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Everything posted by abrakamowse

  1. It is also a matter of free will @ChimpBrain maybe this article can be of help too... https://www.samharris.org/blog/item/the-illusion-of-free-will
  2. And what is the difference with the world as it is now? We have moralizing laws and everything goes crazy. No one changes, no one is afraid of death penalty, etc. Death penalty doesn't avoid crimes... etc...
  3. I can translate some to Spanish. That's really cool.
  4. Reality can not be avoided...
  5. The author of Beginner's Mind Zen Mind, Shunryu Suzuki has a nice quote... "Strictly speaking, there are no enlightened people, there is only enlightened activity."
  6. Ok @Ayla Thanks!!! I will do that! Why did you move to Greece? I need you here! Lol
  7. It doesn't disappear, it's there but for some reason I follow more the thoughts than the awareness. I feel the awareness like bigger than me and different from what I fell I am... and the thoughts of "I am this (body, mind, etc)" I feel then more like this is what I am, the thoughts, etc. And I'm trying to transcend "that" with meditation, because I can't do nothing about it. Or maybe I can... I am really like waiting for something to happen... maybe I don't have to wait... but I am not that "I"... I must be the other "I"... but wait, there's no "I"... Omg... LOL
  8. At those moment I forget everything, who and what I am, I am just "being" and focused on a task or doing nothing. I don't see boundaries.
  9. @Natasha cool. I let u know. ?
  10. I had also a dream, but now I think it wasn't a dream. I think it was T/R (Truth Revealed) where I was conscious of being alive, but no identity. Completely alone and I was nowhere. Everything was black, like no light.
  11. @Natasha, we didn't take pictures, lol... I know, we r dumb. Next time we will take some and post them. That pictures are from a blog I found.
  12. When I don't think, there's something permanently there. Awareness.
  13. In my experience just the I AM :-)
  14. @Ayla I understood that, I know you are not trying to trick me. When you said that... I just understood that you are right, I am the only one who needs to know by experience. Thanks!!!!!!! You are awesome, did you know that? I am always looking for teachers and masters and we have the best teacher in us, right?
  15. Good question... you know what?... forget it Lol
  16. @Ayla To be honest, I don't think the reincarnation concept is right. But I don't understand why so many teachers talk about it. And I was listening about some ideas that reincarnation is not really our ego reincarnating so I was like in a period of study. I would like to know what Buddha exactly said about the concept of reincarnation.
  17. You're right @Ayla ... it's my ego's fault trying to be the one who is "right" or I don't know... my bad. Thanks for bringing me back!!! hehehehe.
  18. Here there's some kind of explanation, the concept of reincarnation is a misunderstanding, in fact has more to do with the law of Karma. I found this article "googling" You can read the whole article here: http://www.buddhanet.net/e-learning/reincarnation.htm Here there's an interesting part of the article: "Karma is a Sanskrit word from the root "Kri" to do or to make and simply means "action." It operates in the universe as the continuous chain reaction of cause and effect. It is not only confined to causation in the physical sense but also it has moral implications. "A good cause, a good effect; a bad cause a bad effect" is a common saying. In this sense karma is a moral law. Now human beings are constantly giving off physical and spiritual forces in all directions. In physics we learn that no energy is ever lost; only that it changes form. This is the common law of conservation of energy. Similarly, spiritual and mental action is never lost. It is transformed. Thus Karma is the law of the conservation of moral energy. By actions, thoughts, and words, man is releasing spiritual energy to the universe and he is in turn affected by influences coming in his direction. Man is therefore the sender and receiver of all these influences. The entire circumstances surrounding him is his karma."
  19. The girl in that picture was the one who taught us about sitting properly and meditation techniques.
  20. Really awesome the zazen meditation at the New York Zendo temple with @Neill . It was really fun to meet Neill in person, he's really great guy, and we were meditating with robes and everything like professionals, hahaha... I found some pics on the web, I couldn't take pics and because it was the first time there I just focused on the teachings, next time I will take some pics. This is the place, really cool. And today when I woke up I felt like if I was there, and when I was going to pick something to go to work I felt like I was bowing to the object, like a reverence to life hehehe... funny but cool.