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Everything posted by abrakamowse

  1. I read sometime ago a book, a political book from Saul Alinksy, "Rules for Radicals" and he says a lot of things that make sense to all this we are talking about. And he talks about how when USA was needing allies the USSR was not viewed as a bad thing, then when the "enemy" (Hitler's Germany) was defeated, then the cold war began and the USSR again become a bad thing. So, we change our "morality" (I am talking at a political/government level) depending on the situation. And also studying myself I realized that sometimes I don't apply the same judgement on different situations and we are not even aware of it. Our way of making judgements also varies depending on the situations, if we know the person, we don't judge ourselves the way we judge others and we judge those that we feel more empathy differently than those others that we see them as different. It's hard to be a judge, that's why I gave up judging.
  2. This one is pretty good... http://existentialcomics.com/comic/51
  3. @piotr Lol... good one... :-P I found this one... hehehe
  4. @ChimpBrain I also would like to clarify that I don't grasp the concept completely. I just understand it through a new logic I developed, but is still my ego trying to understand lol... It's good to talk about this topics that is so hard sometimes to talk to people who are not seekers.
  5. I was having a good day that day hehehehe
  6. @ChimpBrain no problem hehehehe... sometimes our minds are programmed to see things in certain way, and we give different meanings to same words. It's tricky, I know. It is still an idea that I understand from an spiritual point of view, but I think it can't be applied until the whole humanity had a shift in consciousness.
  7. Where did he say that? I think he discouraged people from harming people, but he didn't say a criminal shouldn't go to jail. Or maybe I am wrong...
  8. It is also a matter of free will @ChimpBrain maybe this article can be of help too... https://www.samharris.org/blog/item/the-illusion-of-free-will
  9. And what is the difference with the world as it is now? We have moralizing laws and everything goes crazy. No one changes, no one is afraid of death penalty, etc. Death penalty doesn't avoid crimes... etc...
  10. I can translate some to Spanish. That's really cool.
  11. Reality can not be avoided...
  12. The author of Beginner's Mind Zen Mind, Shunryu Suzuki has a nice quote... "Strictly speaking, there are no enlightened people, there is only enlightened activity."
  13. Ok @Ayla Thanks!!! I will do that! Why did you move to Greece? I need you here! Lol
  14. It doesn't disappear, it's there but for some reason I follow more the thoughts than the awareness. I feel the awareness like bigger than me and different from what I fell I am... and the thoughts of "I am this (body, mind, etc)" I feel then more like this is what I am, the thoughts, etc. And I'm trying to transcend "that" with meditation, because I can't do nothing about it. Or maybe I can... I am really like waiting for something to happen... maybe I don't have to wait... but I am not that "I"... I must be the other "I"... but wait, there's no "I"... Omg... LOL
  15. At those moment I forget everything, who and what I am, I am just "being" and focused on a task or doing nothing. I don't see boundaries.
  16. @Natasha cool. I let u know. ?
  17. I had also a dream, but now I think it wasn't a dream. I think it was T/R (Truth Revealed) where I was conscious of being alive, but no identity. Completely alone and I was nowhere. Everything was black, like no light.
  18. @Natasha, we didn't take pictures, lol... I know, we r dumb. Next time we will take some and post them. That pictures are from a blog I found.
  19. When I don't think, there's something permanently there. Awareness.
  20. In my experience just the I AM :-)