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Everything posted by abrakamowse

  1. @Philip I am going to write it on my journal... I am still in the boring part hehehehe And probably it was me who was shocked because I am a bit dumb Lol I let you know when I write about it... This is the link to my journal, right now it makes no sense yet hehehe... and it's a bit crazy but here it is. I let you know when I post the "shocking" part.
  2. I'm learning @Socrates you are right. I was listening to mooji and I was thinking about that too. He doesn't say some things, sometimes because he is afraid of giving some advice that will be then a concept to the student. And so, more difficult to grasp. I really don't thing I am at a high level, my ego probably thinks so hehehe... I have other thing to add, I am not saying that I am on a high or low level but sometimes people feel like I give advice very advanced. I am really a bit new to all this, but I was searching since I was a kid. But without really understanding anything about Buddhism or other philosophies. Now I came back and I feel that everything makes sense, but I really feel like a know nothing. I am really saying it, not because I read it or anything, It's how I feel honestly.
  3. My opinion has changed a bit now because of @Philip , I think we learn all the time from others and I think he's right sometimes is too much information for people who is beginning. The thing is that I discovered those things in a traumatic way and shocking way too hehehe... so, I am like sometimes I go to try to shock others the same way I was shocked. This thread is going to be awesome.
  4. I think is a good idea, I am learning all the time. And I think you have a good point on that. I am sometimes a bit impulsive.
  5. hahaha... no problem, I was thinking too in posting something about it. Interesting, we both had the same idea. We are one hahaha... Later!
  6. Don't get pissed off and enlighten us with some jibber jabber. I honestly think it would be good. There's not really a right place to comment, just do it. I was reading a Jed Mc Kenna post this weekend, and I agree with him. We should be having fun from life, it's all good!!! I really liked what you said about reality, it's so true.
  7. I had when I was getting awake experiences of nothingness (I didn't have any identity, I didn't know who I was) and oneness, very short. But it got me thinking about what @Leo Gura said about going back to the source. I also heard Eckhart Tolle saying the same thing.
  8. Maybe I didn't use the correct words, it was my ego talking lol... I did that before, I just hide them... and that's worst. It will come back worst. I had to learn to let them be, just recognize what they are and that they can't affect me. I could reach that point with meditation, that was the only way I trained my brain to let them go. Mindful meditation and just meditation observing my thoughts. They become powerless. Not like I was doing before, in the past when I tried to hide them, or repress or deny them it was worst, they came back stronger. Meditation is the solution, at least it worked for me.
  9. I remember now, I also said it because I have some similar disagreement with my wife. And I thought that was the problem, we invest too much in ourselves. So I didn't pay attention to what she said, because it was her ego (not really her) talking, and I wanted to say something, but it was going to be my ego too. So I keep quiet. It would have been a clash of egos. And I don't want that in my life anymore.
  10. Anyway, in my opinion it was good. It would have been bad if it didn't get any reaction. We know more about ourselves now, so... I learned too from that. Maybe I am too much obsessed with enlightenment.
  11. Well, when I feel that impulse I normally think is the "higher self"... but I don't know for sure. Maybe is my ego hehehehe... you never know until you are enlightened... I think. And I am not yet there...
  12. I just got an impulse to do it without thinking too much about it, when that happens I know it's a good thing, so I just do it.
  13. Don't be sorry, it's Ok. I don't share your opinion, but it is Ok.
  14. Who was there to be cheated?
  15. People don't like reality checks. So, their best protection is to be "offended". But, there's no one to be offended, so... it's pointless.
  16. Q: How many Zen buddhists does it take to change a light bulb? A: None, they are the light bulb.
  17. And I agree she's hot. Lol.
  18. I just watch the videos from her that I found interesting, but I don't pay attention to a lot of them. We just have to use our common sense.
  19. Hi loveplay, nice to meet you. My great discovery here was that life has no purpose, we create the purpose.
  20. I think my journal is crazy. I feel I don't have to write anything more and I don't know why but I just stopped searching again. Everything we need, we already have.
  21. Now... nothing. Just keep living.
  22. Q: What happens when a Buddhist becomes totally absorbed with the computer he is working with? A: He enters Nerdvana.