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Everything posted by abrakamowse

  1. Dictators use any framework to be dictators. There’s some on the left, some on the right and some in the middle. ?
  2. I agree that “they” don’t understand that correctly. Those texts have deeper meaning than what religion gives to them. And I agree it’s not solipsism what those texts are pointing to. ?
  3. That's why religions say "love your neighbor as yourself" or "love your enemies"... How are you going to do that if they are not your self? (In disguise) :-P
  4. Hahahaha Lol... I was thinking why didn't they arrest him yet? hehehe... He said that he didn't do anything wrong. He just saw the door open and he entered Lol Edit: Ups!... they just arrested him!! Good news for @Leo Gura hahaha... https://www.sbs.com.au/news/horned-qanon-shaman-among-the-latest-people-to-be-charged-over-the-washington-riot
  5. Cool @seeking_brilliance I’ll do that! ?
  6. The right needs to stop falsely claiming that the Nazis were socialists https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2020/02/05/right-needs-stop-falsely-claiming-that-nazis-were-socialists/
  7. Exactly! That's what makes me think that is more difficult to "fight" those false news in the sense that as you said, the ego is super sneaky. They will create any self confirmation to preserve its false beliefs.
  8. The problem is that any proof you sent to those MAGA nut jobs is that they will say... "That's Fake News" But then, they go and feed themselves with information from websites like Infowars, Alex Jones, the Gateway Pundit, Breitbart, etc etc... that are far worse than the mainstream media... So funny...
  9. That was debunked long time ago... https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/dec/23/facebook-posts/bogus-analysis-leads-ridiculous-claim-about-biden-/
  10. That's a big mistake, because it had the name "socialist" in it, that didn't mean it was socialist. I noticed that big error in various Americans who think that's right. It is not, the Nazi party had nothing to do with real socialism.
  11. Page 2 - Pencils / Sketch
  12. They were dismissed because the evidence they presented was pure bullshit and blah blah blah... it was just hearsay, not actual evidence of fraud.
  13. @North Sea God is experiencing all of himself in the sense that he is experiencing what is being Donald Trump too. He also is experiencing what is to be a traitor to his true self, by forgetting what he is. That's the only way he can experience everything, he has to forget what or who he is to be that "separated" thing.
  14. Ok... once I said that I wanted to have sex with Scarlett Johansson in a lucid dream, but I was really kidding about it. Then I forgot that... Ok, today I didn't become lucid, but I had a dream that I met her, she was attending at a coffee shop and I bought her some coffee. Lol She was the cashier at the coffee shop hehehe... Funny.
  15. I am working on the second page of Rudolph is real! I will post it soon! I took some days off these holidays. Now is time to begin the year 2021!!!
  16. This also reminds me of the day that Julius Caesar had to cross the Rubicon River... Alea jacta est!!!
  17. @Anderz After thinking about it better, I am beginning to see that Biden is doing what is right. In the sense that he will be perceived as the guy who want to unify and he will calm down a little bit the waters. On the other hand, he said that he won't stop the Congress or anyone of doing investigations. I think they have to be accountable in some way, if it is not Biden, it has to be the democratic system in some way, via Congress or other means. What cannot happen is to have another situation like this, where lying and fake news (true fake news from the far right I mean) are spreading all around the people's minds.
  18. What do you think about this? https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2021/01/09/pers-j09.html
  19. Good to know... and yes... it's true that we always have to wait until something bad happens to react. Sadly...