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Everything posted by abrakamowse

  1. @Ayla I understood that, I know you are not trying to trick me. When you said that... I just understood that you are right, I am the only one who needs to know by experience. Thanks!!!!!!! You are awesome, did you know that? I am always looking for teachers and masters and we have the best teacher in us, right?
  2. Good question... you know what?... forget it Lol
  3. @Ayla To be honest, I don't think the reincarnation concept is right. But I don't understand why so many teachers talk about it. And I was listening about some ideas that reincarnation is not really our ego reincarnating so I was like in a period of study. I would like to know what Buddha exactly said about the concept of reincarnation.
  4. You're right @Ayla ... it's my ego's fault trying to be the one who is "right" or I don't know... my bad. Thanks for bringing me back!!! hehehehe.
  5. Here there's some kind of explanation, the concept of reincarnation is a misunderstanding, in fact has more to do with the law of Karma. I found this article "googling" You can read the whole article here: http://www.buddhanet.net/e-learning/reincarnation.htm Here there's an interesting part of the article: "Karma is a Sanskrit word from the root "Kri" to do or to make and simply means "action." It operates in the universe as the continuous chain reaction of cause and effect. It is not only confined to causation in the physical sense but also it has moral implications. "A good cause, a good effect; a bad cause a bad effect" is a common saying. In this sense karma is a moral law. Now human beings are constantly giving off physical and spiritual forces in all directions. In physics we learn that no energy is ever lost; only that it changes form. This is the common law of conservation of energy. Similarly, spiritual and mental action is never lost. It is transformed. Thus Karma is the law of the conservation of moral energy. By actions, thoughts, and words, man is releasing spiritual energy to the universe and he is in turn affected by influences coming in his direction. Man is therefore the sender and receiver of all these influences. The entire circumstances surrounding him is his karma."
  6. The girl in that picture was the one who taught us about sitting properly and meditation techniques.
  7. Really awesome the zazen meditation at the New York Zendo temple with @Neill . It was really fun to meet Neill in person, he's really great guy, and we were meditating with robes and everything like professionals, hahaha... I found some pics on the web, I couldn't take pics and because it was the first time there I just focused on the teachings, next time I will take some pics. This is the place, really cool. And today when I woke up I felt like if I was there, and when I was going to pick something to go to work I felt like I was bowing to the object, like a reverence to life hehehe... funny but cool.
  8. The only idea that comes to my mind about that, could be that all those "achievements, personality, etc" are like energy that can be transferred to a consciousness and it will have to overcome that personality to come back to consciousness again. That's the only thing I can think of... (so far... )
  9. I was in a Christian Church and in some ways they do the same thing. The problem is when someone wants or try to push their beliefs on you. In my opinion they have a wrong interpretation of the scriptures due to their distortion of reality. That's what happens with most of the religions. They try to impose their reality on you, but for them their reality is the only truth. Good to know you are beginning to walk with your own feet.
  10. Less is more... Einstein did that... look http://calnewport.com/blog/2007/10/10/the-einstein-principle-accomplish-more-by-doing-less/ A quote from the article: "We are most productive when we focus on a very small number of projects on which we can devote a large amount of attention."
  11. Cool @All_Around_Me thanks, that's great help. Nice. This is the place I am going today, I'll meet @Neill there if everything goes as planned. http://www.daibosatsu.org/newyorkzendo.html
  12. First thing you should do is understand that your thoughts are not real most of the time. If you think you are bad at something, you will be bad at that something. The thing that helped me more to get detached from thoughts and inner critics was mindful meditation. It seems not related at all, but after observing your thoughts without judging them as if they were not your thoughts work wonderfully. You will dominate your thoughts and you won't be dominated by them. This is the meditation:
  13. @Leo Gura That's why I think sometimes is better not to ask so many questions. It's like one of those question Buddha say to put it aside. The main focus should be to get enlightened, then we will know what we need to know. IMO
  14. In that case, what do we mean in this school by ‘to practice Zen’? In this school, by ‘to practice,’ we mean not to be obstructed by anything and externally not to give rise to thoughts about objective states. And by ‘Zen,’ we mean to see our nature without being confused. And what do we mean by ‘Zen meditation’? Externally to be free of form is ‘Zen.’ And internally not to be confused is ‘meditation.’ Exter- nally, if you are attached to form, internally, your mind will be confused. But if you are free of form externally, internally your nature will not be confused. Your nature itself is pure and focused. It is just that you come into contact with objects, and as you come into contact, you become con- fused. When you are free of form and not confused, you are focused. To be free of form externally is ‘Zen.’ Not to be confused internally is ‘meditation.’ External Zen and internal meditation, this is what we mean by ‘Zen meditation.’ The Vimalakirti Sutra says, ‘Suddenly all at once, we return to our original mind.’ And the Bodhisattva Precept Sutra says, ‘Our original nature is pure.’ Good friends, see the fundamental purity of your own nature. Cultivate and put to work for yourselves the dharma body of your own nature. Practice for yourselves the practices of a buddha. Begin and complete for yourselves the path to buddhahood.
  15. @All_Around_Me Thanks!!! When I do self inquiry I just ask "who am I", I don't know if there's more methods to do it. Did you see any interesting method in youtube or read on a book? I am going on thursday to a zen meditation center, I will ask them about it. Thanks for your encouraging words!!!! @All_Around_Me and @Natasha
  16. Invite her to eat some pizza!!! That will do! You get the heart of a woman with pizza...
  17. Tell her you like her and wait for her reaction... then invite her out and kiss her, that's all...
  18. Lie

    Most of the time we lie without knowing we are lying.
  19. So, the concept of reincarnation is taken in the broadest meaning? I mean, while there's still process of being born and dead there's reincarnation? I have to read about that, I know... hehehe...
  20. Thanks @Natasha, I am reading a pdf file I found on a forum from the implicate technology center in England and is helping me a lot. I think the problem is that the process is slow and my ego gets anxious. Lol. Thanks again!!!!! P.S.: You can check the pdf files here, they seem pretty good and very practical. http://theimplicatetechnologycentre.co.uk/
  21. I need to post the rest of the story but I am getting busy on my new design company (freelance). Yesterday I was sad because I felt I was far from enlightened and I had a lot of negative thoughts about not being enlightened. And at some point I felt like an insight saying "Stop feeding the beast!!!"