said "I am the way" it means he did the things to be enlightened and if you follow what he did you will be enlightened too. It doesn't mean that by believing that he is the savior and he died for our sins we will be saved. He talked about denying ourselves, that sounds like killing the ego to me. All his life and dead on the cross is a symbol of the killing of our egos. The people who goes to church and cling to religion still have fear, the religion is fed by fear. They will grow spiritually at some point if they are really meant to be enlightened. I think there's a lot of good people in church, but it's dangerous because you don't grow up there if you accept their dogmas.
  6. I understand, and I ask myself the same thing but I think that this is because I am not enlightened so, I still can't understand some of the stuff, understanding will came later, IMO. But I think about the same everyday.
  7. Really helpful for me too @Emerald Wilkins , thank YOU!
  8. @Emerald Wilkins after that experience I think that I understood that we don't have to force anything. In the beginning I thought that I had to search inside me but I was looking to have some external experience or vision to support my belief. It was just now that I understood that is not searching for anything, it's just becoming more aware of your surroundings and observing reality, not having weird psychedelic experiences. I think we are helping each other with this conversation hehehe... cool. That's what is all this about.
  9. Thanks @Emerald Wilkins, although I arrived to those experiences without the help of any drink or any other thing anyway I feel that I forced my mind to have that experience. And you really helped me realizing I did the same mistake as you said, I made unwise decisions in my life because of that too. I will post something about it in another post. Thanks!!!
  10. Thanks @Trisha for the comments, in my case I never used drugs but I know some people says it can help the process. I think it's better to stay away from them. Thanks for your comments!
  11. I think there's always a relation between the mind and the body, we are training our body to have the experiences we need to be enlightened. It's like a miracle, even if the science some day explain how a miracle is done, in my opinion it will be still a miracle. I'm not sure if I am being clearly enough, it's a bit complicated to understand. Science think that if they explain how the big bang was created, there's no god. Something like that. Even if we know how God works or how things are created, anyway it continues amazing me. :-)
  12. We do not see things as they are. We see them as we are. ~ The Talmud ~
  13. That's awesome @Kyle I hope to experience something like that soon. Cool. :-)
  14. Everything is an illusion, so it's not weird that free will is one too. http://www.learning-mind.com/5-thought-provoking-quantum-experiments-showing-that-reality-is-an-illusion/
  15. @Binary Encoded Sunset that's great, I like also some heavy and dark music. I listen it from time to time but not as frequently as before. I think is like opening your eyes to other music you didn't listen before and appreciate it as well. Good for you. :-)
  16. Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship. Buddha
  17. I realized about that today, while meditating.
  18. I found this quote, I think it's useful for this thread... “The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson
  19. “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson
  20. @Pinocchio That is so awesome and truthful Lol...
  21. I try to think about them not as having "lower" consciousness, but more like someone who is already in the path but is not aware of it, they are just in the beginning. At some point they will feel their lives has no sense and they will begin the search, but until they don't reach to that point they will continue in the low level of consciousness. So, I try to give them some ideas trying not to make them noticing as such. Some "hints" and see what happens. And as Leo says in his video , I try to use them as a mirror to check on my own defects.
  22. Another awakened artist is Sinead O' Connor. She even has a guided meditation on youtube. Note: It's not the singer Sinead O' Connor Lol. Sorry, my bad. I have to check better before posting. :-P
  23. On a second thought, maybe doing what Leo is doing. Create a youtube channel, upload some art techniques and advices, and then you can offer a premium service with more stuff for amateur artists who want to improve their skills.
  24. I'm an illustrator too @Pere but I am actually working more on graphic design. I want to move to do more illustrator work, comics, cartoons and maybe animation (2D). I am in the same situation like you, the only difference is I am much older hehehe... and I was drawing more like a hobby, so it took me longer to develop my style but finally I think I'm close to have a professional style. I really can't give you advice because I have no idea about the "artsy" market, I am more into the commercial stuff. Didn't you thought about the illustration market for magazines, advertising agencies, etc??? There's good money there, cover book design too.