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Everything posted by abrakamowse

  1. I would say you have to believe in your project and then try to show others your vision. If the idea is good people will follow.
  2. My greatest fear was not having identity. Now I know that's my greatest fear. And I think I am beginning to understand why.
  3. @ayokolomo maybe it can be helpful to you to read books were people get enlightened without wanting it, and with not so much effort. Really there's always effort, but it doesn't mean we know it. I am not saying that you don't have to make an effort to be enlightened, what I say is when you surrender that happens naturally. You don't need to search for it. It will happen. I see it like a natural process. I found these books, I want to read them myself, I didn't read them but I'm pretty sure that it has very valuable information. They are mentioned on a Mc Kenna book, Enlightenment: The Damnedest Thing. These are the books: The writer is Satya Nadeem , maybe you know him. From Onions to Pearls By Satyam Nadeen From Seekers to Finders By Satyam Nadeen I want to read it too, I will buy them soon. This is the description of From Onions to Pearls: This is the true story of one man's spiritual awakening, without a guru and under severely restrictive, sometimes violent, physical, and intense emotional conditions. In March of 1992, Michael Clegg entered an overcrowded county jail near Jacksonville, Florida, convicted of the manufacture of an illegal drug called Ecstasy. He was held there for two years while awaiting sentencing. While in prison, he realized that a lifetime of spiritual searching had brought him no closer to the elusive state he was seeking, so he gave up trying. In surrender, he was overwhelmed with relief and bliss. The next several years were spent in a deepening process he calls the "deliverance," as layers of the preconditioned ego personality were peeled away to reveal the eternal Pearl of Consciousness. On August 15, 1996, Satyam Nadeen was released from a federal prison to reenter the world that Michael Clegg had left.
  4. It seems @Neuroticon didn't need our help so much What do you think @Carla ?
  5. Mooji helped me a lot on my "awakening" path. I'm very grateful to him.
  6. I am on the correct way to enlightenment.
  7. Don't pay attention to your thoughts. They are just that... thoughts. I had the same experiences like you, I was even in a mental hospital to realize that what drives us crazy is thinking our thought are ours, or come from us. They are not us, and they want to keep us slave to this fiction we are living, until we become enlightened.
  8. Ok, I don't know if I can be of help but I had also a panic attack after too much work and some wrong beliefs I had that made me think constantly about existential questions that almost drove me crazy. I was hospitalized. Again, the problem is the importance we give to our thoughts. You had some weird experiences, now you are wanting to make sense of them and that's driving you crazy. Think about it. Why? I didn't had an experience like I was dead, like you had. But I had the worst nightmare I ever had. When I woke up, I couldn't think well, I forgot everything, I could not reason. And in my dream I didn't have an existence. I didn't know who I was, I was nothing. It's weird that now reading books about meditation, Buddhism, yoga, etc. That's what is all about, our ego doesn't exist. We are really nothing and we have to find our true self, or higher self. All this is a game of your feelings your mind, etc trying to understand an experience that you had that probably is from your real self, that it can't be understood by logic. The mind is trying to make sense of it, when it can't do it, it thinks you have lost your mind. But is just a thought. It's not real. Don't pay attention to those thoughts, let them go. They are not you. You are bigger than your thoughts.
  9. @Leo Gura Thanks!!! I got into a mind trap. Thanks again. I think the catch is not continue believing that there's "one way" to do it... Or better yet, not believing in anything.
  10. Clay, you are thinking about your ego as you. You feel you are your ego and you are not. You have to try to connect with your higher self, that is done with meditation, the higher self knows better than you what is good for you. In fact, he is You, but you don't see him as you. We are all identified with the ego, and the ego doesn't know anything. He goes to extremes, he doesn't think what is good for you, he thinks what is good for him so you believe he is you. I'm not sure if you are getting exactly the idea of what ego is. You have something much more powerful than the ego, but because of conditioning we don't know how to connect to it. Take your time, be quiet. And you will feel your real self. Maybe you need to understand what ego is first, you don't have to be against it. First you have to know how it works. Read this, maybe this can help. http://www.osho.com/read/osho/osho-on-topics/ego
  11. Ok, I retract myself. Lol... I didn't see LOA was Haitian Voodoo. I don't know if it works, but I am not interested in it at the moment.
  12. The problem with the secret is the same as the difference between belief and faith. Some people think you have to "believe" to make a miracle, for example. When you can't, they say "have faith". Giving the same meaning to the word, they mean different things. IMO. If you try to think in something to make it come to you, thoughts won't do it. And if they do it, it will be a delusion too.
  13. If you study a bit this is about reality, no magic. My young grasshopper.
  14. I like Mooji, because I am lazy Not true, hehehe... I am really thinking into going to one of those vipassana retreats and I will be also going to a buddhist center to make guided meditation once a week. But, being in the city and how difficult is to get free time, I wonder which one would be the best. Mooji gives me hope that it is possible to reach it.
  15. @Leo Gura Sometimes I get confused, Mooji says "don't do nothing" and "forget about enlightenment" because if we set an expectation that's a trap, it's better just to "be". I don't know exactly yet how to accomplish that, then you say that we need 5000 hours of contemplation. Are both points of view true? Or how we should decide in what way we should try?
  16. Quieres hablar en español aquí? O escribir mejor dicho.
  17. That's very personal I think, in my opinion the best thing is to do what you feel, not let others influence in what you do or not do. In my case I am looking for enlightenment to be free, free of the opinions of others. Maybe you have to watch again Leo video about "How To Stop Caring What People Think Of You" I hope this helps.
  18. That's the problem, no one knows. I don't think that prophecies are true, we don't know. And anything we want to do won't change anything. It's all planned by God already. IMO.
  19. @Philip It's just my opinion. Maybe I am wrong. I think technology can help people with disabilities to walk for example, people who has problems with walking, etc. Or people who lost their sight. I think technology is great. About becoming artificial "gods", really awareness or better said enlightenment is about realizing our nature of God inside us. I am not sure what could happen if you wake up that nature in someone who is really not ready for that. Maybe he goes crazy? just wishful thinking, I don't know really hehehehe